Building doesn't collapse

Started by Varmit, November 20, 2010, 07:40:00 AM

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I was with you Sail.. until the last paragraph..

Quote from: Sailmexico on November 24, 2010, 06:03:19 PM
Oh yeah... the police searched your neighbor's house and didn't find any weapons after all.  But you'd probably justify that because he was a bad father and abusive husband, and you rid the house of this monstrous individual - along with some of those he abused.

Yep.. I'd be the one with the rope ..or gun.. and afterwords finding the deep well in the country to drop the scank..

after all..Nobody misses Earl at all..  :P

(( I said I had a "thin" layer of Liberal.. mostly I'm just a redneck.. LOL)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


You missed the point T.  I'm not sanctioning abusive fathers and husbands. 

So since I've confused you with analogy, let me strip away the analogy and speak directly. 

Many Americans have justified the elimination of Saddam Hussein as a good think because he was a cruel dictator.  He probably was.  But did he do more harm to his people than the U.S. Military has done?  Not even close.

I met plenty of Iraqis while I was in Iraq that would loved to have had Saddam back in lieu of our military.  I asked them and they told me so.

Anyone who studies the history of America's intervention in Central America, or the Middle East knows that our covert operations under the CIA and NSA have trained revolutionary guerrillas and helped them topple democratically elected leaders, and subverted governments so that they would sign over lucrative lease agreements for their countries natural resources.

Saddam's biggest mistake was made when he opted to accept Euros for his oil, and OPEC nations took note of the money he made when the dollar slid against the Euro.  They got the message when a year later we invaded Iraq.  You see it wasn't about WMDs or the fact that Saddam was a vicious dictator... hell we put him there.  It was about the money.  It's always about the money.

I get your point, and I agree with you.  Men who abuse their wives and children should be hung... but legally.  I am not in favor of lynching, whether domestic or international.


I must agree that we have/had no business in Iraq or Afghanistan. It is obvious that it is a money driven operation, (can you say big oil?). As far as the truthers are concerned, I must agree that this whole theory is a bit far-fetched. But I am just a left leaning liberal here in the Kansas flint hills.   HHmmmpphh, never thought I would be agreeing with Robert, you never know do yah?  ;D ;D


I've got another question for all you gun totin' patriotic rednecks; and I think I already know the answer.

If someday a more powerful country, like China (they aren't yet, but it could happen) decides to invade America, ostensibly for our own good, and the good of the world.  And along with them they bring a private force of armed thugs (like Blackwater, Dynacorp, and hundreds of others in Iraq) who begin killing innocent people, almost randomly.

"In September 2005, Brigadier General Karl Horst, deputy commander of the Third Infantry Division charged with Baghdad security after the 2003 invasion, said of DynCorp and other PMCs in Iraq: These guys run loose in this country and do stupid stuff. There's no authority over them, so you can't come down on them hard when they escalate force... They shoot people, and someone else has to deal with the aftermath. It happens all over the place."

What would you do?  You're armed like Iraqi citizens were, and still are.  Do you just accept foreign occupation without a whimper?  Or do you fight?  

The Chinese media would call you an insurgent.  Would you be an insurgent?  The Chinese military would not list your death as an innocent citizen, but as an enemy combatant.  And in fact you would be the enemy.  But the enemy of what; and of whom?

I saw a brief teaser for a History channel, or Discovery channel program about snipers.  The American sniper was talking about what he looks for in a target.  This young man with a rifle is now the equivalent of arresting officer, judge and jury... at 1,000 yards.  The television shows some Iraqis in a white car and the soldier tells the camera why they should be taken out.

I won't watch the program because it would make me too angry.  Why should I be angry?  I know which of the two is on foreign soil.  I know which of the two is defending his own country.  I know which of the two I'd be if China ever did to the U.S. what we've done to Iraq.

Does that make me a traitor to America?  The fact that I don't support their wars?  Hardly.  it makes me a true American.  But not the kind we've become... the kind we've always thought we were.  Defenders of what is right.

I'll add one more thing.  I am braver than any f'n coward who would sanction the killing of one single innocent child in order to save an entire nation.  That simply makes it a nation of cowards.  And that is what I think America has become... with too few exceptions.  I hope anyone reading this is one of those exceptions.

Diane Amberg

China won't invade the US, they'll simply buy it. One of us on here want us to sell all Gov't owned lands except the parks. China will be happy to buy it just as they are buying land in Africa. :P


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 24, 2010, 07:45:02 PM
China won't invade the US, they'll simply buy it. One of us on here want us to sell all Gov't owned lands except the parks. China will be happy to buy it just as they are buying land in Africa. :P
Yep the Government has no business in being in the real estate holding business. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


For the record, I am not calling anyone stupid weather they agree with me or not on 9/11.  All I'm saying is look at the info. that is out there on both sides of the issue, and look at the faults of both sides.  And ask yourself, "Why?"  Who had the greatest motive?  Who stood to gain the most from it?

Don't get me wrong, Saddam Hussein was an evil son-of-a-bitch and I'm glad he is dead.  But I DO NOT feel the same way towards all Iraqi citizens.  Osama and quote a song "...two parts of the same 7 headed dragon."  Don't forget that we were buddy/buddy with Al Quadea until Desert Storm, and we are supposed to believe that he suddenly flipped the script because we didn't want his help in Kuwait?  
But that is not the point I was wanting to make.

I love conspiracies, I love the debate they generate, and some like 9/11 I truly believe in.  Now, regardless of who did what, nothing will change the fact that alot of people needlessly lost their lives that day.  Whoever is responsible WILL come to justice, either in this life or the next, make no mistake about that.  However, I agree with Patriot, in that we shouldn't miss the bigger picture in this.  Now, whether 9/11 was an inside job (which I think it was), or caused by outside forces, the important thing to be wary of is the change it has affected.  Not just in America but throughout the world.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Varmit on November 24, 2010, 08:09:48 PM
For the record, I am not calling anyone stupid weather they agree with me or not on 9/11.  All I'm saying is look at the info. that is out there on both sides of the issue, and look at the faults of both sides.  And ask yourself, "Why?"  Who had the greatest motive?  Who stood to gain the most from it?

Who stood to gain the most from the collapse of the World Trade Centers, an attack on American soil, on American civilians? This is not a hard question. I could ask my 13 year old who stood to gain the most from it. Would America, my country, born and raised in, love and will defend, arguably the most powerful nation in the world, have to prove itself to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and whoever else you all can throw in there? WE had to prove ourselves toTHEM, when Usama bin Laden and other terrorist organizations like Al Quaeda and the Taliban wouldn't have had to prove theirself to the world that they could attack America, in it's largest city, holding our air transporation at hostage, bringing our financial network and economy to its knees with their terrorism? Think about that a little bit. Who had the most to gain from it! THEY DID! NOT THE USA! WE HAD NOTHING TO PROVE BUT WE DO NOW! Varmit, you and I will continue to argue about this stupidity. As for SailMexico, who says that me and others are all wrong and brainwashed, I'm glad we are the majority and you are just something to be scraped from the bottom of a shoe.--Mr. Robert L. Walker




Quote from: kshillbillys on November 25, 2010, 08:00:22 PM
As for SailMexico, who says that me and others are all wrong and brainwashed, I'm glad we are the majority and you are just something to be scraped from the bottom of a shoe.--Mr. Robert L. Walker

Hey !!  That's not nice....  :'(   I resemble that remark..
Let me tell you ~~~If you ever have to scrape me off your shoe.. it will literally be the sweeeetest smelling stuff you ever did smell..  :-*  In fact you will want it to stay on there all day and maybe even wear your shoes to bed with you..  ;D

You know... as far as this topic is concerned... I'm done with it... to me..what happened ( and what is happening right now in our government is as obvious as the nose on your face..
To you?  Its not..  There really isn't much more that can be said.. I guess you believe the way you want to... and I'll do the same..  ;)

But.........................Robert dude.....You got bigger problems looking you in the eye than arguing with us.
Ohhh yea~~~ big BIG problems.. I don't even think you have a clue as to who you are going up against come July..
I suggest you get your happy ass to Missouri.. buy some RC (roman candle) ammo  and start practicing .. You are going to need it.. oh by the way .. did I tell you that we are going to dueling naked? **better practice high jumping while you're at it*  
Hee heeeheee heeee
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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