Pork Tenderloin is ALWAYS on the DC Menu.. Oink.. Oink.. Gimme.. Gimme.. Gimme..

Started by Warph, November 30, 2010, 09:37:43 PM

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Well the list is long and silly but it demonstrates that much of the debt in America is incurred by our own politicians.

$19Million dollars to investigate cow flatulence. Their own flatulence on the floor of the House and Senate they failed to investigate at all.

Millions investigating why people are rude on tennis courts and more millions to see if there was a pattern to smiling while bowling.

Million more spent on investigation of why people don't ride their bicycles to work .

Millions spent to investigate woodchucks.

4.8 million to find out how to use wood by the wooden heads themselves, I guess.

$17 Million dollars to promote friendhip between unionists and nationalists in Ireland.  Sure and begorrah

Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) has spent $490 Million for various nonsense.

$72.5 BILLION slated to go for military troop funding had 48% of it totally non-related to military, just pork barrel spending.  $602 Million of it alone went for rural broadband funding.  While another several million went to investigate the US is in fiancial trouble.

862 billion was pumped into education and then Teacher jobs were cut!  Why?  How much of that money went to Teacher Unions???

$1.9 million for a water taxi to Pleasure Beach, Conn

$3.4 million dollars to build "turtle tunnels" so turtles can cross roads

$1.5 million for a guard rail for a dried up lake bed.

$22 Billion to make an underground highway in Boston.

$500 Million to project Railhead, a program to have an online data base of terrorists .They could not make it work. So, instead, the 500 million was spent rennovating a building for Boeing.

The $100 Million Teton dam which to date has killed 11 people, and done $2 Billion worth of damage due to poor construction

Many large corporations receive corporate welfare payments that could be privately funded:

* IBM ...$111,279,738
* General Electric $75,449,636
* Ford Motor $66,457,718
* Sun Microsystems $50,113,692
* Texas Instruments, Inc. $45,545,315
* Sarnoff Corporation $38,270,692
* United Technologies Corporation $37,173,594
* National Center for Manufacturing Sciences $37,011,925
* Philips Electronics $36,518,489

More millions spent to find out :

* Why kids are afraid of clowns.
* Why people eat chips and sit on couch to watch Oprah Winfrey.
* Why women don't like to be told they are fat.
* Why do people like sex?
* Why do people who cant afford cars take public transportation?
* Study to find that people at "all you can eat" buffets eat more than usual.
* Study of Chinese prostitutes.
* Ugly people are more dangerous than good looking people.
* Cocaine use among monkeys
* Making online sex diaries for homosexual males
* Funding puppet shows for social consciousness
* Canoes that create cultural identity

These are all legit, people....It's not 'greedy' Americans or 'greedy' senior citizens that are making our national finances a mess.  It is the 'law makers' that you voted for.  Want more? checkout: 
http://www.akdart.com/pork.html and http://www.cagw.org/

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


What's worse are how many of these pork projects are just the 'grease' used to 'buy' house and senate votes on really egregious and costly bills like obummercare, cap n tax, etc, etc.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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