TSA and Mothers Milk

Started by Teresa, December 07, 2010, 06:42:09 PM

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We all know the TSA are mostly dumbass, under trained idiots who have let a little authority go to their little heads with mostly over-bearing and useless rules.

Was the TSA overstepping by not knowing or following their own rules for the milk? YES.

Was the mother mostly right in principle? YES.

Did it have to go down like it did? NO... but she bravely took a stand with a bureaucratic bunch of minions~~ that can't think outside of the box.. let alone follow their own rules.. and while I give her much credit for sticking to her guns~~ it was really useless at that particular point and only hurt her.  Cause she missed her flight..
I am behind her 100%..and it makes me so mad I can't see straight.. .but I mean really.. breast milk?

Now don't get me wrong.  I'm all for standing up to stupid rules.. but you have to chose the battleground so that you don't end up being the only one hurt (ie, missing the flight).

The argument in the video was she needed to carry the milk on the flight to have it ready for the 7 month old to feed when she got home..........and simply.. don't put it thru the x-ray.. Does anyone here see a problem here? No? Its probably because there ISN'T one!
What is so hard about that request?
Absolutely nothing is ..unless you are hell bent on playing a Nazi German!

At the point that I knew that they were going to play Hitler... I would have issued some profanities.. dumped the milk, got on the plane, and let the child just drink straight from the "tap" when I  got home. Not what I would have wanted to do...but it looked like it was 100 against one.

Anyway, looks like the best way to avoid delays with the TSA is to throw everything on the x-ray belt... strip off ALL your clothes and toss them on there too.. walk through TOTALLY NAKED.. stop and take a dump on the TSA dude's shoe (to show you ain't packin') and wipe your ass with his pants leg (extra credit if you use his tie instead).

( who wants to stand in line behind me in January when I have to fly to Vegas for the week. ;D )
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Perhaps I can stand in line in front of you and you can sneak past! If they x-ray me they 'll go into shock and you can slip by.  My friend Steve, a big burly firefighter told us about got a bunch of lip he recently got from one woman TSA. She was day dreaming and the bins ran out so the line stopped.They waited and waited and Steve finally said "excuse me", she ignored him, then he said " some help please?" Nothing. Finally he said YO!!! very loud and she looked and said "you can't talk to me like that!" Then the other people started complaining and she suddenly realized how long the line was getting as nobody was moving forward to the belt. About that time the TSA ahead realized nobody was coming and came along to fix the problem while she stewed.  It's really ridiculous.


Main reason i won't fly nowdays is that i would most likely end up in jail for knocking the hell out of one of them.   I have no patience for a rent a cop wannabe.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



From the Desk of Saul Alinsky:

My dear fellow Americans,

Back when I wrote my Rules for Radicals, I had no idea how things would end up.  I assure you, when I wrote the dedication to my book I believed my hero was a purely fictional character, a mistake I assure you I deeply regret.  While I am displeased with my ultimate fate, as well as the misuse to my principles made by the current power structure, I believe there are a number of things that the American people can learn from my book when dealing with the current TSA regime.

First of all, you must realize that change cannot come until people are so distraught with the current state of things that they are willing to risk the unknown and even the dangerous.  I can scarcely believe that President Obama, one of my most studious acolytes, has allowed himself to be ensnared by this most basic of principles.  The current practice of allowing oafish bureaucrats to grope at the genitalia of small children and pregnant women has created such a spectacle that even a naturally conservative nation such as the United States now simmers with revolt.  The American people have endured a great deal, but the open molestation of their children is almost certain to be the spark that kindles a forest fire.

What, I ask you, is your most powerful weapon?  Why ridicule, of course. And who has opened herself up to ridicule?  Ah, that poor incompetent, Janet Napolitano, who in the typical fashion of a petty tyrant attempts to disguise her own incompetence behind swagger, bullying and physical intimidation.  Honestly, I do not know why this pathetic woman was not thrown under the bus long ago.  If ever there was a target for ridicule it was this pustule of humanity, who in the face of mounting rebellion has no other option save more of the same, a sure way to inflame the masses.  Even her physical appearance lends itself to ridicule, with her bloated features and mannish hairstyle.  She has managed to combine intellectual vapidity, spiritual nihlism and physical ugliness all into one VERY mockable persona.  My dear American people, wake up and give her the treatment she so richly deserves.  And my dear President Obama, if you still listen to me at all, get rid of this miserable person before her stink attaches itself to you.  I assure you, you want no part of her inevitable fate.  Throw her under the bus and save yourself.

I ask you, if you wanted a target to isolate, to freeze and to attack, who better could you ask for than Janet Napolitano and her goon squad of TSA groper-fascists?  Aside from Napolitano, consider her army of cretins.  Poorly educated, misanthropic, myopic, abusive and callous, they fail to accomplish any public good whatsoever while creating a virtually limitless pool of ill-will for the current administration.  Already they are mocked on "Saturday Night Live", a forum which should, under any reasonable circumstances, be reserved for the humiliation of Republicans.

Finally, I urge the American people to make their government live up to its own rules.  This is, of course, one of my most basic principals, and one which you should seize upon immediately.  If these x-ray machines are so harmless, why should Janet Napolitano refuse to be photographed by them each time she travels?  If these "enhanced pat downs" are so beneficial, then how could Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi possibly object to a couple of fingers probing their nether regions to make sure they are not packing a "device"?  It is of course ridiculous to expect these individuals to live up to their own rules, so you should press the issue all the more.  Once they are exposed as refusing to obey the dictates which they heap upon others their time will be quite limited.

Finally, a word to President Obama.  Once more, I urge you to purge this odious imbecile from your rank with all possible haste.  Make her humiliation public, and assure the masses that you had no idea what she was up to and that you are just as distraught by her actions as everyone else.  If you do this you may yet limit the damage to your Presidency.  If you do not, then I hope you have other plans for employment.


S. Alinsky
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


From the Desk of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet "Incompetent" Napolitano:

Attention Wal-Mart Shoppers:

My crack staff here at Homeland Security has been reviewing the skill level, training methods and general aptitude of our outstanding TSA agents.  Having conducted this review, we were surprised to discover that our agents have almost the exact same credentials and training as Wal-Mart greeters!  This should be a great comfort to our happy air travelers, as Wal-Mart is one of the most successful corporations in the history of humanity.

Since Wal-Mart has such high standards for its greeters, we have elected to join with Wal-Mart in a joint program that will enhance national security and improve air travel safety.  As you may have seen in the news, Wal-Mart greeters are generally better regarded than TSA agents, and unfortunate result of too much negative coverage from the right-wing press that dominates this country.  To counter this imbalance, all Wal-Mart greeters will be trained in TSA consumer control methods.  So the next time you set off an alarm as you exit the building, don't bother protesting that your cashier didn't get all the tags off your merchandise.  Instead, just get ready for your very own enhanced pat-down!

Remember, Wal-Mart is a private company, so its corporate staff can legally require you to check your civil rights at the door, just as the TSA does when you board an airliner.  It is our expectation that as more and more Americans become accustomed to being briefly stopped and searched by our specially trained greeters, they will come to understand that this is the price we pay for safety and bargain basement pricing.  Just remember, when those gloved fingers reach your "junk", just please turn your head sideways and cough twice.  If you relax and don't resist it will be quicker and easier for everyone involved.

Our staff psychologists assure me that this process of conditioning the populace at large to our procedures is just the thing we need to do in order to solve our air travel image problem.  They have explained to me that people can get used to most anything over time, so long as the change is gradual and the governing powers provide a plausible explanation.  We all know that terrorism and shoplifting are the two greatest threats to our safety, and that it is necessary to sacrifice our freedoms if we desire to be safe.  Thus, our Wal-Mart initiative will be quite useful in conditioning the general public to give up their freedoms in exchange for our promise of safety.  After all, it's not like you little people out there are doing anything worthwhile with your freedoms anyway.

So, look forward to seeing you soon at you nearest Wal-Mart Super Center!  As they say in the local vernacular, can you feel me now?


Homeland Security Secretary Janet "I" Napolitano

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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