Building doesn't collapse

Started by Varmit, November 20, 2010, 07:40:00 AM

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Teresa, I'm a little bit shy and timid. I have no confidence and I cover up my body with clothes. Thus the reason why I haven't already come to you to get a massage. Jennifer and I have been together for 17 years. We've only recently begun undressing in front of each other. This should've been done years ago, because as we are older now, this is not a pretty sight. I have every bit of confidence that I shall be able to wound you in the duel. I am certain that once you see me naked that you'll be laughing so damn hard that you will not be able to shoot and maybe even have some nausea and uncontrollable vomiting mixed with sheer terror. To see my big fat hairy 6'2" 300 pound ass in my cowboy boots and straw hat will give you nightmares. With that being said, I am not a mindless drone. I do not believe every damn thing that those chicken shits in the government tell us. And I will not be told how to think, by them or anyone else. I have my own thoughts, my own mind, my own mouth and I will use them at my discretion. It does piss a lot of people off that I will point blank tell them exactly how I think or what I think about anything. We will disagree on 9/11 but there's many other things that we do positively, absolutely, without a doubt, agree on. Now, I'm calling some friends in Missouri and having some special Roman Candles made up and as a back up plan, maybe some bottle rockets. Stock up on the Pepto, it helps with the nausea.---Robert




Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: kshillbillys on November 25, 2010, 08:00:22 PM
Who had the most to gain from it! THEY DID! NOT THE USA! WE HAD NOTHING TO PROVE BUT WE DO NOW! Varmit, you and I will continue to argue about this stupidity.

Really?...So Al Quadea has ties with production companies and defense contractors who are making money off of the war?  I doubt it.  But what I do know for a fact, is that our gov't now has more power over us than it ever did.  It has more "control" systems in place now than it ever did.  It also has more money allocated for "defense" than it ever did.  I think the gov't has gained the most since this whole thing started.  
As American citizens we have done nothing but lose since 9/11.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Hillbilly has reduced the entire issue down to which nation had what to prove to whom, like some juvenile battle between prepubescent boys on a playground fighting to prove who is the toughest.  He blames the world's financial problems we're facing on terrorism, rather than the central banking system.  I doubt he could tell you the difference between a Federal Reserve Note and a Treasury Note, or that the nation's financial problems are rooted in one day that truly will live in infamy, but it wasn't in 1941; it was in 1913.  No.  The issues are very simple to a simple person. "It's that damn Al Qaeda that started it all and we'll show them who's boss". 

God help us because I'm sure he's right about one thing... he is a member of the majority.


S.Mexico, I was the one that brought up who had the most to gain, not hillbilly. 

Robert, thanks for that disturbing mental picture, if I am late to work monday it will be your fault, as I doubt sleep will come easy for many moons to come.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Robert and Teresa, can I have the Ticket Sales and Concessions for the duel, that would be a big crowd draw.

Robert, Bush might have done it, I heard yesterday that they are wanting to indict Bush for Lindberg's plane crash.


Tickets will be available Jan 1st... LOL
Bring blinders or heavy sunglasses.. you will need it.  ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, if you wear the same outfit as Robert we can get a bigger crowd.


Quote from: frawin on November 26, 2010, 01:55:16 PM
Teresa, if you wear the same outfit as Robert we can get a bigger crowd.

Hey...was there a pun intended in that, or is it just me?? ;D
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Could this have started it all:, the Simpson's are innocent.... but I figured the video fits in with some of what I have read on this thread.  

But if I was really interested in pursuing this, I guess I would ask these questions:

* Do you think the Bush administration knew something was coming or have we forgotten all those memos, warnings from foreign intelligence agencies that Connie Rice said were "historical documentation" and "we" had no reason to believe anyone would use aircraft as bombs?  

* Was it simply incredible incompetence by Bush and his co-harts?

* Were they all asleep at the wheel or out to lunch like Rice?

* Or was it that Bush and company were so intent on invading Iraq they didn't bother to pay attention to anything else?

* Why did Bush allow Bin Laden's sister, someone you would think to be a person of key interest to the FBI, leave the country during a national airport lock down?

* What is the FBI hiding on 9/11?  

* Why was NORAD conducting war games during the attacks and why was the air guard and our sophisticated early warning system unable to shoot down those hijacked planes? * Why has the Bush administration refused to release the information concerning what they were doing during the events leading up to 9/11?

* Why was the 9/11 commission only allowed to exist on the condition that if it found any wrongdoing by administrative officials, it couldn't prosecute them?

* Why was Bush allowed to handpick members of that committee himself instead of an independent commission?

* Why did Cheney have to hold Bush's hand at the hearings?

* And the biggest question would be, was it in fact a black op designed to give the Project for a New American Century its new Pearl Harbor?  They did after all get everything they wanted from tax breaks to the rich, increased defense spending, the invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, a military police state right out of a George Orwell novel with the Patroit Act and the unitary executive which essentially makes the president a dictator.

* Lastly, why isn't there a real and continuing investigation?

There's probably still plenty of unanswered questions many of us would like to see answered.  Aside from the patriot act, there have been many laws put in place that effect our civil liberties which stem from 9/11 and the 'terrorist threat'.  One only has to compare airports post and pre 9/11 to see how easily the masses can be told to accept things "for their own safety."  I really feel the "war on terror" will never end --- it's perfect.  There is no real tangible enemy.... it can be used to justify pretty much anything the US wants to do. Some of the theories surrounding 9/11 are just way too outlandish, but also I think that the US Government had some role to play... might be wrong... but something tells me that it wasn't just Al Queida and that the truth lies somewhere in between.

So I guess I'll just leave it to Teresa, Sailmexico, Varmit, Robert and Diane to hash it out and come up with the real facts instead of a lot of... lets see, lets call it mimic dribble on some of these posts.  I love Teresa's lines, "Sorry.. don't feed me shit and tell me its sugar.." and  "The damage is done.. They got by with it.. Just like everything else that is going on.. after 9 years.. who is going to prove it?"   Well said, girl!  Oh... and no, I am not a conspiracy theorist....  just like everyone else, I would like the real facts as to what happened on that day.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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