If it's a coup, is it about complete?

Started by Patriot, November 30, 2010, 10:58:19 AM

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Diane Amberg

I'm not sure what I posted that seemed liberal. I went back and reread it and see nothing about being pro regulation. Not selling public lands? I agree with Mrs.c  Not letting big Gov't or big business control food and water, aside from not allowing big corporations get away with putting tainted food out to stores,it's unnecessary.  Having a unified front to fight it? What's wrong with that? These little independent groups need to get on board as a  unified front to have some strength in numbers. ( IMHO.) I also totally agree that the small farms are not and never have been the source of the problem. But I think it's the states, not Fed. that regulate their farmers' markets and co-ops isn't it? I would think that would be enough, if even that is needed. A food handler's license might be a good idea for some things, like restaurants, but not the little church Christmas bazaar. Steve, we do have producers of raw milk here too. As long as they are TB certified, selling is very easy. We usually got our milk from my girlfriend's family cow and farm families always drank / drink their own dairy herd's milk. You shouldn't need an underground network. By the way, do you have enough honey to sell now? I thought of you when I saw the story about the red honey that some bees made when they had been drinking maraschino cherry juice. :D


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 30, 2010, 03:08:47 PM
It's called multitasking! Being able to concentrate on more than one issue at a time. We better not forget the lessons learned on 9-11.

Lesson 1.  NEVER trust the gov't espcailly when they say "this is for your protection"

Lesson 2.  See lesson 1.

QuoteBut it does pay to be watchful for other situations as they arise. We better start putting a huge force at our southern border, and soon, but I don't know where we'd get them.

Never gonna happen.

Quoteand We The People?  Sounds so all encompassing doesn't it? But listen to how you  (plural) talk. Only conservatives, liberals need not apply? WASPS only?  North VS south? City VS country? Repubs. VS Demos. Tea Party VS everybody? Your "WE" seems to only include a few of the "right " people and you don't care about the rest, they are unworthy.

Yep. That just about sums it up.  Liberal, city dwelling (espcially Northerns), Democratic people are pretty much useless and lack even a shred of common sense.  So NO...I really don't care for or about them.

QuoteIf S510 is so bad why are the Rebubs. going to pass it? Not arguing, just asking.

Simple.  Because he that controls the food, controls the world.  Research Codex Aimentarus.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 01, 2010, 09:42:05 AM
I'm not sure what I posted that seemed liberal. I went back and reread it and see nothing about being pro regulation. Not selling public lands? I agree with Mrs.c  Not letting big Gov't or big business control food and water, aside from not allowing big corporations get away with putting tainted food out to stores,it's unnecessary.  Having a unified front to fight it? What's wrong with that? These little independent groups need to get on board as a  unified front to have some strength in numbers. ( IMHO.) I also totally agree that the small farms are not and never have been the source of the problem. But I think it's the states, not Fed. that regulate their farmers' markets and co-ops isn't it? I would think that would be enough, if even that is needed. A food handler's license might be a good idea for some things, like restaurants, but not the little church Christmas bazaar. Steve, we do have producers of raw milk here too. As long as they are TB certified, selling is very easy. We usually got our milk from my girlfriend's family cow and farm families always drank / drink their own dairy herd's milk. You shouldn't need an underground network. By the way, do you have enough honey to sell now? I thought of you when I saw the story about the red honey that some bees made when they had been drinking maraschino cherry juice. :D

Well it seems that the Senators screwed up.  They tried to make tax law which is the house's exclusive territory.  So this bill HOPEFULLY will be blueslipped and s***canned.   
As far as food regulation, Thats the biggest problem. Their **** regulations don't work and we foot the bill, not only as a consumer, but as a producer too.  More regulation is not the answer. They are regulating us, but importing whatever they want and dump on us.  The last i checked the local farms and small farmers do not import squat.

SO why is it we have to pay for the regulation, the testing, the rules, ect.  SHoot one of the regs that they want to impose on beeks is you have to have 2 bathrooms one male and one female 20 feet apart in your honey house.  WHY?  I don't want a Shithouse in my food processing  area!  No one does.  Talk about nasty.   I agree with a sink, and hotwater, which is a necessity in a honey house pretty much unless you want to be sticky and go work on hives. 

As far as cleaning up after extraction, you set 2 or 3 hives indoors and close the door.  The honey will be removed from every surface in a couple days. Then go in and wash everything down.  That means no waste of honey whatsoever.

Its just a matter of common sense.  Most honey producers produce their honey in a small shop. 24 x 24 area.  If i got big enough i could buy a auto loader extractor then yeah i can justify building a 36 x 60 building to handle it.  But that aint going to happen for a while.

as far as food handling license, Sorry but i don't do licenses either.  Licensing denotes given permission to do something and i don't need permission to do what i do.  They can kiss off.  On the raw milk, most if not all of your small farmers do test for tb. It is a yearly cost that isn't too much. cost me like 25 bucks for the test and shipping.  But then you don't have to test every year once you get a negative test.  You see, you can lock down your fields and barns its called biosecurity.  i do not allow anyone to enter other than me or those i know. And they do not have tb nor do i.  SO no chance of it spreading to my cow or goats. 

IF i have to let someone on, they have to remove their shoes and clothes and put on sterile wear.  I do test because i do have a wonderful cow that manages to escape my fence sometimes. So she gets tested.  IF i ever got a positive, it would be dealt with and the field sterilized.  Lime, fire, and formaldahyde work wonders on sterilization.

Bet you don't see the big milk producers do that!

I have seen some of the "Govt Approved" dairies.  I wouldn't drink anything much less even walk onto their property. Its disgusting and i am quite surprised no one has died from commercial milk.  Talk about unsanitary with shit piles piled up outside of the milking parlor.  Amazing that no one gets ecoli from milk.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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