Fog Tires??

Started by genealogynut, November 06, 2006, 08:47:48 PM

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Hey Guys and Gals!

Since there are mud and snow tires, has anyone ever heard of fog tires? ;)


No, but that reminds me of my Uncle Bob's gas station.  He loved to pull a fast one on folks.  When some fancied up folks would drive in and ask him to check the air in the tires, he'd ask them if they wanted "regular" or "compressed" air.  "Regular" was free, but "Compressed" you had to pay for.  You'd be surprised how often people would choose the more expensive kind!

He once told a lady that she had to leave his station immediately because she had "tire worms" and he couldn't take a chance that they'd infest his stock.  She became very vexed with her tire store, because she'd just bought them a week ago and she didn't know they were "infested".  She asked Uncle Bob to sell her some new ones, but he told her he couldn't even let her car in his shop because the worms would spread, she'd have to go back to the tire store and have them refund her money.

He has a million stories.  Fog tires sounds very much like something he came up with, but I'm certainly no expert. :laugh:


Fog tires, Lois?  Would those be the ones with little lights all around them so the road can be seen?  I could have used those one evening driving back from Wichita when the fog was so thick I couldn't see the center line or the line on the right hand side of the road.  Was I ever glad to get out of that.


Joanna, that was hilarious! :laugh:  Several years ago, when Don was working for Cessna at Strother Field (that's between Winfield and Ark City)  there was a lady co-worker that several of the guys were asking her if she had her husband put on fog tires that morning when it was so foggy. The guys had her believing there was really was such a thing as fog tires, until she went home and told her husband.  He had a big laugh about it, and told her different. (Those guys were laying it on so heavy, that shovels wouldn't begin to take care of it! And she was gullible) :laugh: :laugh:


Fog tires are probably popular in jackalope country, don't you think?


Do you reckon any major tire manufacturer will pick up on that idea and try to create a new market for fog tires?  :laugh:


With the coverage we have, I wouldn't be surprised.


They started making jacklopes, didn't they?  Seems we were shown a stuffed one in Idaho one year and were expected to believe it.  Can't fool people that hail from the jackrabbit state.

Janet Harrington

And did you know that we still have jack rabbits in Elk County?  I guess they are all over the Flint Hills west of Howard.


We used to see one out by the Green Ranch almost every time we went that way.  Saw a pheasant once in awhile, too.

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