The 1984 ship has docked! Big brother is here!

Started by Patriot, December 14, 2010, 10:00:12 AM

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Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


From where I stood, facing the front of the WalMart Store, it was just possible to read, picked out on its white face in elegant lettering, the three slogans of the Obuma Demo-Ratic Party:

                                      WAR IS PEACE ~~~ FREEDOM IS SLAVERY ~~~ IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Nicht vergessen:  Arbeit macht frei


Actually, I think that this "see something say something" program is a good idea.  It could be used as a very effective way of showing the DHS just what a huge waste this is.  Imagine thousands of reports each day coming in that sounded like...

"I just saw a guy wearing camo pants purchase 4 quarts of motor oil, car wax, and a cooler."

"OH MY GOD send help. Some bald guy in sporting goods just bought like 5 or 6 boxes of bullets and a blaze orange vest and hat.  He's just gotta be some kind of buddist exteremist"

"There was a lady that just bought a box of Tampoons and a box of Maxi pads, two rolls of duct tape, some asprin, and a frying pan...I think shes one of those lady terrorists"....(ok, that one might be true ;D)

I say we take a page from their playbook and "overwhelm the system" EVERYTHING. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

If you talk to any 911 dispatcher you'd find out it happens all the time, right now. Some are very funny, some are sad. Some are called "honest mistakes."


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 15, 2010, 09:27:18 AM
If you talk to any 911 dispatcher you'd find out it happens all the time, right now. Some are very funny, some are sad. Some are called "honest mistakes."

Wondered how long it would take our resident codependent to come to the rescue.  This isn't a time to minimize,  soft pedal & make irrelevant comparisons.

Lest others be as innocent as ms diane, this is about a concerted effort by the US Government to partner with big business in an effort to co-opt and coerce the American citizenry into becoming informants for the federal government.  While diligence to crime is important in our society, being hyper-sensitive government informants is the ultimate in class warfare.

Diane, it's time for you to get out of your little cocoon, and see a bigger picture.  Do some serious research about life in the former Soviet Union.  Children reporting parents to the state, neighbors spying on neighbors & family turning on family in the hopes of being seen in a favorable light by the powers that be.  Check out the methods used by despots & dictators to control their subjects.  For God's sake read Orwell's 1984 with an open mind!  Remember Obama's desire for a 'civilian force' equal in might to our military?  See my other post yesterday about spying on your fellow citizens.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

I DO see a much bigger picture, you sir are the blind one. You refuse to acknowledge anyone who might have every day facts and would much rather listen to the fear mongers and people  "out there " who want to make money twisting and turning what most likely will never happen here, into "It's happening right now" bloggers. Besides the Repubs are supposed to stop anything untoward from happening now aren't they?  ;D ;D ;D  You should be safe at last!
  My 911 comparisons are hardly irrelevant!  They are real. Meth lab materials in the back seats of abandoned cars?  Discovered by children. Hardly irrelevant. A large back pack left all day in the bushes near the front door of the library. Still there the next day, reported to PD. Pipe bombs nearly completed  found in a house garage on fire...real! Mad at your girlfriend?  Lock her kids in their rooms, pile her stuff on the bed and set it on fire and leave. You are worried about the Gov't ? This stuff happens NOW!
You are assuming the general public doesn't have any common sense! Most do, with a few flakes thrown in to keep it interesting. Blasting caps found by kids at a construction site...hardly irrelevant. This is the real life stuff, not neighbors peering in each others windows! If that starts happening, I'll let you know. Plausible calls to 911 are always investigated, even though it takes a huge amount of time and is very expensive. Many are calls from the elderly. Diss me if you want and live in your own fantasy land.  If something really did happen, I'd know before you did anyway.
  Now go back to reading your book and pretending that nobody but you has enough sense to be watchful. There are many of us here but we have enough sense to keep our yaps shut about it so you don't know who we are and then deny our existence as you already have. Too bad.
By the way, one of that "civilian force," The Emergency Services Corps, is a delightful young man from Romania who is assigned to us this year earning credit for a college scholarship. He's helping me with all sorts of fire safety projects and learning to be a firefighter too.
   I live right smack in the middle of the big east coast corridor from Boston to DC and on to Richmond and you call it a cocoon? Oh please!  Are you kidding? Good example of what I've always called "Di's Law" You don't know that you don't know. What a waste.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 15, 2010, 11:23:05 AM
I DO see a much bigger picture, you sir are the blind one. You refuse to acknowledge anyone who might have every day facts and would much rather listen to the fear mongers and people  "out there " who want to make money twisting and turning what most likely will never happen here, into "It's happening right now" bloggers. Besides the Repubs are supposed to stop anything untoward from happening now aren't they?  ;D ;D ;D  You should be safe at last!

You know my background, training, experience, expertise, current exposure & knowledge, exactly how?  Your everyday facts are superior to others & are all inclusive, all settling & omniscient  exactly how & why? You know what most likely will never happen here and what is & isn't happening exactly how?  And what do Repubs have to do with anything in this dialogue? 

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 15, 2010, 11:23:05 AM
My 911 comparisons are hardly irrelevant!  They are real.

Not unreal, never said that. Consider your little psyche validated. Irrelevant, not to you, but perhaps to the discussion at hand.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 15, 2010, 11:23:05 AM
Meth lab materials in the back seats of abandoned cars?  Discovered by children. Hardly irrelevant. A large back pack left all day in the bushes near the front door of the library. Still there the next day, reported to PD. Pipe bombs nearly completed  found in a house garage on fire...real! Mad at your girlfriend?  Lock her kids in their rooms, pile her stuff on the bed and set it on fire and leave. You are worried about the Gov't ?

You're damned right I'm worried about the government!  And if you aren't then, by all means, enjoy your bliss!.  To wit: This isn't a time to minimize,  soft pedal & make irrelevant comparisons.  this is about a concerted effort by the US Government to partner with big business in an effort to co-opt and coerce the American citizenry into becoming informants for the federal government.  While diligence to crime is important in our society, being hyper-sensitive government informants is the ultimate in class warfare.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 15, 2010, 11:23:05 AM
This stuff happens NOW!

Yeah, and your point is?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 15, 2010, 11:23:05 AM
You are assuming the general public doesn't have any common sense! Most do, with a few flakes thrown in to keep it interesting. Blasting caps found by kids at a construction site...hardly irrelevant. This is the real life stuff, not neighbors peering in each others windows! If that starts happening, I'll let you know.

You'll let me know, how godesslike of you, mistress!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 15, 2010, 11:23:05 AM
Plausible calls to 911 are always investigated, even though it takes a huge amount of time and is very expensive. Many are calls from the elderly. Diss me if you want and live in your own fantasy land.  If something really did happen, I'd know before you did anyway.

Emphasis added. Idolatry doesn't become you.  But if you insist, I'll consider waiting for your highness to report the absolute truth.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 15, 2010, 11:23:05 AM
Now go back to reading your book...

Thanks mistress, but I think I'll exercise my liberty here and ignore your mandate.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 15, 2010, 11:23:05 AM
There are many of us here but we have enough sense to keep our yaps shut about it so you don't know who we are and then deny our existence as you already have. Too bad.

Yaps shut?  That's comedic coming from you, diane.  Don't think that I'm the one doing the denying here.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 15, 2010, 11:23:05 AM
By the way, one of that "civilian force," The Emergency Services Corps, is a delightful young man from Romania who is assigned to us this year earning credit for a college scholarship. He's helping me with all sorts of fire safety projects and learning to be a firefighter too.

God bless his pea pickin little heart!  Let's see, US population from which to examine = 350,000,000 plus and your example of choice = 1.  Helluva big sampling!  By no means narrow or limited at all!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 15, 2010, 11:23:05 AM
I live right smack in the middle of the big east coast corridor from Boston to DC and on to Richmond and you call it a cocoon? Oh please!  Are you kidding?

Said it before... Where you live is immaterial to the philosophical/conceptual discussion or debate.  Said it before... You miss the point completely.  The cocoon is your mindset, not your physical residence.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 15, 2010, 11:23:05 AM
Good example of what I've always called "Di's Law" You don't know that you don't know. What a waste.

Again with the laws of diane!  And you have the ballz to call me narrow minded?  I've never suggested, as have you,  that I possess some special knowledge.  Perhaps another glance in your mirror is warranted.  Or maybe, in your glorified sense of self importance & from your vast wells of knowledge, you'll tell us..... what's gonna happen in Afghanistan now that R. Holbrooke is dead?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

So I'm supposed to bow down before you and acknowledge your superior knowledge...all second hand or from a fiction novel?   Help yourself...Again with trying to humiliate me... Nope, I just looked, it didn't stick....I will not be humiliated by you. It won't work. Try your best. Try  to minimize me all you want. I still have my freedom to post or not, to ignore you or not, to speak my truth. Apparently my world is larger than yours? I didn't think so. Is your world that dull and boring? You would have people enclosed by a prison of their own making? Gloom and doom? Give the American people some credit. They aren't going to be led into spying on their friends and neighbors for favors. Just because it happened in another country that never had freedom or choice or democracy doesn't mean it would be easy to do here. Why do you think Americans would fall for it?
   Sure, be watchful, but don't let it muddy up the good parts of life or start carrying a sandwich board that says "the world ends tomorrow."  Bad economy has happened before and we recovered. We'll tough it out and recover again. Bit by bit things will get better, if we can figure out how to keep the enemy "over there" and not let it become us. Every time we allow them to cause successful disruption in our lives, they win.  If we even speculate that our own government is the enemy, they win. We should not allow that to happen. We need a united front and should work to get it.
  As far as my knowledge base, I was asked to give a talk on Monday evening specifically about a topic that I am an expert in. But I guess no matter what it is you would challenge me, because for some reason you can't stand the idea that I might actually know something. That's your problem not keep right on reading what I have to say...why? It just makes you mad. Don't like it? DON"T READ IT! Then I won't feel I have to answer you. Problem solved. 


Here in St. Joseph Missouri, the federal government has approached the city and county with a plan to build a facility  "to hold illegals". People in the local government are ecstatic over this as they think it will boost the economy.   But it is not illogical to think that this facility could also hold citizens, such as the citizens FEMA camps will hold "in case of emergency".  Pictures of the FEMA camps include tall fences with barbed wire on top.  Inside the fences are play areas for children.

This is how Hitler and the Nazi party proceeded: step by step manipulating the public into believing the philosophy they wanted them to believe as a part of the regeneration of Germany.  I watched the Rise of the Third Reich last evening and it brought many things to mind. Especially the slow inculcation of Nazi thought into the German society.  The projection of ideas that cetain people were subhuman and not deserving of life.  Then the jump to persecuting the people including children.  And then the formation of camps where they were first duped and then killed.     


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