Building doesn't collapse

Started by Varmit, November 20, 2010, 07:40:00 AM

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I did look that up ! It is complex and I definitley don't want to pursue the Matrix stuff.  Guaranteed to make you depressed.


I hear you Mrsc. Many want a purple pill.

While I was in graduate school at KU, one of our most intellegent professors argued with a brilliant student about whether ignorance was bliss.  The professor said it is always best to know the full truth of any situation.  He was alluding to women's status in our American society.   The student said that ignorance was bliss for many women in our society.  I have thought about what was said for many years.  Now I will have a new reference for ignorance is bliss, blue pill.  


Diane, you totally missed the point I was getting at.  But oh well, I tried.

As for Blue, Red, or Purple pill....I'd say take no pill.  Thats the real choice, REAL power in life.  The truth can only be found by looking at ALL the evidence from all sides.  Why just look at big business or corp.s.?  Why just look at gov'ts.?  Most tend to look only where they are told to look.  Afterall, who is it that made the Pills in the first place? 8)
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.



QuoteAs for Blue, Red, or Purple pill....I'd say take no pill.  Thats the real choice, REAL power in life.  The truth can only be found by looking at ALL the evidence from all sides.  Why just look at big business or corp.s.?  Why just look at gov'ts.?  Most tend to look only where they are told to look.  Afterall, who is it that made the Pills in the first place?

Ding Ding Ding we have a winner......Varmit LOL

Diane Amberg

Well, I'm back and I'm sure I'll be accused of stirring the pot, but there are some VERY strange forces at work here that I don't understand so I'll just share what happened and you can accept it, ignore it, call me a liar again, whatever, but here goes. Last night my fire company had it's 122 annual banquet which includes a nice dinner,longevity awards, service awards, door prizes and a nice dance.This year, on the eve of the 9-11 10th year anniversary, we had a surprise guest and speaker. It was Alan Noznesky, from Washington DC Fire Dept. I about fell on the floor! (As you know I've been talking to my friends about 911 and very frustrated that I couldn't / can't get a few of you to believe me and made a few of you really mad.) Noz, as he is called, was on one of the first two pieces to arrive at the Pentagon and was on the first line to attack the fire, working their way inside for a time and then having to pull back. He gave a really good talk about it. His last name seemed very familiar but I figured I'd read something before and and never gave it a thought. After dinner I had a chance to talk to him and his lovely wife for awhile. He shared a lot AGAIN about the incident and conformed it was a plane, not a missile and that there was plenty of debris both inside and out etc, etc. His wife and I started chatting too while Al was talking to him and she was interested in my back ground and how I wound up in Newark Fire. When I was telling her she started to laugh and said "you know you two went to the same High School!" Suddenly the last name made sense. I knew his parents casually from years ago and I graduated from Kennett in 1962, he in 1984. His family had a business in Kennett Square.  His wife was from Downingtown.  Well, that really opened the gates and we had a wonderful time talking. Their son called while we were visiting to tell us it had started snowing at home. I finally dragged myself away because I didn't want to monopolize his time. So there you are ...take it or leave it. Information from the horses mouth. I don't know why it is so important for a few of you to believe the incidents couldn't have happened as told, but I'll not try again. At least unless I need to respond to a question. Maybe Pam can explain this as Karma or something. Oh, and I won a door prize too, and I never win anything. Ron Serling would be proud.


QuoteMaybe Pam can explain this as Karma or something.

LOL Diane......Serendipity maybe :)


And whats your point?  Bear in mind that not every "Truther" or whatever you want to call them, is saying the same thing.  Come to think of it, neither are gov't officals who should be.  My point is that arguing about details is missing the whole point that the conspiracy theroists are trying to make, simply put that there is no way Al Queada was solely responsible for 9/11. 

And another thing, why should we believe the report of a fireman?  Wasn't it you that said, after viewing video of several firefighters stating that they heard explosions, that they might not have had all the facts? 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg the fire service "explosions" can be many things that aren't related to explosives, in fact they rarely are.Those two guys said "as if' they didn't say the floors fell because of explosives. Back drafts, flash overs, heat buildup blowing out windows, BLEVES all "explode." I'm sure you don't want to hear them all again. While the"black coat" firefighters know a lot, they know what they are working on at any given time. It's the officers and then the fire marshals that get the whole picture.The fire marshal's  final report is usually the final say based on whatever investigation is needed. Some are simple, some can be very complicated. In some cases dogs are added to sniff out certain things such as flammable liquids, especially those that are not in plausible places (arson dogs.) Yes, there are dogs that are trained to sniff out gun powder and TNT and other things that are commonly used in explosives, including fertilizer and oil and more sophisticated chemicals too. Rarely is every bit of residue burned up completely and you know how sensitive a good dog's nose is. My point, and "truther" wasn't my choice of name, that came from the article that was sent to me, is just that, you folks are insisting that different things are all depending on which blogger  you choose to believe. One is positive that a plane didn't hit the Pentagon, it was a missile. Untrue. One said the planes were drones, no people on board at all. Untrue.The Shanksville plane was shot down...I wondered about that myself, but the many witnesses said no, there were no fighters in the area and they saw the plane flip over on its back and drop like a stone with no apparent hit shot or fire.
  I don't care which terrorist group you want to lay the blame on. but they did pull it off. The flight instructors who gave them lessons were interviewed so they know exactly which "pilot" terrorist knew how to do what. Apparently they did know how to make big wide turns and find what they were looking for with the aid of the real pilots before they were disabled or killed. I know I'm never going to convince you, but I thought that recent events  might be interesting to you but I seem to have failed again. I also have no idea what white crows have to do with anything. I can do the same thing. All I have to do is disprove one of the conspiracy stories and they could all become suspect...I found one white crow, so what.There is some twisted logic there.

Diane Amberg

Oh, I forgot to mention,Noz was a Captain 0n 9-11, has since been promoted to Deputy Chief.

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