Traitors Obuma, Clinton giving $900 Million to the PLO

Started by Warph, October 13, 2010, 04:38:51 PM

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Diane Amberg

Hey Varmit! (good name) I was rereading your posts and decided to call you out. HA! Insult me all you want, but who is the braver here ? I put my ugly mug out there and will take my lumps for all to see and all my information is easily available. And you? fake name, no picture, no information of any kind.  Constant verbal attacks that will now be met in kind. You speak volumes about your real character every time you attack someone for their opinion, especially if you suggest they be injured for it. You simply refuse to learn to debate ISSUES! Hide, ya Varmit, (not the preferred spelling by the way) dart out from the shadows, take cheap shots at several of us on here and then disappear back down your hole. It's amazing how little "free speech" is allowed on here, especially not without nasty, vile consequences that would be beneath most civilized people. Poke your finger at me all you want, you won't quit the personal insults, so I'll call you exactly what you are determined to make me think you are. You can guess what that is. And you are raising your son and daughter in your image? How sad!
  Jar, I was just poking you in fun, and I was referring to a different post than you thought. I'd have to look it up but it had to do with respect I think. Something there is very little of on here recently. It doesn't matter any more, I'm sorely disappointed in what my father's home town has apparently allowed to happen.   March 15, 2009. What a sad day. Bye for now.


No matter how it's spelled, Varmit is a good guy that would do just about anything for anyone. His sense of humor is dry and sarcastic, which may not appeal to some people but really hits the spot with others. He's a very intelligent man. He's not usually too concerned with what others think of him either. Several people on this forum do not put up actual pictures of themselves or post their real name. Big deal. It's a public forum where people can go to express themselves, they don't have to be politically correct or meet other peoples' standards. They just need to be themselves! My two cents on the matter---Jennifer




Very nicely said Jennifer...
Billy is consistent and true to his convictions..( no matter if anyone agrees with him or not.)  ..
He's a good husband and father to his family.. and a good neighbor to his fellow man. Do I agree with him on all the way he believes? No~~ But I don't agree with anyone all the time. ( not even my own family) ...but .....he's a good guy...
and is definitely someone who I would know that I could depend on if I needed anything.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Fine, but I'm not allowed to be myself without the suggestion that I be injured, or even better should die? Very classy. A huge double standard. Why am I not respected for my convictions too? I don't care about the "political correctness," but I don't think suggesting that it's OK to hang Niggers from a tree AGAIN is funny and it  wasn't when they were hung from a tree the first time around.That's very common and crude.
  I'm just sick of the personal attacks and I will fight back. You say he's a nice would I ever know that? What would I ever base it on? Usually I can talk with Steve and a few others about various things ,some we agree, some we don't, but usually we can discuss the strengths and weaknesses of AN ISSUE and it remains civilized. But a few on here immediately jump to attacking the person, with all the unfair generalities and does that look? I started out visiting this site in 2007, was welcomed as a friend and got along with every one. I have roots there. Then I started being labeled as an outsider by a couple of people who came even later than I did. Jealousy? I don't know, but suddenly I was having to defend myself over any opinion I had. Suddenly I was labeled the "liberal Democrat" and I have been unable to regain my place as an Independent and a friend. I'm called ugly names and now I'm supposed to be beat up and slammed in a door for my beliefs, by the same people who want to live by the constitution. But only as long as their rights are preserved, nobody else's. Some very good people have ditched this forum because of the ugliness of a few.Thankfully we have been able to remain friends by other means and they have assured me it's not me, I'm not crazy. I've tried several times to repair it, tried to be friends and have even apologized if someone thought I stepped over the line. Have I ever received any back? Hell no! Normally I'm pretty passive but I won't put up with it any more. If someone gets rough with me, expect to get it right back.  
 By the way, Jennifer I know you don't like me, but I was very impressed with some of the writing you have done regarding the school issue. It was well thought out and well presented. I don't know if you will ever get to the bottom of the issue because the school board can't talk publicly about personnel matters and a new board won't be able to either, but good for you all for keeping on it.



they are hypocrites,  they will always defend the people from their own ideology regardless of the facts.  If you want independent thinkers, you're looking in the wrong place. 

Elk county's elections affect me, I own land there and pay property taxes.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Anmar my dear boy... better watch what kettle you are calling black..  ;)
As far as being independent thinkers.. I think we all are that..
And to be honest.. we ALL stick with those who believe the same as we do ..or who are more like us and tend to think in the same independent sphere circles .. Now it might not be to your liking..... but  ( you know... birds of a feather) :)
Why would I want to or be interested in agreeing with someone that I don't agree with... ???  Or who I think with all my heart and soul is wrong.? So you or others might not get your panties in a tight wad and start hyperventilating? Or that you can try to convince me in your mind numbing detail what I do not believe?  Sorry.. I'm not much into being socially or politically correct anymore. I see the facts as I see them.. just as you do... and I don't care to try to see things as you do. Sorry if that doesn't go by the " Liberal Rules".. of play.

Just my opinion...and I realize I am old and slow and stupid...but I don't think the majority is in YOUR independent thinking circle.. But it seems that the 1 or 2 people who DO give you more than a sideways glance of are sure quick to jump on their wagon.. and agree with them. ( Birds of a feather maybe?) ;)
  Facts are facts.. You just don't see them the same way I do... nor do we seem to be on the same side on most issues. .
So its okay for you..but not for side with my own kind?
Explain the difference?

And for the record..I am a lot of things..but I am FAR FAR from a hypocrite..
What I am right now is tolerant .. but that is growing real thin.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Good post Teresa, once again your wisdom and common sense comes through. This Forum could not have survived as long as it has without someone like you and Kjell in charge. You are appreciated. Keep on keeping on.


Quote from: Teresa on October 24, 2010, 11:54:44 PM

What I am right now is tolerant .. but that is growing real thin.

LOL Amen Teresa.  I think the good rev James Manning did a sermon warning his parishioners that tthe white folks are all out of tolerance these days.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I LOVE Rev. Manning! He cracks me up every time I listen to him!!




I don't mean to "Lord and Master" over anyone in here. The bottom line though is if you want people to know how you feel then post it..If you have Liberal views and the majority readers are Conservative.. then expect to be challenged and never expect to be agreed with.
The same goes for the other side of the coin too.
I would never expect a Liberal to agree with me. ( They actually should because I am right)..  ;) ;D
But .. I will hang in there with guns blazing stating my beliefs because I "believe" them. The same as the "other side does. .. ( I like to call them "the Dark Side"... * with scary music after it* ;D  )
Annnnddddd...sometimes I can talk some sense into their heads.. LOL

Seriously... it just seems like the world is pandering to the Liberals because they cry and whine the loudest.. and instead of getting in there and whipping some ass and cracking some heads (figuratively speaking) they prefer to stomp their feet and scream for the government to take care of them.. and while we're at it.. lets take care of every other Tom, Dick, Pedro and Rahiuem in the whole world..  >:(

That's just one example of why this bird flies with the same feathered birds..  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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