Just a rant.

Started by Patriot, December 16, 2010, 12:10:17 PM

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Jeeeze!  It's like shootin baby seals in a stock tank! 
I would feel guilty, but somebody out there needs a coat and some meat.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 17, 2010, 02:35:14 PM
Having been on the receiving end of those rants, I know how it feels. 

Can you share your definition of rant?  My rant is the 1st entry in this thread and was 1) directed at no person individually, 2) openly described as a rant, 3) Was original in nature as it was an isolated topic thread & not in response to anyone else. 

Feelings just are.  How we respond/react to them is a choice.  I choose to engage loosely tethered arguments/responses that are based more on emotion than fact and those that lack a clear grounding in reality or evidence.  If you choose to engage with me, then so be it.  Grab your thesaurus and jump right in.  If you don't like the heat, then stay in the shade.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 17, 2010, 02:35:14 PM
It is not necessary!  If I saw someone being beat up for no good reason I sure would do something!

I suspect the burning desire to directly engage is just as unnecessary.  Sometimes that amounts to going off half-cocked and could get one hurt.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 17, 2010, 02:35:14 PM
Not that Mrs c needs it, but why put her in defensive posture.

Why jump to her 'aid' if it's neither needed nor asked for?  When the US does that, libs call it empire building and interference.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 17, 2010, 02:35:14 PM
There are many other ways to word things that so that a person can still disagree but not be hurtful about it.

I understand.  So, based on your apparent position in this entire post, directly labeling someone 'a**hole', 'douche bag', or 'chickenshit' is valid sometimes and therefore are expressions of disagreement that are not nor are meant to be hurtful? Wow!  How bipolar bilateral & chaotic unbiased your arguments are!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 17, 2010, 02:35:14 PM
Teresa, not long ago when my credibility was challenged you jumped on me and tried to rip off my head. It had nothing to do with you! It's your forum so I guess you can do what you want, but it's sure not an equal playing field.

Being able to discern wise advice regarding stuffing one's ass in where it's not ask for, I'll defer at this point to Teresa.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Part 1.  I have no doubt.

Part 2.  Incoherent rambling.  Try again, and shoot for something that's intelligible.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


My children were brought up to be free thinkers, as long as it didn't hurt them physically or others physically.  To degrade Mrs.C's parents for bringing her up to use vulgarity, we didn't raise her that way, the world made her that way.  HOWEVER, when one of my children did use a vulgar word, we found a better way to saying what they were thinking.  Didn't work, but we tried lol.... I love every one of them, and I praise them for not being afraid to state their own opinion, whether others agree with it or not.  Vulgarities seemed to be just part of the english language when they were teenages.  Not just my girls.   I'll thank you very much for leaving me, her mother, and her deceased father out of your rantings.


   Sorry bout that Mom. I should have known better than to even bother with this guy....or whatever it/he/she is. For opening you and Dad up to classless people I am ashamed.



I'll try to be delicate here.  Please read what I post very carefully.

Quote from: flo on December 17, 2010, 05:45:22 PM
My children were brought up to be free thinkers, as long as it didn't hurt them physically or others physically.  To degrade Mrs.C's parents for bringing her up to use vulgarity, we didn't raise her that way...

Please note that I did NOT denigrate her parents but rather defaulted to a position of giving her parents the benefit of the doubt, acknowledging that they surely provided a civil upbringing.  An upbringing that the opening question was intended to remind.
QuoteBTW, didn't your momma n daddy teach you that vulgarity is a sign of ignorance, poor upbringing & a limited vocabulary?  I'll give your parents the benefit of the doubt.  I'm sure they tried to bring you up right.

Quote from: flo on December 17, 2010, 05:45:22 PM
...the world made her that way.

Here we disagree, flo.  Assuming she grew into a functioning adult, was able to parent & provide for children, then her radical, vulger posits are most likely a free choice.  I can't accept placing the blame for one's ill behavior on an abstract 'world'. To do so flies in the face of personal accountability & responsibility.  I doubt that , down deep, you really believe in placing blame in such ways either.

Quote from: flo on December 17, 2010, 05:45:22 PM
HOWEVER, when one of my children did use a vulgar word, we found a better way to saying what they were thinking.  Didn't work, but we tried lol....

I don't doubt what you say here one bit.  Every parent is human and kids become their own persons as they grow.

Quote from: flo on December 17, 2010, 05:45:22 PM
I love every one of them, and I praise them for not being afraid to state their own opinion, whether others agree with it or not.

I'm sure you do love them.  And you have every right to expect them to be able to take a stand, and to be proud of them when they stands they take are wisely positioned and firmly held.

Quote from: flo on December 17, 2010, 05:45:22 PM
Vulgarities seemed to be just part of the english language when they were teenages.  Not just my girls.  

1.  Isn't flagrant public vulgarity something to be discouraged in all teenagers?
2.  Pointing to bad behavior in one group never justifies bad behavior of another group, does it?

Quote from: flo on December 17, 2010, 05:45:22 PM
I'll thank you very much for leaving me, her mother, and her deceased father out of your rantings.

Again, I direct your attention to what I actually wrote.  I'm sure the parenting is/was not a cause or issue.  If my communication wasn't clear in the first place, and unintended offense was taken, accept my apology for the poor communication..

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 17, 2010, 05:59:40 PM
Sorry bout that Mom. I should have known better than to even bother with this guy....or whatever it/he/she is. For opening you and Dad up to classless people I am ashamed.

1.  Overstated, somewhat melodramatic and really unnecessary.
2.  Yes, you probably should have known better.
3.  Don't flatter yourself, you didn't open them up to anything.  You opened yourself up to much as the onus of public vulgarity here rests solely with you.
4.  Classless?  Now that's a projection if I've ever seen one!

P.S.  This last dialogue was between flo and me.  How about we leave it that way?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

By the way, in for a penny, in for a pound. Mr.P. go back to your reply #6 yesterday, last paragraph and tell me who you were referring to if not me, so I can apologize to whomever you really were being rude to and Teresa can be right. As near as I can tell,  you chose to include me in your rant. I didn't ask to be or want to be included. I hadn't said a word at that point and wouldn't have. If it was me then I do indeed have a dog in that fight and I can indeed retort. It's not stirring anything when I've been dragged into it. That is exactly why I said what I did.  No I am not whining, I'm pissed.
That's the end of my comment. Perhaps Teresa will now understand where I was coming from. Now go ahead and rudely pick apart every line and every word. I know you have to do it...it's like smoking, ya can't miss an opportunity to show me how worthless I am. I shall now take my "all about me" self and work on my community project for the housing authority, and my notes for the Special Olympics conference.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 17, 2010, 06:53:34 PM
By the way, in for a penny, in for a pound. Mr.P. go back to your reply #6 yesterday, last paragraph and tell me who you were referring to if not me, so I can apologize to whomever you really were being rude to and Teresa can be right. As near as I can tell,  you chose to include me in your rant. I didn't ask to be or want to be included. I hadn't said a word at that point and wouldn't have. If it was me then I do indeed have a dog in that fight and I can indeed retort. It's not stirring anything when I've been dragged into it. That is exactly why I said what I did.  No I am not whining, I'm pissed.

I presume this is the comment to which you refer.
QuoteLike another here, I suspect you are too self important to be genuinely insulted.
While I have indeed directed a similar opinion about you directly toward you in a past post, sadly you were NOT the comparative subject in this post.  To have named someone directly in that context would have been totally unfair, as it still would be.  You read this forum, so you look back over the last say 18 months and figure out who else might have been the example.  If you still think it's you, then you might consider what it indicates to feel such personal recrimination with so little evidence.  In short, you could have simply asked me if I was referring to you BEFORE you ASSumed and falsely concluded that you had a dog in this, or any other fight.  Just for the record, the only 'rant' I engaged in was the original # 1 in this thread.  You're welcome to retort or not.  But when you insert yourself, be prepared for whatever comes.  So you go ahead and be pissed.  Better pissed off than pissed on, I suppose.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 17, 2010, 06:53:34 PM
That's the end of my comment. Perhaps Teresa will now understand where I was coming from. Now go ahead and rudely pick apart every line and every word. I know you have to do it...it's like smoking, ya can't miss an opportunity to show me how worthless I am. I shall now take my "all about me" self and work on my community project for the housing authority, and my notes for the Special Olympics conference.

Oh good grief, charlie brown!   :'( That is so pitiful & self aggrandizing, I won't even go there!  No point in further dissection, by line or word, rudely or factually, as you've pretty much said it all.  Hope you got your pound's worth.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Pam, no apology was necessary for standing up for your beliefs and making your voice heard.  That is the right of every red blooded American.  I do, however, take offence to someone who rants and raves and nit-picks and does it behind an "assumed" name.  If I have something to say, you'll damn well know who saying it. 

Diane Amberg

 Mr.P, if it really wasn't me you were being rude to then I do apologize. See? I have no problem doing it. I don't see it as a personal defeat as some do. But having been called that before, admittedly by you...well... as far as asking about it, why? I've been ignored before. As far as I go, when as anybody ever concerned themselves with being unfair to me? Or respected my opinions? I didn't think being called a bastard was very fair or a few other things that I won't dredge up again, but fair to me?  It would be a nice change. As far as my last few comments, I was just trying to lightening things up a bit, but I suppose you'll not let me do that either. Now let's see ,if you are as predictable as I think you are I can guess what you'll say next.

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