We Get It, Do You?

Started by redcliffsw, November 01, 2010, 11:49:49 AM

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TD, thats the thing about the Tea Party as they have come to be called.  Its not one big party like the Dems or Repubs, but rather several groups.  They don't have a "leader" or chain of command.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: twirldoggy on November 07, 2010, 11:37:32 AM
I am wondering if the Tea Party has a written document stating what they actually do believe and support.  This was the problem with ODonnel, she did not seem to know in detail what she believed and supported. 
The Tea Party itself  is libertarian in concept.  Minimal Government,  Minimal taxes.  iF you tax, you had better have a damn good reason to do it.  Constitutional principles.   Right now our Govt could be chopped 50% and the country would prosper and flourish and rise fast and strong.   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

50% of what? Nobody  is going to want their personal projects or states affected. I've got an even better idea. Give the country back to the original 13 states to run like the forefathers did.Things were great until the rest of the states started sneaking in! Or how about this. Dump the house ,drop 50 senators and the country could be run down at the diner not far from the Capitol. No projects that are good for any states. No subsidies of any kind,  no depletion allowances or allowing anybody's cattle to graze on public lands. No water rights or mineral rights on public lands. Nobody gets special treatment. A small flat tax for everybody with no deducts. No survivors benefits with SS. Make sure you die by 65 so you'll never run out of money. All Gov't jobs are volunteer...no pay. ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 07, 2010, 04:26:15 PM
50% of what? Nobody  is going to want their personal projects or states affected. I've got an even better idea. Give the country back to the original 13 states to run like the forefathers did.Things were great until the rest of the states started sneaking in! Or how about this. Dump the house ,drop 50 senators and the country could be run down at the diner not far from the Capitol. No projects that are good for any states. No subsidies of any kind,  no depletion allowances or allowing anybody's cattle to graze on public lands. No water rights or mineral rights on public lands. Nobody gets special treatment. A small flat tax for everybody with no deducts. No survivors benefits with SS. Make sure you die by 65 so you'll never run out of money. All Gov't jobs are volunteer...no pay. ;D ;D ;D
You know what, i agree to drop SS and welfare.  But you got one problem with SS, the govt owes those who paid into it.  Sorry but we were forced into it, and were forced to pay for it and we deserve to get back what we paid.  I say drop SS for anyone 30 and under, let those who have paid into it pay out and then go from there.   
Furthermore, the Government should not own property.  Release all the public lands and sell them off. Would be a massive savings for the taxpayer.  An even better idea is to take those of the 13 colonies that wish to keep it the way it is and let them form their own country and see how long they make it.  I am quite sure that after the other peoples money runs out from the socialism, that they would be doing what mexicans are doing and we would have to implement border security along the eastern border.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

 Go back and carefully read what I really said. The 13 as the forefathers ran it. I said nothing about now. Delaware would come out great anyway because we wouldn't have poor states taking our money away from us. We are a donor state and don't get back as much as we pay in because of poor states that are receiver states and get back more than they pay in. You can look for yourself and see who they are.
  So those 30 and under would have to, on their own, start saving, not spending, much more in order to insure they have enough to live on later. What people save and don't spend doesn't help the economy or help create jobs. People who go out and spend their SS checks are putting money back into the economy. So which system is better? Some will tell you that SS is better because it is guaranteed and not tied to the success or failure of the stock market or investments. I don't know. I'd have been fine either way because I'm a natural saver. Not everybody is. How many people would turn to crime to get money they didn't save? I sure don't know.


Well, well, well...look what has floated to the surface from the deep end of the septic tank...I'm sure if I would have left this alone, Steve, it would've gone away on its own. But like the turd that won't flush, sometimes you have to force them with a plunger. This is an old trick that was tried on me a couple of years ago; Just ignore the turd in the septic tank and it will dissolve and someone else can come and pump it out. I hope I crossed my I's and dotted my T's. Just a little humor from Longton, Steve. We're a donor town....---MR. KSHillbillys



Diane Amberg

Says who? I said donor STATES and there are a number of them. We had talked about this many times before you came along and there is nothing new or malious about it. We had been talking about flat taxes vs VAT and income vs sales taxes and one comment was even made that Texas never saw a tax it didn't like. There was discussion about how several people would like to see the tax laws changed and in what ways.  There was no anger or sarcasm by anybody, so why are you trying to make a big deal about it. It sure doesn't take much to set you off does it? Sorry, not playing.


Mr Hillbilly,
I thought you were talking to Steve about turds but instead SOMEONE else jumped in on your conversation. Maybe it was because of your "donor town" comment. You should point out you meant 'sperm donor town".


Well geez, Jar, I shouldn't have to explain to ANYONE what I meant if I directed my comment to Steve, now should I?



Diane Amberg

Since it was Steve and I who had been talking when you commented  was pretty easy to see what was up. and on Sunday too. Like I said,  not playing.

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