Progressive Auto Insurance??? ??? ???

Started by Teresa, October 18, 2010, 01:47:24 PM

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This is a heads up regarding Progressive Auto Insurance. You know who they are.  They are the ones with the clever television ads featuring the perky brunette actress all dressed in white.  What you might not know is that the chairman of Progressive is Peter Lewis, one of the largest funders of the left in America.  He's your typical rich spoiled kid who took over the company from his father and apparently feels "guilty" for his success and now dedicates himself to making it impossible for anyone else to become wealthy.

Between 2001 and 2003, Lewis funneled $15 million to the ACLU, the group most responsible for destroying what's left of America's Judeo-Christian heritage.  Indeed, Lewis is himself an ACLU member.  One of the ACLU projects he earmarked his funds for was an effort to sue school districts that have drug-testing policies.  In other words, this idiot wants teachers to be able to use drugs without fear of exposure.  I wonder what he would think if all his own employees came to work drugged out every day.  

Lewis also gave $12.5 million to and Americans Coming Together, two key components of the socialist left.  The former group is perhaps the main group used by the Obama forces to organize their activists; the latter group is a 527 political action group that essentially served as a front for the SEIU union thugs who ran ACORN.  His funding for these groups was conditional on matching contributions from George Soros, the international socialist who finances much of the Obama political network.

It's disturbing that Lewis made a fortune as a result of capitalism but now finances a progressive movement that threatens to destroy the free enterprise system.  He reminds me somewhat of Arm and Hammer, the former head of Occidental Petroleum, who did business with Joseph Stalin and become his good friend around the same time Stalin was executing business men all over the USSR .

What angers me further is the way this company is targeting television shows watched by conservatives such as Fox News.  Peter Lewis is making a fortune off of conservative Americans so that he can destroy our country.
 He's banking on no one finding out who he is.  I think it's time we expose this clown.


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I think my first clue was their company name... liberal,socialist, progressives aren't anything if not clever.  lol
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Uh oh.... So conservatives are dim and dull? ;D  (That's joke folks, don't beat me up.) It used to be that the Repubs. were the  BIG money people and protected each other to make sure nobody else had much of a chance to get any. Now I don't know what to think. Its eems that big business and big money is using foreign money to make money on foreign soil so there is no loyalty to the home country any longer.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 18, 2010, 05:56:19 PM
It used to be that the Repubs. were the  BIG money people and protected each other to make sure nobody else had much of a chance to get any. Now I don't know what to think. Its eems that big business and big money is using foreign money to make money on foreign soil so there is no loyalty to the home country any longer.
Spoken like a true Yankee Liberal, Joe Biden would be proud of you. The President that made  the most foreign trade agreements was Bill Clinton. The Clintons were in big with the Waltons, Hillary served on the Walmart Board, the Walton's were Bill's biggest donors.


All I know is I changed to Liberty Mutual and have better coverage for HALF of what I was paying..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Somebody has to pay for all that expensive advertising.

Jo McDonald

But it is NOT going to be me any longer.  I changed from Progressive to another company - American Family - this week.  Many $$$$$'s saved!!

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