We Get It, Do You?

Started by redcliffsw, November 01, 2010, 11:49:49 AM

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Roma Jean Turner

All this mental masturbation over a missing letter..tiresome.


Well i am not all that concerned about the your you're much.  i also do not capitalize much either, habit in the field i was in because caps were only used for certain system functions and most everything else was in lower case.  
As far as my resume,  i have one i built and still could throw out there and use today as it stands. Doesn't need changing much if at all.  Not important anymore as my work career is over.  

All i care about right now is living. The state of being.  Not the state of aquiring.  Being is so much simpler and more peaceful.  I have no desire to write a memoir nor do i care much about impressing anyone.  But if someone wants a computer fixed, or a program written, i can do it right fast and get them back up and running.  See thats all that matters isn't it?  I am one of the best in my field and do not have to prove it through writing fancy documents or memos.  When i was in the workforce, i didn't write memos, letters or documents and refused to document anything i did.  All that matters is if i can do the job, and getting it done and thats what i did.  
One of the best aspects of it is that you do not have to prove your the best before you do it.  You just go in and do it.   I have a unique approach.  I tell the client i'll fix this that or the other before they decide to hire me to finish the job. thats all i need to get the job.   IF i don't fix it, then i don't get the job or get paid.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Roma Jean Turner on November 06, 2010, 07:25:45 PM
All this mental masturbation over a missing letter..tiresome.

yeah really.....
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


You know, I know folks that are smart and can dot every i and cross every t and are perfect in all things written, they are also very smart as they are engineers and can create and design things i never could imagine. BUT those same folks that i know are the ones who have many times walked out the front door on their way to work get in the car and halfway to work when they realize they haven't put their britches on. 

Now one thing i do know.  I put my britches on before i leave the house!  I might not be as smart as they are but i have a hell of a lot more common sense.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Roma Jean Turner on November 06, 2010, 07:25:45 PM
All this mental masturbation over a missing letter..tiresome.

That's funny RJT. Must be a slow day on the east coast !!!


Quote from: Roma Jean Turner on November 06, 2010, 07:25:45 PM
All this mental masturbation over a missing letter..tiresome.

Roma Jean, that is a classic, you said it all.

Diane Amberg

Sorry folks, I didn't mean for my observation to turn into so many posts and bore you to death. But if you hadn't answered back so many times it would have gone away on it's own. I was interested in your comments. I'll go bother someone else. Steve your comment on common sense is also true. I know some of those too. ;D


You know Diane, it could be that whoever wrote that title page never had a typing class, and was just trying to type without looking at the keys. ;) ;)  The point being that we shouldn't let one little mistake distract from the overall message.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

 So what was the "message?" From the tea party or from two fellows in Confederate uniforms? Had he not wandered into a slap at schools for not teaching his version of "right", I'd have never said a word. That title slide was the only one I mentioned because it was right up front and it wasn't the only spelling error in the piece!The subject hopped around so much between the flag, the definition of "civil", which has more that one meaning, his great, ever so great grandfather and the NAACP, I wasn't quite sure what he or any of them had originally intended. Now I'll stop before I get accused, and rightfully so, of being boring again. I'll leave the really long stuff to WARPH.


I am wondering if the Tea Party has a written document stating what they actually do believe and support.  This was the problem with ODonnel, she did not seem to know in detail what she believed and supported. 

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