Spying on innocent citizens...more

Started by Patriot, December 20, 2010, 08:12:11 AM

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Every day we wake up in a new(er) world!  I wonder if the 'can't happen in America' crowd are beginning to feel the rock in their shoe yet.  :-\ Time to write a few more letters & make a few more phone calls.  >:(

Monitoring America

The Washington Post

...The FBI is building a database with the names and certain personal information, such as employment history, of thousands of U.S. citizens and residents whom a local police officer or a fellow citizen believed to be acting suspiciously. It is accessible to an increasing number of local law enforcement and military criminal investigators, increasing concerns that it could somehow end up in the public domain.  (Emphasis added for Diane)

The Department of Homeland Security sends its state and local partners intelligence reports with little meaningful guidance, and state reports have sometimes inappropriately reported on lawful meetings....

...At the same time that the FBI is expanding its West Virginia database, it is building a vast repository controlled by people who work in a top-secret vault on the fourth floor of the J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building in Washington. This one stores the profiles of tens of thousands of Americans and legal residents who are not accused of any crime. What they have done is appear to be acting suspiciously to a town sheriff, a traffic cop or even a neighbor. (Emphasis added for Diane)

If the new Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative, or SAR, works as intended, the Guardian database may someday hold files forwarded by all police departments across the country in America's continuing search for terrorists within its borders.

The effectiveness of this database depends, in fact, on collecting the identities of people who are not known criminals or terrorists - and on being able to quickly compile in-depth profiles of them.

Full Story:  http://projects.washingtonpost.com/top-secret-america/articles/monitoring-america/1/

Here's another story from Breitbart, same subject:  

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Sigh....and  I can't say a word with out having Teresa jump me for butting in, even though my name is mentioned twice. Fine. "The gardener found it." It's all yours. Have fun. :P


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 20, 2010, 12:46:32 PM
Sigh....and  I can't say a word with out having Teresa jump me for butting in, even though my name is mentioned twice. Fine. "The gardener found it." It's all yours. Have fun. :P

Whine whine whine..  ::)
Comment all you want.. ( you will anyway)
You shit in your nest all on your own Diane..and now you are having to sit in it.
So.. leave my name out of your mental dysfunctionality .. Please.

Thank you.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 20, 2010, 12:46:32 PM
Sigh....and  I can't say a word with out having Teresa jump me for butting in, even though my name is mentioned twice. Fine. "The gardener found it." It's all yours. Have fun. :P

Rather than butt in or out, rather than be overly sensitive or defensive... how about focusing on what is really important here.  That would be the serious nature of a government that seems to be very aggressively trouncing on long held values regarding rights to privacy that, unlike abortion or health care, actually ARE enumerated in the Bill of Rights.  How about spending some energy admitting that government may actually not deserve a bunch of cheer leading and may actually be going too far.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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