Building doesn't collapse

Started by Varmit, November 20, 2010, 07:40:00 AM

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Honestly all those things you have pointed out are not of 9/11.  Need to look behind the curtain and it isn't bush, or obama.

You really need to take a look at Soros.  His actions, his companies, foundations all are at work to destroy the wealth in this country.  The progressives/liberal/communists have been trying to destroy this country for 100 years or so.  They tried to go the route of pulling up the 3rd world countries to the level of America in order to usher in their one world agenda. But it failed time after time after time.  So Soros, being the good commie that he is figured out its easier to destroy the wealth of one country than to bring others up to the level of that country.  He proved it with GB when he made 1 billion dollars in 1 ay by hedging against the british pound.  His shorting of the pound caused the currency to fall, and thats how he made the billion.

So he realized he could do it on a grander scale.  This is what your seeing now.  His efforts are to bring America down to the level of greece, ireland, portugal, ect ect in order to make all currencies value the same.  Once that happens the road to create a one world currency is paved and ready to go.  This also will lead to one world government.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

 Varmit, now that you highlighted what I wrote on the 26th and I went back and read it, yes, the dispatches I was talking about there were live, not on tape. Others were on tape in the sense they were the dispatch centers' own tape, which isn't "tape"  that can be altered or changed in any way. To us they would count as live. I'm pretty sure they are admissible in court.  Ordinary tape can be altered and/or photo shopped to change or eliminated all kinds of things to change how something seems. Yes I know you'll accuse me of back peddling again. So what! I can't help it that you don't know the system! I thought you were interested in information. Now I know all you wanted to do was try to find evidence against me.( I'll be getting a lawyer soon.) It doesn't matter.  The firefighters didn't have to "buy a story," they were there, but all you want to do is "catch me" and discredit me. Fine, in the long run I agree it doesn't matter.They know the truth and if you don't, too bad. If I said the sun rises in the east you'd say it didn't.
 As far as are we safer?  Nationally, no, I don't think so. "Only an Idiot could miss it" I DID NOT SAY THAT! So when you are gathering up your latest bag of "my" name calling, keep that in mind.
 For the most part I agree with Patriot's latest post. I think locally a lot goes on quietly at a lower level that does help keep us safer and has produced benefits in unexpected ways. I don't know if you have reverse 911 out there or not. We do. We also have a police alert system that ties in with our computers so people can be alerted if an area has had a sudden jump in unsolved crimes or suspicious characters are lurking around, especially on campus or in the campus communities. I-95 has signs up over the highway "report suspicious activity", and people do. The odd parcel or bag left sitting around out of place is always reported now. People are doing much more to protect themselves. I'd tell you abut a "lost and found" incident we had here last night, but since its here you couldn't be interested.
As far as power,  Steve, you are missing the power of big money and big businesses that in many cases has abandoned this country and is making money comfortably overseas. They don't care if they make the money here or there. They too are in very tight with Gov't and will have the best their money and influence can buy. "Sheeple?"  Name calling again...wasn't me! ;)
As far as George Soros goes, you are giving him a lot of undeserved credit. IMHO   He wants to make even more money .He isn't deliberately out to destroy a country. If the country happens to be in the way of his game of making more money he'll do what he has to do. People like that are playing a huge game.There is never "enough" money, it's about the process of making more. I doubt he cares about one world Gov't in the sense you mean. If it can expedite his game ,sure, but I doubt that it's about the money, it's the game of bringing things together to make more. He, like many of his ilk are deal makers. Donald Trump is another one.


Quote from: srkruzich on December 04, 2010, 10:09:37 AM
Honestly all those things you have pointed out are not of 9/11.  Need to look behind the curtain and it isn't bush, or obama.

I agree fully.  I was simply pointing out the clear evidence that our national situation is currently & obviously moving away from the people and toward government control.  Looking at the masses, the jump to Soros is a jump that many (most) sheeple can't make yet. Many of them have bought into the falsehood that government is the answer & can really solve all of or problems!

Hell, Soros & company are really just present occupants of a train that began gaining speed in the early 1900's with the Progressive Enlightenment movement.  It's just now reaching Ramming Speed.  But, again, the average American has been mislead by government run schools about the truths of government for decades (gee who woulda thunk it!).  Asking them to look much beyond current events (current govt growth) is perhaps too much for them to chew all at once.  Asking them to be critically analytical is a tough chore.  Perhaps that also explains the knee jerk reaction/resistance of people to the 'truther' point of view.  I guess ignorance really is bliss!

I sometimes wish I'd taken the blue pill.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on December 04, 2010, 11:08:21 AM
I agree fully.  I was simply pointing out the clear evidence that our national situation is currently & obviously moving away from the people and toward government control.  Looking at the masses, the jump to Soros is a jump that many (most) sheeple can't make yet. Many of them have bought into the falsehood that government is the answer & can really solve all of or problems!

Hell, Soros & company are really just present occupants of a train that began gaining speed in the early 1900's with the Progressive Enlightenment movement.  It's just now reaching Ramming Speed.  But, again, the average American has been mislead by government run schools about the truths of government for decades (gee who woulda thunk it!).  Asking them to look much beyond current events (current govt growth) is perhaps too much for them to chew all at once.  Asking them to be critically analytical is a tough chore.  Perhaps that also explains the knee jerk reaction/resistance of people to the 'truther' point of view.  I guess ignorance really is bliss!

I sometimes wish I'd taken the blue pill.
i agree taking the blue one would be much easier.   IF you dig into who soros is partnered with though  you will find a deep dark evil empire just waiting to take control.  Obama is just like octavius was in 44bc.  he came along after many powerful leaders had systematically dismantled the republic with things like free wheat for all, ect ect ect.... Octavius had a decision.  To return to the republic values and it would be very painful for all for a while or continue the facade and usher in a empire in the guise of a republic.  Romans loved their republic but after giving something for nothing for well over a century to the citizens, they got used to it and were not happy with the idea of parting with it.  Many were trapped and if they had returned to the republic ideals they probably would have died from it.

Soros is very good at history. He studied it and knows what will detroy a country and what will build his social justice society that he wants.  His hero is karl marx.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 04, 2010, 11:07:48 AM

As far as power,  Steve, you are missing the power of big money and big businesses that in many cases has abandoned this country and is making money comfortably overseas. They don't care if they make the money here or there. They too are in very tight with Gov't and will have the best their money and influence can buy. "Sheeple?"  Name calling again...wasn't me! ;)
As far as George Soros goes, you are giving him a lot of undeserved credit. IMHO   He wants to make even money .He isn't deliberately out to destroy a country. If the country happens to be in the way of his game of making more money he'll do what he has to do. People like that are playing a huge game.There is never "enough" money, it's about the process of making more. I doubt he cares about one world Gov't in the sense you mean. If it can expedite his game ,sure, but I doubt that about the money, it's the game of bringing things together to make more. He, like many of his ilk are deal makers. Donald Trump is another one.
Diane, you are blinded by the man behind the curtain.  Big business is not the enemy.  They are in fact captialists and capitalism is the only way we can make it.  SOROS has said the only thing stopping one world government, and socialism/communism is capitalism.  His goal is to destroy it from within.  Thats why he uses his money.  He makes the money to destroy.  Where does his money go?  Look at the Tides foudation, One America, and many other foundations all of which are communist and out for the destruction of America.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 04, 2010, 11:07:48 AM
As far as power,  Steve, you are missing the power of big money and big businesses that in many cases has abandoned this country and is making money comfortably overseas. They don't care if they make the money here or there. They too are in very tight with Gov't and will have the best their money and influence can buy. "Sheeple?"  Name calling again...wasn't me! ;)
As far as George Soros goes, you are giving him a lot of undeserved credit. IMHO   He wants to make even money .He isn't deliberately out to destroy a country. If the country happens to be in the way of his game of making more money he'll do what he has to do. People like that are playing a huge game.There is never "enough" money, it's about the process of making more. I doubt he cares about one world Gov't in the sense you mean. If it can expedite his game ,sure, but I doubt that about the money, it's the game of bringing things together to make more. He, like many of his ilk are deal makers. Donald Trump is another one.

Dammit diane, it isn't always about money.  What is it about 'you will be like God' you missed in Sunday school?  Read on...

1.  When you have more money than you can spend, it isn't about money any more, it's about pure power & control.  The money is only a tool.  Being godlike is sometimes the goal.
2.  Sheeple is a very fitting term for folks who follow shepherds blindly.
3.  Perhaps you should spend some of your limited time away from the Elk County Forum reading Soros' autobiographies & watching interviews with him.  You'll find he has a self admitted god complex and really wants to rule the planet.  Not making more money...Gaining power & control over others as well as single point one world governance!
4.  Trump really isn't in the same room with Soros.  Trump = Capitalist/Soros = Megalomaniac

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Please bear with me, what is the blue pill ?

Diane Amberg

Viagra!!!!! ;D ;D ;D    Check out The Matrix. They can answer the rest.



  In the Matrix movie..........they offered Keanu one of two pills.........the Red pill opened your eyes to what was really going on....the blue pill let you stay blissfully ignorant..........

  Most people I have met who use that reference really took the PURPLE pill......LOL opening their eyes to what they WANT to and pretending to be ignorant of OTHER "Truths"........and that's all I'll say on that subject because each person is totally responsible for what they "choose" to "see"

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