I Pledge of Allegiance... If it's ok with mom n dad or not or maybe or...

Started by Patriot, December 23, 2010, 08:47:50 AM

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Quote from: angtown3 on December 23, 2010, 03:31:15 PM
Ok, this is my take on things. Patriot, you want the control of schools turned away from the government. I don't think that many would disagree with you. But my question to you, where does the money come from to pay the bills of the school. It takes alot of money to pay the teachers and basically run the school. Like I stated before, you as well as I know how they work, they give the schools the money they control how it is spent. And boy they really do control it. I just don't see anytime soon, that the government will be out of the school systems. They even but into the private ones, I think not sure on this but think they do.

You're right about the control issues, and most likely we won't see big govt let go any time soon.  Power corrupts.  As to the money, you are right again... it's costly to run a school.  Communities would need to reevaluate priorities and budget accordingly.  Personnel/wage changes, extra-curricular activities changes, etc.  Complete, in depth reviews of community and educational outcome priorities.  Maybe, a closer look at making a courthouse an historical monument an then saving some bucks on the roof.  ;D  I elect people who choose to run for public office to solve such challenges.  I give the American people enough credit to believe they would be able to successfully face such issues.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



Quote from: greatguns on December 23, 2010, 10:57:09 PM
Wonder if Patriot gets its drugs at Batson's.

If IT needed some drugs it might.  ;D
Sometimes it shops at P&Js, Cooksons, eats at Poplar Pizza and Toots, if that matters much.  lol

Why do you ask?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Patriot, spot on!  I think the biggest obstacle to locally run schools is of course money.  For example, why would a district (like say longton or howard sized) pay a superintendent 50 to 75k a year?  If they don't have money for textbooks, computers, etc. then why shell out thousands on sports?  Why give a K-12 teacher tenure if their not doing a very good job?  I mean, all the computers, smartboards, and nifty little gadgets in the world cannot make up for a poor teacher.  For example, whats the point of teaching a 7th grader to use a calculator or spell-check if they don't know how to do the math or use a dictionary?  What kind of education is a child getting if they are only taught the material that will be on the test?  When I was in school I thought "hell yes, give me the answers..." as a parent...hell no.  Thats not a test.  The school my kids go to require them to carry a "C" average to participate in sports...thats ridiculous.  As a parent I require my kids to maintain a "B" average if they want to play.  That means if they have even one "C" on their report card, they get pulled out of sports, period.  No exceptions.  I've actually had the supposed educators try and argue this point and I couldn't believe it.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 23, 2010, 08:13:15 PM
   So a few of you who have made yourselves a nice little posse can have fun now as the number of posters gets smaller and smaller.

Actually, this point was addressed some time ago by none other than the Forum owner.  According to her, since the discussions have become a little more "heated" (for lack of a better term) the number of visitors and posters has increased.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


You are right that while the posts were hateful and vitriolic, there was more interest in the Elk County Forum.  But I hate to think that the citizens of Elk County are being judged according to these few participants, some of whom are not Elk County citizens.  Elk Countians whom I know are not like that.  The ones that I enjoy are the ones that can present an argument without turning to calling names or profanity.  They get their point over with a touch of humor.  Besides, is the Elk County Forum in a popularity contest of some kind that we have to resort to the type of people that like the vulgarity, etc?  I think not.  It is supposed to be a friendly compatible place where a person can post their opinion or information that might be helpful.  At least it was when I joined.

Personally, I have decided that there are some of our members who post quite often, with whom I do not want to get acquainted.  If their posts are indicative of the way they talk and argue, I hope that I never do make their acquaintaance.  I don't need that kind of people in my life.


Great Guns.... Thats where I get all my psychotic drugs. LOL

Patriot.. if you take enough drugs.. you actually CAN survive it all.
You'll just go numb and deaf ..like most of us have done... and be able to scan right over the 'prattling' with only a chuckle for a response. It all just becomes a blur and a haze after awhile..  ;D

Diane.. regardless of what you might believe.. I don't think you are on anyone's "hit list' in this forum.. even though you have set yourself up to be the poor victim.. I do not 'dislike' you. Not in the least. Nor am I against you. I don't think you are a bad person.. nor do I think you are a dumb person. Quite the opposite.. I do think you are like the child in school who craves attention and has to try to get it in any way that she can ..even if it is a negative way.

I will say this as gently as I can..................and believe it or not.. I am not upset or angry.. I'm just a bit worn out..

I think if you can handle brutal honesty.. ............... and maybe you won't even recognize it.. I don't know~~

What most people in this forum is tired of is the fact that you have something to say and a comment about doing it.. have done it.. will do it. .. knows someone who is an expert at doing it..and know every single thing about how and what to do with whatever anyone even remotely mentions on every single solitary thing that is spoken in here.
It is like you have to be the center of attention on every single topic. You make sure we all know all the good deeds you are supposedly doing and how you are active in every single thing that is going on...and how everything you say is the absolute truth .because you said it and you have expert sources... and how awesome you think you are at this and that.. and the good causes and  social functions you have to go to and can't stay on the forum this day or that day because you are volunteering your time to do this or that. And it isn't just telling us.. It is generally thrown out there snidely like YOU have more important things to do (chores being listed)  than be in this place arguing and being picked on by people in here.

Well... good for you!! Seriously!!  I'm glad that you are so community involved and have the time to do all of that. But who are you trying to convince that you are so great? You or Us? My mama always told me that people tend to boast and brag about themselves and how great they are to others.. so as to make themselves look and feel less insecure and more important. Those insecurities lead to self-centeredness, arrogance, feelings of superiority, and boastfulness.

Maybe you need to stop and step back to 'why' people enjoyed talking to you the first 2 years you were on the forum.. Maybe it was because you actually just 'visited casually'.. without trying to cram your all knowing official authority righteousness down our throats. You disagreed.. but hell we all do!   Just because I agree with Patriot or Varmit sometimes.. doesn't mean I agree with them all the time.. I just don't feel like I have to make it known every single time on either way.  

You never fail to mention how YOU are being singled out or how YOU are being picked on .,.or how YOU are the victim..
It isn't about you! Everything isn't about YOU! Really  it isn't.. We all don't get on the forum to anxiously await to see what you have posted so we can "pick on you".. even though you see it as that.

And you cut Patriot down for all the topics he has started...
How many have you started? I don't see any.... Or do you just like to jump on everyone else's and suddenly become the expert..
How about starting some topics of your own on things that you find interesting or annoying.. and see what discussions occur..

Just my honest thoughts .. they might not be worth a hill of beans ( and everyone knows I'm mentally unstable)  :P .. but .. its what I wanted to say.

You all have a Merry Christmas.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Varmit you are so right about see priorties!! Schools don't seem to do that! I think we have some very underpayed teachers and some over payed, based on their jobs!! But then again you know that the state kind of sets that standard, too. The schools try to be pretty level. Of course, West Elk is pretty low on that list (teachers pay). I think that alot of schools put alot of effort on sports. Not that they are bad, its just that we need to put their education first. I have said for years that we should be like other schools and pay to play. But I see two sides to that two, you have the ones that parents would pay for them and the others who won't spend a dime on the kids especially something like sports.

It's a no win situation with the government control. If they don't have control schools won't have money, if they do they have their heads so far up their **S that they can't see what works and doesn't work.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Angie.. you are so right..
I had a child that was an A-B student ( who learned the providential way) and sports was what his life revolved around.. Don't get me wrong..We enjoyed every minute of it too..
But then Derek who of course broke his knee cap in 7th grade and by the time he was in 10 grade had 6 knee surgery's..was NOT into sports. ( I don't think if he had of had good knees he still wouldn't; have done the sports thing) and that was ok.. it was his choice. And he did not learn the "normal" way.. If he was tested verbally.. he was an A student. He knew the assignments and the subject matter . but if he was tested where he had to write a whole lot about the subject matter he was a D student. He just couldn't get it from the brain to the pencil . He was an excellent reader and he could write well.. but the words just wouldn't get there.. They refused to test him verbally.. because that is NOT what the state required. We went around and around.. and since he was also frustrated and had a who gives a damn attitude.. and ""he wasn't in sports"... he was labeled ..and not in a good way.

I had teachers that would have tested him differently.. but they said that they couldn't because of " the state"...
My question then and it still is.. "is what difference does it make how a child learns as long as he is learning and you as a teacher knows he is learning and can grade him and pass him on his knowledge of what he knows in that class?"
a grade is a grade and whether you know it or you don't.. and it shouldn't matter that Billy needs to maybe write his answer and then take time afterward and finish up explaining to the teacher the rest verbally or whether Johnny can write it all out abut couldn't tell you squat afterwards..

I was more than frustrated.. so I think you are right on with your thinking.. Sports is fine.. and I know it keeps alot of kids in the grade game s that otherwise might say to hell with it.. but they also need to concentrate on the kids that don't play sports.

Might I say now that Derek has an unusual high IQ.. he reads it once and it is there forever.. we  in the family say we don't have Wikipedia .. we have Derekipedia.. LOL
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !



Quote from: greatguns on December 24, 2010, 03:23:18 PM
Patriot, I ask because I was curious. 

Okie dokie.  It was glad to help.  Feel free to ask anything at all, and have a joyous Christmas! :)

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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