Traitors Obuma, Clinton giving $900 Million to the PLO

Started by Warph, October 13, 2010, 04:38:51 PM

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The problem is that voting EITHER way is going to result in the same outcome.  Bigger gov't, higher taxes, loss of even more freedoms, continued erosin of the constitution, and the general downward sprial of our country.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: frawin on October 26, 2010, 02:51:28 PM
In this case I would choose the one most likelty to vote against Obama's agenda, the Republican. I have never heard so many people say thay are going to vote a straight Republican ticket. Hopefully the Republicans can control both the House and the Senate and shut down Adolph Obama.

And THAT is what will happen. There are lots of people who really know that CO has a brain.. why the name of it all would she not act like she does? She can start out sounding good and slowly she just gets "out there"...

Quote from: Varmit on October 26, 2010, 06:54:57 PM
The problem is that voting EITHER way is going to result in the same outcome.  Bigger gov't, higher taxes, loss of even more freedoms, continued erosin of the constitution, and the general downward sprial of our country.


On the most basic level, the last two years have been nothing short of an economic disaster. Not so much the continued meltdown of the housing market or even the two point increase in the unemployment rate. Nope.... the disaster that has befallen the country is entirely manmade, and that man is none other than Barack Obama.

By passing ObamaCare, hugely increasing federal regulation of .. and intervention in ... the economy, and by laying the groundwork for higher taxes, President Obama has removed the one element that businesses need to begin investing in the future, hiring and spurring economic growth: Without knowing what the future holds in terms of regulation or taxes... they can't build a business, period.

The yoke the President has placed around the necks of citizens and businesses is simply too heavy a burden for a slight adjustment of course to fix. A little moderation will not turn around the economy or the public's state of mind. Dramatic change is necessary and the process could be wrenching. Not that voters will necessarily know where the blame should lay given the mainstream media's vested interest in keeping the Democrats and Obama in power. Nonetheless if Republicans want to regain the White House in 2012 and build a working majority in Congress, they are going to have to demonstrate bold leadership and make a clear argument for what they want to accomplish.

Hopefully~~They will get their chance starting in January. Rather than muddle through and just stop President Obama from doing further damage to the economy and the Nation, the Republicans should instead take advantage of the somewhat unprecedented attention that Americans are giving to governance in general and the economy in particular to clarify what they stand for. They should put forth bills as if a Republican were sitting in the Oval Office, fiscally responsible bills that clearly demonstrate their priorities. President Obama would no doubt veto them, but doing so would lead to a discussion of the merits of the policies.

Fundamentally, Republicans should (regardless of whether they control one house or two) vow to only pass bills that demonstrate fiscal discipline and foster pro growth policies. Their budget bill should cut all discretionary funding back to 2004 or 2006 levels and refuse to pass anything that exceeds those levels. They should pass legislation rescinding ObamaCare and bills that explicitly limit the scope of agencies such as the EPA, the FCC and others, and they should slash the budgets of regulation heavy Departments such as Education and Energy. President Obama would no doubt veto virtually every one of those bills, and as the White House suggested on Saturday, that might result in a shut down of the government like 1995.

But 2011 is not 1995 and Americas will no longer allow themselves to be so easily hoodwinked. Whereas in 1995 the electorate looked askance at the government shutdown and largely blamed Newt Gingrich for it, in 2011 after two years in the death grip of the Democrats, Americans may indeed welcome a government shutdown as an opportunity to debate the very nature of government itself. That is a debate Republicans can win if they stand by their conservative principles and let men like Paul Ryan, Jim DeMint and Marco Rubio make the case to the American electorate. They may not win all of the battles, but by fighting the good fight they can demonstrate to the American electorate that when they go to the polls in 2012 there is a very clear alternative to a reheated "Hope and Change" agenda.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Right, because the current economic crisis started the day BO took office and republicans had nothing to do with it.....  Do you really believe that the republicans didnt have a hand in whats going on?  Are you blind to the tax incentives to corporations who offshore jobs?  Were your eyes closed when both repubs and dems signed all those free trade agreements?  Did you ever wonder why we were in wars all over the world and not paying for them?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


NO... I'm not blind..     Politics and Washington have always been corrupt~ but......................

In walks this unknown guy with no executive experience and minimal experience in elected office ...who said he was going to heal the country and who hornswaggled and got half the country to believe him .....selling his "hope and change" dog and pony show.

But the fact is.... He was and still is a pathetic and petty incompetent.  He's an entry-level president who's never held an honest job nor created or accomplished anything constructive and of value in his entire coddled, radicalism-saturated life. Why he wasn't immediately sent back to his Marxist clique in Chicago-town is beyond me.  

ahhh~~ but the question was~~~ "Do I think ALL the problems were started with what we have in there now?"
No.. of course not..  Not started...but they sure have escalated and went over the top with this administration.

We have in office the first president in living memory that hates America..(((  his 20 year attendance at the Marxist oriented, White hating, Black Liberation Theology church of the Rev. Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright....kinda proves that.))) and the Congress now in office are the most blatantly and openly corrupt since the era after the civil war and have done more damage to this country already than any other President to date. .

This man has no core or roots in the United States of America.., so he seeks to deprive us of ours.

America had always been a solid and somewhat predictable commodity, both domestically and internationally.... but Carter and a Democratic Congress with Watergate ( the betrayal of South Vietnam and Cambodia)  started the tearing down of the US as a  "solid and somewhat predictable commodity".

Soooo.. what Carter started... Obama has kicked it in high gear and seems to be trying to finish.

I have heard lots and lots of times that Obama is an incompetent ideologue who set staggering records for empty promises and hollow rhetoric.
I agree on the incompetent part.. but the empty promise thing has me thinking outside the box. .

Think about it..
I think that Obama is doing exactly what he said he was going to to and getting exactly what he wants. As far as our Military is concerned.. he is a disgrace and his foreign policy is despicable.  It insults our allies and embraces dictators.. making them more bold which fails to scare Iran in the least.

Before ...allies would remain allies.. and when the chips were down we would defend them.   Enemies would remain enemies.. even if we sometimes got closer to them and sometimes backed away from contact. We never empowered our enemies.. Never bowed to them and never coddled them.  
We would get into debt,.. but basically our economy was solid. And so on and so forth.  

But Obama has become a loose cannon. Apologizing tor America.. bowing to dictators...seeming to have one thing in his mind...and that is to manage our decline and help us to get there as fast as we can.. and of course help China get stronger.  

Big welfare and social programs that will require huge cuts in defense spending. (the point no one seems to get about health care costs ~~ he will manage the costs by cutting defense, that's part of the goal with big public health care) This is his goal.. and he's doing it slowly and getting there.

He told our trading partners that America will no longer be the engine of global growth... that we will no longer import and consume as we have in the past.  He is removing future options by burning up our capital... sticking his hands in the  private sector's participation in the economy... ramping up the deficit and saddling us and the next generations with financial burdens that we can not even comprehend.  

He has spent MORE money than any President in our history!

Look around....The results of his agenda is already having a decline in our standard of living.... higher unemployment ...and slow European style Socialism growth.  ( Ask my husband who came from it 6 years ago.. He sees it more every day happening here slowly and surely.)
We are now a nation whose government has NATIONALIZED two-thirds of a major industry. That is not something that happens in a free, capitalist society. To the best of my knowledge.. it's not even something that happens in Socialist countries.  It is something that happens in a nation that is taking its final steps from increasing socialism into out-and-out communism. We're not there yet... but we've come further in the past year than at any time in our history.  
Every step that this country has taken down the staircase called socialism away from the freedom of its founding principles and towards the tyranny of communism has been irreversible.
Now we're taking irreversible steps three at a time!!!

On the negative side...I think much of what he's doing is going to be irrevocable.
In the past our wealth and military strength could compensate for a poor President and bring us back to some sort of equilibrium. But now, with our ballooning deficits, I don't know if we have the margin to pull out of this tailspin without the wings coming off.

On the other positive hand..... Some things might still be reversible if we get a new Congress....IF Health Care reform isn't passed... IF cap & trade fails to pass in the Senate.... and IF amnesty isn't granted to millions of illegals. ...and IF we can stop brainwashing children in schools with progressive indoctrination.

Lots of ifs.
We will be a long while trying to get the stink out of our nation from this administration and Congress..and its going to take a very strong willed next American President to return the country to something like what we were before.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


OK Teresa, now that you have skirted around the issue, tell us what you really feel about the current Washington mess. LOL.  You go girl.  And just what are you doing up at 3:19 in the morning?  Anyway, I did my duty, I voted early for those who I hope can have even a little influence on the current affairs inside the Beltway.  What we all need is a good relaxing massage.



Teresa, that was an excellent post...However, I think you missed one critical point.  That is the mindset of the people that elected the SOB and his followers in the first place.  The "want something for nothing" crowd, which unfortunately, makes up quite a large segment of our population, and their numbers grow everyday.  People say they can't find a job, I say bullshit!  They just can't find the job they want.  People still continue to live outside their means.  Until we fix this problem we will still be in the same boat we are in today.  Doesn't matter whose in office. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Do any of you realize that Obama has actually reduced the budget deficit?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on October 28, 2010, 06:11:06 PM
Do any of you realize that Obama has actually reduced the budget deficit?
No he hasn't. he's added 5 trillion to the debt. Secondly he hasn't even passed a budget yet.  There is no reduction. for 2010 yet its remaining unchanged from last years budget.

to reduce the budget he would have to lower the budget from 2009 figures.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

W. Gray

Obama became president in January 2009.

In October 2008, the national debt stood at $10.4 trillion. That same month the budget deficit stood at $407 billion.

In October 2010, the national debt stands at $13.6 trillion. The budget deficit stands at $1.3 trillion.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

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