Congress' Contempt for the Constitution

Started by redcliffsw, October 27, 2010, 06:20:26 AM

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Ok everyone................... THAT"S ENOUGH!!

There ARE some unspoken

I thought that if I just stepped back and didn't try to referee the battles...eventually all the fighting would stop. Wrong.
I realize there is a full moon this week..and everyone has someone that gets on their last nerve that finally twists off.. but please..... lets ALL take a slow breath and I've had about all of this crap I can stand! The whining.. the name calling.. the he said - she said...

Enough Already!!

If you don't like someone..just ignore them.... and if you can't.. then try to post your feelings without the name calling and the kindergarten temper tantrums.

Just "try" to
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


But but but Teresa......  Your just ruining all the fun!!!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Teresa, you are right.  No name calling, no temper tantrums. I can do that.

Diane, you say you're not a Liberal...fine, whatever.  I guess in the long run it doesn't matter anyway.  Hell, if obama can call himself an american, you can say you're not a liberal.

As for voting for the Humane society, I don't know enough about the ones in kansas to vote.  Frankly, I wouldn't money going to any that I have seen either here or in N.C.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Gee, Teresa, I was finally getting in a few good punches for a change. You were the one who told me to deal with it, so I will. You have apparently got people on here for whom nothing is too low...I was just measuring the pit they climbed out of and have yet to reach the bottom. And anybody who dares to have an original thought is a mental case? There are some on here who are a few sandwiches short of a picnic themselves. As far as some my acrid comebacks, they are well deserved and in every case someone else has said something first and I just returned fire. Don't like it? Then don't read what I have to say, or if you do, get the real meaning of it, not some scatter brained interpretation, or I may have to really question a few people's intelligence.Third grade reading ability perhaps? As far as Shadow,,,who is protected and hidden I see...real brave! What was written made no sense whatever. It doesn't matter. Go as low as you want. This dried up ole cow is an easy match for you. I can kick really good when I need too. I just feel sorry for the family I do have left out there, who are very nice people. My sister knows them better than I, but they are no more responsible for the actions of their parents when they were young many years ago than anyone else would be. I'd hate to see someone try to smear them to try to anger me....won't work. I've had my say and will go away. Now have fun and pick another target while I'm gone. Enjoy not going to the polls on Tues. Some have already said its a waste of time and That's too bad.

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