Something I Would Like To Do -------- Again

Started by Wilma, October 23, 2010, 05:32:33 PM

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Quote from: jarhead on October 24, 2010, 12:23:05 PM
To once again go fishing with that stupid praying mantis Teresa gave me, for fish bait. Caught a nice bullhead !!!

Well, it wasn't Pete that she gave you. I gave Ol Pete a proper funeral and burial. I decorated a match box for his coffin with those little sheep shower flowers on it, then played Amazing Grace on my harmonica. I sat by his grave the rest of that day and all of the evening and quietly wept.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Quietly wept, my ache'n bacon !! I saw how you "quietly wept" that time a grasshopper got inside your shirt. Flopping around on the ground like a carp out'a water---screaming and waling for your Mamma.
That's odd---that stupid praying mantis Teresa gave me was in a dirty match box and she said it was to keep him fresh as them juices leaked out where he was smashed and that would attract the fish !! Worked too.


Now that you all mention it, I, too, had a praying mantis, except that I didn't know what it was.  I took it to school and my teacher had me do some research on it.  After finding that it ate insects, we provided it with grasshoppers and had the privilege of seeing it eat one.  My grade school nemeses had told me that it would bite, but it never bit me.

I also found some pretty black, yellow and white caterpillars and took them to school.  Teacher identified them and I did the research.  We fed them and watched them spin their light green, trimmed with gold chrysalis.  Watched them turn into Monarch butterflies, then turned them loose.

I said that I could never catch a tadpole.  I had forgotten about the tiny black tadpoles that I found in a puddle one day.  I don't remember how I got them home.  I put them in an old pan and left them out in the yard and they disappeared, one by one.  I didn't realize that they would turn into toads and hop away.

Janet Harrington

Mother, you had such an outstanding childhood.


Something I would like to do------first------sit and have a brewsky with Jarhead and Sarge.  What fun that would be!

Something I would like to do------again----start over.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


That would be great but only if we do it WITHOUT ol Sarge. He can't hang with the Big Dogs when it comes to drinking. A couple of brews and he lets his alligator mouth overload his canary ass. He goes to bragging about how many grasshoppers he shot with ol Hopper Hater (the name of his trusty (rusty) BB gun) vs how many I shot with ol Betsey (now that was a classic name fer a fine shoot'n rifle), back when we were pups. Hell, half the hoppers he claimed he shot were all mangled and no doubt he plucked them from the radiator of his Dad's Desoto coupe.


That's all lies Larry. Tarbabyhead doesn't have the truth in him.  Do you know that he actually tells people that he was in the Marines? HAW! Can you imagine a weenie like him in the United States Marine Corps? Hell, R. Lee Ermy would die of a heart attack. That big brave blow hard is even afraid of a mouse. Can you believe that? A grown man afraid of a mouse. And something else; he can't swim!!! Oh, he can dog paddle a little, looking like a floundering walrus in the water. And he has the audacity, the unmitigated gall  to try and belittle me, the epitome of artistry with a bb gun, a veritable paragon in the art of grasshopper elimination and beer drinking.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Quote from: Sarge on October 25, 2010, 04:57:09 PM
That's all lies Larry. Tarbabyhead doesn't have the truth in him.  Do you know that he actually tells people that he was in the Marines? HAW! Can you imagine a weenie like him in the United States Marine Corps? Hell, R. Lee Ermy would die of a heart attack. That big brave blow hard is even afraid of a mouse. Can you believe that? A grown man afraid of a mouse. And something else; he can't swim!!! Oh, he can dog paddle a little, looking like a floundering walrus in the water. And he has the audacity, the unmitigated gall  to try and belittle me, the epitome of artistry with a bb gun, a veritable paragon in the art of grasshopper elimination and beer drinking.
I don't usually get involved in things like this but I just can't stay out of this one. Sarge, Jarhead looks to be  a whole lot older than you and I don't think you should pick on your elders like that.


Quote from: ELK@KC on October 25, 2010, 05:04:03 PM
I don't usually get involved in things like this but I just can't stay out of this one. Sarge, Jarhead looks to be  a whole lot older than you and I don't think you should pick on your elders like that.

What you been smoking ELK ? Me look older than Sarge ? You gotta be kid'n me. That old fart is a good year and half older than me. Maybe I look a tad older because of the life I've lead. You know, me being a Billy Bad Ass Marine while ol Sarge was a flyboy. In Nam he had a dog lead him around while I was leading troops into Combat. While I was stopping Communist aggression he was reading the dictionary to learn them big  words that I have no idea what he's talking about. Then to imply I can't swim !! How does he think coached Easter Williams !! Did many breast strokes with that gal---and hell yes, I'm scared of mice. You ever see the fangs on them puppies ?? Ask ol Scrooge--I mean Sarge who is scared of a little ol spider . What a pansy ass he is !!


Well the whole shooting match didn't seem to be fair. You said yourself he was shootiing a BB gun and you were shooting a "Rifle". I would think it took a whole lot better shot to shoot a bug with a BB gun than with a rifle. That doesn't seem fair a lot older man with a rifle comparing shooting to a nice young boy with a BB gun.

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