This has "SET UP" written all over it.

Started by Varmit, November 20, 2010, 07:50:19 AM

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This is pure insanity at its governmental best

DHS: '70% chance disease would escape' from 'mainland Plum Island' biodefense lab      
New Study Questions Safety of Proposed Biodefense Laboratory

Martin Matishak
Global Security Newswire
November 16, 2010

WASHINGTON — An expert panel said yesterday the U.S. Homeland Security Department has not adequately gauged the potential risks associated with a proposed multimillion-dollar infectious-disease research laboratory in Kansas (see GSN, May 20 ).

There are "several major shortcomings" in a department risk assessment of its planned National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility near Manhattan, Kansas, according to a report by the National Research Council, an arm of the National Academy of Sciences. The proposed site is roughly 120 miles west of Kansas City.

The facility's construction is expected to cost between $500 million and $700 million. The 520,000-square-foot center, slated to begin construction in 2012, would study highly infectious animal-borne pathogens, some of which could pose a threat to humans. It would replace the Plum Island Disease Center located near Long Island, New York, which was established in 1937.

The new site would also be the world's third Biosafety-Level 4 Pathogen laboratory to work with large animals. The other two such facilities are in Australia and Canada.

The DHS assessment, which wrapped up in June, found that there is a nearly 70 percent chance a disease would escape the laboratory during its planned 50-year operational lifespan. The earlier report estimated the economic losses from a postulated foot-and-mouth disease outbreak at $9 billion to $50 billion.

However, yesterday's 146-page NRC analysis states that the actual amount could be "significantly higher" because the department's assessment did not consider the dangers associated with daily upkeep of large animal holding rooms.

The earlier evaluation was also criticized for inadequately accounting for the planned facility's proximity to Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine clinics, where large numbers of sick animals are treated, as well as the university's football stadium, which has a capacity over 55,000. The large animal and human populations at those sites would be potentially susceptible to infections with a zoonotic agent, the report states. About 9.5 percent of the entire U.S. cattle inventory is raised within 200 miles of the Manhattan site.

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Common sense tells you this plan is ridiculous!!


Who needs foreign terrorists when you have DHS, TSA, FDA, USDA, DOE, POTUS, et al?  Napolitano was right about one thing.. domestic terrorism may well be on the rise!.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


smoke and mirrors folks.   Yeah it might be used to reduce population but why?  Well, think of it, the govt has just started printing money.  600 billion worth.  By next spring your savings, your paycheck will drop 30% in value from this and it will also increase the price of everything because the corporations cannot produce the product at a 30% loss.  So they mark it up. Thats 60% loss of your wealth your check your savings.

What will happen?  Revolt? Probably, mass unrest? Definately, less resources, food, suppliles, they have to have a way to make the resources spread amongst the people.  So what is left is population reduction.  What better way than to move a level 4 disease facility onto land without the safety of water barrier.  Shoot Watch the movie the stand.  With plum island, the diesease is at least contained and offshore.  With it in manhatten kansas, approximately the center of the country it breaks out and spreads everywhere affecting everyone. 

Once its over they pick up the dead and move on. They don't even have to fire a shot at the public. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Spot on Srkruzich!  That is the direction I was wanting to take this thread, and slowly lead it that way but... I guess we'll just jump in with both feet.  The way I see it happening is something like this...

1) They move the lab right smack in the middle of the country.  Into an area that not only produces but handles alot of our food production.

2)  There are already doubts as to the installations ability to contain the viruses and bio-hazards its going to handle, so right there is the perfect set up for an outbreak.  Espcially when you consider that the facility will not be built to be tornado proof.

3)  With an outbreak of pandemic proportions they, the gov't, has the perfect excuse to quaraintine sections of the state.  Of course, immediately following that would come the announcement that they were unable to stop all of the contaminated food from leaving the area.  So further quarantines will be necessary, so forth and so on.  Dollars to doughnuts says that these quarantine areas end up resembling those areas outlined in the FEMA Regional Operations breakdown.

4)  Of course, with quarantines comes the movement of the civilian population from "contaiminated" areas to those that are deemed "safe".  But as we saw with Katrina you have to have facilities big enough to deal with large numbers of "delocated" people, this is where the Camps come into play.  And we all know where these lead to.  If in doubt, see the history of Nazi Germany.

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Sorry guys, the Plum Island stuff did not stay contained and off shore. Lyme Disease escaped from Plum Island some years back and we've been dealing with it on the east coast ever since. They were doing tick studies and it got into the deer population. I don't know if you have Lyme out there or not. If not then it hasn't spread everywhere yet. It's named for Lyme Conn. where they finally pinned it down and made the connection between deer ticks and the disease that can and is  transmitted to humans. Check out "project paperclip." Lyme is rarely fatal, but can be, and can leave people with serious heart damage and body wide infections that must be treated with long time IV doses of antibiotics, if that even works. Not sure what Manhattan would be studying, but if is connected with the Vet school, the large animal component would make sense.
  Varmit, "they" don't have to be that sophisticated, if there really is a "they." Just pollute the water supplies below the treatment plants with things that already exist and that's that. Go take a mass casualty class and you'd be shocked at what could be done. My concern right now is with the people who break into safe well managed facilities and deliberately turn something lose to prove a point.


Of course, if something like this were to happen then we are talking about total chaos not only in America, but worldwide.  Enter the perfect set-up for an International Governing body, aka One World Government.  Think I'm crazy?...Think again.  It was George Soros himself that said the main obstacle to a one world government was the United States.  Now, what does Soros have to do with all of this, well shockingly enough, in 2007 Soros invested $62 million dollars in Halliburton Inc.  Big deal, so what right?  Well, just so happens that Halliburton, a major defense contractor, played a big part in the construction of the FEMA camps.  HHHMMMM....strangely compelling.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Varmit on November 20, 2010, 11:40:12 AM
Of course, if something like this were to happen then we are talking about total chaos not only in America, but worldwide.  Enter the perfect set-up for an International Governing body, aka One World Government.  Think I'm crazy?...Think again.  It was George Soros himself that said the main obstacle to a one world government was the United States.  Now, what does Soros have to do with all of this, well shockingly enough, in 2007 Soros invested $62 million dollars in Halliburton Inc.  Big deal, so what right?  Well, just so happens that Halliburton, a major defense contractor, played a big part in the construction of the FEMA camps.  HHHMMMM....strangely compelling.
Now your looking in the right direction.  Follow the paper.  Soros is just the public face.  He doesn't care if people know.  I think his hero was poppof a communist. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Diane, they would have to be that sophisticated.  To pollute the water supply would take entirely too long.  Not only that but it would raise questions as to where the polluatant came from.  Eventually, the truth would come out.  With this they have the perfect set up.  All they have to say is, yes our safeguards failed.  As for a "mass casualty" class, I don't need it.  They are unimagative and restrict their thinking to governmental guidelines.  And seldom to they point to the gov't as the cause of the problem.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

How can you know what's in an MCI class if you never took one? ;D You'd be amazed! It's neutral because we have to deal with all aspects no matter where it came from. It's somebody else's job to pick out the "bad guys" no matter who they are. Internal USA terrorists are included! There, I'll stop. I just deleted a whole paragraph because I'd said too much. After all, do we know who might have hired one Timothy McVeigh?

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