We Get It, Do You?

Started by redcliffsw, November 01, 2010, 11:49:49 AM

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The cat that was hosting the Tea Party had a point.  To get the Tea Partys message out there then they DO need to give thought about their image.  Then once they are firmly established they can begin to broach the subject of Political Correctness of one symbol or another.  I understand what the southern gentleman was saying and agree but he should give more thought to his delivery.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Since this was not written by one of you...could the person who made the tape at least proofread and spell "southern" correctly. You complain that we are falling behind other countries, yet they won't take the extra moment to proofread something that they want to have seen by a lot of people? To me that's like the women years ago who never took the curlers out of their hair.  I saw them everywhere ! Ya had to wonder what in the world did they considered important enough to take them out and fix their hair.  What does this dude think is important enough to take a moment to get it right? It's nice when people take pride in their work.  My personal take on this was that they might have found the uniform a problem, not the flag.


What are you talkin about it is spelled correctly??
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Billy, Billy, Billy !! You just stepped into a bear trap. A certain forum member has been doing everything in her power to start a fight and you fell for it. Let your Army training kick in and go for victory and take no prisoners !!


Well if thats the case...then it shall be the Black Flag.  No quarter asked or given.  Cry "HAVOC" and slip the dogs of WAR!!

Fix Bayonets!...Give'em the Cold Steel!....Here I abandoned peace and desecrated law; fortune it is you I follow. Farewell to treaties. From now on war is our judge!" Hail Caesar! We who are about to die salute you...

Up, men! Up,  Hold your fire until they are within fifty yards, and then give them the bayonet! And when you charge, yell like furies! ...

We're gonna keep fighting. Is that CLEAR? We're gonna attack all night, we're gonna attack tomorrow morning. If we are not VICTORIOUS, let no man come back alive
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Sorry, no trap. Go back and look at the blue title page of the tape. Southern is missing the "t"  Is that how YOU spell it?  ;) That is sloppy work. I'm not trying to cause trouble, but you all, and the speaker on this tape, have taken mean huge mean swipes at our schools and teachers.  Shouldn't that error have been caught and corrected? IMHO Is ''souhern" really " good enough?" They knew that would get thousands of hits, why not show a different kind of pride and fix it before it hit the internet?
  I'm in no way trying to start a fight. What would it be about? Rudeness? Lies? Where? Is shooting and getting close but never hitting the target going to put venison on the table? Sorry, I just don't see why you think I'm trying to cause trouble. If adults honestly think that "close" is good enough, then kids will never strive for excellence and we'll keep falling farther and farther behind. It needs to start somewhere. I know I beat this to death, but it does bother me. I doubt you would accept misspelled sports trophies or a graduation degree.   SO.... By the way, on your last post, Varmit, that is so silly I may have to call out the Elk County Creeper to deal with ya. ;D ;D ;D


Whats really sad is that your so fixated on the one error that the message just gets ignored.   The fact that his message hit the nail on the head.  You know that denotes an elitist attitude.  Sorry but just because he might have mispelled the word, most likely its a typo, doesn't mean his message is any less important.  

Personally i would rather have a individual running the country that has a message like this man in the video has, than have someone that has x degree from y university and can spell every word correctly and use them in complicated sentence structures.  Actually i would rather have a illiterate dirt farmer in office that has common sense and honor than i would any of these clowns up there in washington. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Well said Steve! You hit the nail on the head there!



Diane Amberg

Sorry guys, that wasn't my point at all. Do you really consider proper spelling and grammar to be elitist? That's a real shame. Of course it's "just a typo" and probably wasn't set up by anyone who was actually on the tape and my concern had nothing to do with the subject.That wasn't my point. It didn't have anything to do with the message! It was an example of whether accuracy counts; is "not good" is good enough. Do you care if your paycheck is "just close" but isn't correct? Do you want your doctor to write a proper  prescription for you or is "close enough," good enough. Does a Pharmacist have to fill a prescription correctly or is "close" good enough. Does a surveyor have permission to get it ''close" but not accurate?  When you pay for a pound of meat, is 14 ounces good enough? If adults keep excusing errors of any kind, not just spelling and grammar, we as a producing nation will fall further and further behind and nobody, teachers, ministers, coaches will ever be able to fix it because of the defensive attitude of some people. There are many places in life where accuracy does count. You'll fight me to the death to attack schools and teachers for producing what you see as a poor product but then you defend that poor product as being of no importance. By the way, there is no reason for there ever to be an "illiterate" dirt farmer in this country.
   I guess the reason I even noticed is because I just finished reading and judging a big pile of grade 4-8 fire prevention essays. Actually they were much better than I usually get. The concepts were quite good in each grade's topic. In the final cut spelling does count. I had to eliminate a number of good essays because of spelling errors in favor of ones that had equally good concepts but no spelling or grammar errors. (And Steve you still don't have "your" and "you're" straightened out. ;)) It's the same for people going on job interviews. Presentation, dress, attitude, knowledge, grammar and spelling do count. Depending on the job description, why should I hire someone who is functionally illiterate if I don't have to?

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