Traitors Obuma, Clinton giving $900 Million to the PLO

Started by Warph, October 13, 2010, 04:38:51 PM

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What surprises me is that the liberals still come in and whine and cry.  Sheesh when my kids used to whine and cry i would flip em a quarter and tell em to call someone who cares.   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


who are the whiners?  Look at post after post of right wing fools complaining on these forums.  Look at the topics,  I didn't get my COLA, whine.  The government did this, whine.  Some dude got his kids taken away, whine.  Obama raised taxes (a lie btw)  whine.  Lets blame democrats for the mess caused by republicans, whine.  Oh no, someone disagrees with you, lets call him names, insult him, and then whine some more.

please, hypocrites, get a life.  ::)
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from Anmar
Obama raised taxes (a lie btw)

Wrongo Bucko,The boy raised the tax on cigarettes with-in his first month in office


Quote from: Anmar on October 26, 2010, 12:50:48 AM
who are the whiners?  Look at post after post of right wing fools complaining on these forums.  Look at the topics,  I didn't get my COLA, whine.  The government did this, whine.  Some dude got his kids taken away, whine.  Obama raised taxes (a lie btw)  whine.  Lets blame democrats for the mess caused by republicans, whine.  Oh no, someone disagrees with you, lets call him names, insult him, and then whine some more.

please, hypocrites, get a life.  ::)

Who are the whiners??  Seriously?
Look in the mirror child!
Like I said~~~~~ Look who's calling the Kettle black... :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

     This is intended to be a neutral question so don't read anything into it...Is there a chance that the Repubs. are overselling how much they are promising to "fix'' if they take back back Congress? There is a lot more to it when you take into consideration the power and influence of the lobbyists ,wall street, banks, huge pharmaceutical companies and moneyed individuals. By the way, right now I have two political signs in my front yard. One is for a a Democrat, the other is for a Republican. I have always voted the person and the issues, not the sell jobs done by the media or anyone else who has money to make from all this political rhetoric. I'm getting really tired of the half truths, half bricks and lies told by both sides, and it will not be over next Tuesday.
I'm still waiting for CO to address the real topics of the day. Illegal aliens, paying for the wars, or trying to end them. HER take on cap and trade. ( Coons was attacked, but what about her view? Our wind farms. We got off to a good start, but it stalled. What will she do to improve schools? HOW?  If she insists on lowering taxes, what programs will be cut, and why won't lowered taxes add to the country's deficit. Will she refuse the influence of the old line party members and lobbyists?  Does she agree with unlimited money being allowed to fund campaigns from any source, including hidden money from outside the country? What will they expect in return?That money won't be unencumbered.  How will she bring jobs back from overseas? Will she try to stop our country from being sold to other countries such as China?  She wants to pursue new oil drilling off Delaware's coast. How will she make sure  a % of the profit from it stays for Delaware and the oil is not just sold to the highest bidder somewhere else in the world. If Alaska can do it so should we! What is her view on guns and gun control?
I have more but that's a good start. She has worn out the Bible and God and country and abortion business. We all know how she feels about them....what about the rest?


CO doesn't have a chance of winning the seat according to the polls.


As much as I hate to say it.. I think she is kind of an idiot.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


She is beautiful, she is appealing, but she seems to lack knowledge or at least the verbal skills to show she does.


If I had to choose between two idiots--I'd choose the pretty one !!!


Quote from: jarhead on October 26, 2010, 12:17:15 PM
If I had to choose between two idiots--I'd choose the pretty one !!!
In this case I would choose the one most likelty to vote against Obama's agenda, the Republican. I have never heard so many people say thay are going to vote a straight Republican ticket. Hopefully the Republicans can control both the House and the Senate and shut down Adolph Obama.

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