All Hat and No Cattle...

Started by redcliffsw, November 05, 2010, 11:38:38 AM

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Here's Hoping the New Republicans Will Finally Reject Government Interventionism

Diane Amberg

Unless the new tea party Repubs. interfere with the old line Repubs and break up the back rooms deals, the Repubs will do the same things they have done for many years.They will invent nothing new.There is a Republican way of doing things and a Democratic way of doing things. Neither will invent anything new. It's just an up and down see saw that never really balances because ever so often some one changes the fulcrum in the center. The Repubs will talk at length about fewer taxes, but will they shut down the airbase in their district? They need to keep the goodies going back home to their constituents. They owe the those voters. The Demos have a different version of the same thing. Easy to promise, hard to deliver. The Gov't will keep having bills to pay regardless. Don't pay, deficit rises and on and on.There is no winner.


Why shut down the airbases or any military posts (on our soil) for that matter?  You would want your forces spread out somewhat evenly across the country.  But that is a whole other topic.  I think the main point is that our gov't has gotten too big, and holds to much sway over the American people.  And they will continue to do so until the people are willing to stand against the gov't in other places then just the voting booths.   
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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