Congress' Contempt for the Constitution

Started by redcliffsw, October 27, 2010, 06:20:26 AM

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Our Contemptible Congress
by Walter E. Williams

Most people whom we elect to Congress are either ignorant of, have contempt for or are just plain stupid about the United States Constitution. You say: "Whoa, Williams, you're really out of line! You'd better explain." Let's look at it.

Rep. Phil Hare, D-Ill., responding to a question during a town hall meeting, said he's "not worried about the Constitution." That was in response to a question about the constitutionality of Obamacare. He told his constituents that the Constitution guaranteed each of us "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Of course, our Constitution guarantees no such thing. The expression "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" is found in our Declaration of Independence.

During a debate, Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., gave his opinion about the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, concluding that "the Constitution is wrong." Not to be outdone, at his town hall meeting, Rep. Pete Stark, D-Calif., responded to a constituent's question about Obamacare by saying, "There are very few constitutional limits that would prevent the federal government from (making) rules that can affect your private life." Adding, "Yes, the federal government can do most anything in this country." The questioner responded, "People like you, sir, are destroying this nation." Her comment won shouts of approval from the audience.

Last year, a CNS reporter asked, "Madam Speaker, where specifically does the Constitution grant Congress the authority to enact an individual health insurance mandate?" Speaker Pelosi responded: "Are you serious? Are you serious?" She shares the vision of her fellow Californian Stark that Washington can do most anything.

Congressional ignorance and contempt for our Constitution isn't only on the Democrat side of the aisle. During a town hall meeting, Rep. Frank LoBiondo, R-N.J., was asked by one of his constituents whether he knew what Article I, Section I of the Constitution mandated. He replied that, "Article I, Section I is the right to free speech."

more of the story:

Diane Amberg

Hey Red, these black writers better be very careful. We were just recently informed on another thread that white people are running out of tolerance. No exceptions were mentioned for black conservatives. Some people call them "Oreos" anyway, trying to curry favor from influential white people and print whatever they want to read to get money.


Diane, the Liberals that can't stand to have the Conservative African-Americans speak out against the left are the main ones using the term Oreos. You must not be aware that an African American, Michael Steele is Chairman of the Republican party, and he by the way is doing a good job at it. A former Oklahoma Congressman, JC Watts is one of the most popular Conservatives/Republicans in Oklahoma. There are many African-Americans that active and well respected in the Republican party. Walter Williams is a highly respected Conservative. You keep saying you are not a Liberal but you continue to show that you are.

Diane Amberg

Just taking a a fun poke at Red. It wasn't aimed at you. I read all of these writers that Red posts and I wasn't the person on here who said that the whites were about out of "tolerance." That came from one of your "conservative" pals.
   I don't have to explain myself to you. Stop taking yourself and all this so seriously. Go play with Sarge and Jar and get your sense of humor, especially satire, reinstalled. I am not anything on here today except a person who has a non bigoted sense of humor.You are being very unfairly judgemental and I won't put up with it, or suggestions that I should be injured either. Only uncivilized jerks do that.

Of course I know who Michael Steele is, remember I listen to ALL sides, not just the one I think I might agree with. I decide AFTER I have all the facts and not before.That's why I never pull a straight party lever. If you are so sure that every Repub. is a good choice, even if you know nothing "real" about them, that's your business, but it seems pretty naive to me. There might as well be an official FOX political party as much control as they have now. Rupert Murdock must be laughing about what fools we are and how easy it is to manipulate millions of peoples' thinking.There are crooks and manipulators and "users" on all sides. I intend to not to vote for any of them. But then again, you are in the pocket of big business, so of course you'd feel as you do. When you owe your job and your pension income to big business ya gotta toe their line, walk their walk and talk their talk. You don't dare think for yourself.


You read all of the writers that Red posts??  Thats funny, because if you did then you would see that your comment about whites running out of tolerance was out of context.  The way you put it made it sound as if whites were growing intolerant of other races in general.  When actually whites are growing intolerant of having other cultures shoved down their throat while theirs (that is traditional American) is being done away with.  They are also growing intolerant of the racist card being constantly played. 

As for a "non-bigoted" sense of humor, persoanlly I try and not limit my humor to such guidelines.  I laugh at black jokes, white jokes, polish jokes, even some jew jokes. 

As for your listening to all sides and not being a liberal...

Whats your take on the obamacare, gun control, the constitution in general?

If you answer that question honestly, (which I'm sure you won't) then your political leaning will be clear.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Diane, you obviously have some serious mental problems. Your response to me had several things in it that I was not even aware of or involved in. You answer every post that anyone makes, if you don't like their response you either say "Oh I was just joking" or you go completely off subject. I think the school children of Delaware were fortunate that you stopped or were stopped from teaching. You keep putting big business down and putting the wealthy down, who do you think provides the jobs in America. In almost every business, big or small, someone risked their life savings and/or borrowed money to start it, including Henry Ford, Walter Chrysler, Frank Phillips and thousands of others. If they take the financial risk they deserve the financial rewards. Your anti business attitude just confirms your Liberal Philosphy. Most of the wealth your family has came from a wealthy individual that invested in the Oil and Gas Business.
By the way, my retirement is primarily from having my own Oil and Gas Marketing business and from taking the risk of investing in oil and gas production,  trading stocks and Futures Trading, again you were babbling about something you know nothing about..

Diane Amberg

I gave my take on the President's proposed health bill long, long ago and also said that was all I would say about it. Because some of you can't seem to remember who said what to whom, I'll restate what I said before. And not again.

  1.  I'm not for Obama care, never was never will be. It has nothing in it that would help me in any way shape or form.

  2. I'm not for gun control, never have been and have said so many, many, many, times. It doesn't work. But I do understand why people get frustrated when their neighborhoods are over run and their kids are shot in the middle of gun battles. I don't have an answer for them, wish I did.  

  3. The Constitution is a wonderful thing, but  it must not be perfect or some of you wouldn't be trying to take my freedom of speech away. And saying I should be injured because we sometimes have a difference of opinion? WOW real classy.(The person who said it knows exactly who he is, so pretending it didn't happen doesn't cut it!) Some want to rewrite the constitution to change who may vote. If it was perfect that wouldn't be happening, it wouldn't ever need amendments and wouldn't need a Supreme Court to occasionally have need to interpret it during a court case.
Varmit, you know the comment about whites running out of tolerance wasn't made by me. You know who made it and when. If you need to refresh your memory go back and read what was being said about the Rev, who frankly isn't, Jeremiah Wright. I just borrowed it to make a joke for Red, and yes, I do read all those posts. I don't agree with all of what they say but there are some good points there too.
You forgot to ask me about abortion, which I have already stated several time before, but since you are so determined to "catch" me in something I'll answer without being asked. I'm pro choice, hoping that in most cases they will choose life. It must not be used as an easy sub for birth control and as far as forcing a rape or incest case to have the child,. That is horrible mental cruelty.I think all those people who feel so strongly better just line right up and decide how many of those poor unwanted kids they are going to adopt. And no excuses !
Frank you really torqued me right off.  I had really admired you and have learned a lot from you but you are so tight politically you don't let people breathe. I keep forgetting how old you are....Old big business was full of "robber barons" who cheated and stole and drove their competition out of business through legal treachery, but there were good people too.  Ford was a known bigot.  No Jew need apply. Check out his relationship with Nazi Germany, but he also did a lot of good too. Frank Perdue started out very small and grew, so did W L Gore. Joe Kennedy was a very powerful man, but he was a boot legger and political user and deal maker. As a far as yourself, I really don't care, but you really pissed me off. And as far as my family goes you missed most of them. My Mom's side and all the sides of my husband's family too. If big business of today wasn't so corrupt there wouldn't have been any ENRONs and such other companies that "needed" bailing out. The California electricity scandals wouldn't have happened.There are so many I'm starting to forget them all. As far as them taking all the risk... Gee, and here I thought it was the stock holders taking a lot of the risk....and then there are the very influential boards who vote themselves huge salaries and hire each other and protect each others backs, and perks that aren't even in the same strata as their workers. Billion dollar golden parachutes? Lets see, the board decides how much the CEO is worth and the CEO decides what the board is paid. No room there for corruption is there? No, I'm not totally anti big business or I wouldn't be so deep in stocks and bonds and investments myself. But I'm not stupid enough to not see how it works either. You seem to ignore the incredible amounts of money being thrown around under so may protective layers they often don't know who their real employer is.
You say you aren't the one who said Al should beat me up? Then who was it? I don't have time to go back and dig it out, but I thought it was you and was very surprised because I didn't expect that from you. I know you said you never laid a hand on your wife, or words to that effect during that same conversation. As far as your comments AGAIN about my teaching, I thought those cheap shots would be beneath you but I guess not.  You throw 'em so will I. THE SITUATION HAS CHANGED.You have no clue and it's really funny. I'm beginning to see how it could be that some kids commit suicide over cyber bullying.You guys are really mean and I said I won't put up with it any more
 OK, Varmit, I answered all your questions AGAIN. Now you'll just call me a liar and go on your way and play in your sand box with the other little boys who haven't quite made it to manhood yet. Now have YOU voted for the  Kansas Humane Assoc contest? Even as much as you pick on me, I keep right on voting.That's because you don't matter, other things do.

the shadow


   You talk about people beating you up? You threatened to have kshillbilly's wife beat up. Really classy, you bloated hypocritamus. I am too old and too intolerant to listen to your crap or read your crap on here every damn post. I wish that I was a bastard child of an oil company so I could get some money and claim I was something that I am totally not, like you. You are nothing more than a fly on cow dung. As far as for your "friends" here in Kansas, it's nice to know that they send me messages talking crap about your attitude. You are very paranoid. I read in an earlier post about how you had seen a Kansas pickup and thought they were there to get you. Trust me if they were, they have your street address, they have a picture of you that you posted. Could it quite possibly be that they were there to get some good ole Delaware seafood or were they just some good ole liberal trash wanting to fit in? If they wanted to know where you live, through the public information act or maybe just send you a post card to 23 Wakefield Dr, Newark, DE, I'm sure they could find you there at different points of the day. You really are, in Varmit's terms, a dried up old cow.

The Shadow
The Shadow knows!

jerry wagner

There is no reason to post people's addresses, real or otherwise even if it is to illustrate a point.  The height of ridiculousness.

Diane Amberg

Shadow, you don't scare me one little bit.  Shadow? That's exactly where you belong. Your other comments just show me how low class you are. I would have expected no less from a subhuman  Go play in a tar pit somewhere. You aren't worth my time.  I'm done. It's a shame Howard has dropped to your level. I warned you people, you attack me you are going to get it right back. You stop and I will too, but you have to make the first move. Bite me!

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