What Common Ground?

Started by redcliffsw, November 09, 2010, 09:24:09 AM

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Obama's narcissism still on display
-Mychal Massie
Obama and company remind me of certain groups in the Middle East who are only interested in working together and compromising when it buys them time to secretly regroup and rearm.

At his press conference the day after the election drubbing, Obama said both sides of the aisle must find "common ground." He stated, "I want to engage both Democrats and Republicans. ... I do believe there is hope for civility. I do believe there's hope for progress."

His feigned act of contrition is more appalling than his willingness to drag the essence of the office of the president into commonality, when he engaged in the shameful osculation of unmentionable anatomical areas of Jon Stewart and certain harridans of "The View," who give unmistakable authenticity to Halloween, as he trolled for votes.

He "hopes for civility" and "he believes there is hope for progress" the day after election, but does he forget that he called American patriots who disagree with him as "enemies" as he sought to gain the Hispanic vote? Does he forget that he played the race card at every opportunity in the days leading up to the election in an attempt to cause derision toward whites in general and tea-party people specifically? Does he forget that from the White House, it was he who called us names and berated us derisively? Does he forget the lies he freely and glibly told about Republicans and tea partiers in the weeks leading up to the election?

Exactly what "common ground" does he presume to find when he repeatedly and knowingly lied about the stimulus and healthcare? It's interesting that the day before the election he wasn't interested in providing a climate of certainty for business as he now claims Republicans must help him do.

His very words betray his stated intentions. He now, supposedly, wants to immediately act per "what can be done through the lame-duck session of Congress for the middle class." That may sound magnanimous, but it is political speak for "we're going to try and ram as much through as possible before the new Congress takes over."

He claims to want "affirmative" proposals from the GOP pursuant to fixing the economy – claiming tax cuts by themselves won't be enough.

If he were serious, he and Congress would reduce spending to 2008 levels and freeze it there for two years. They would then go about cutting the budgets of federal programs, and he would make the Bush tax cuts permanent for all income levels.

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