This story will probably make your blood boil. You've been warned.

Started by mtcookson, October 08, 2010, 12:41:17 PM

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There is nothing wrong with Oath Keepers.   The parents have already been to court several times.  Once the neglect was verified the judge gave the parents no jail time but he did tell them to work with family services.  Then for 21 months family services tried to work with the family to stop neglecting their children.  They may have asked them to go to parenting classes, anger classes, or any number of things they thought appropriate.  They might have been assigned a professional educator called a parent aide. When they did not make progress to stop neglecting, then and only then would they seek to terminate parental rights.  This is done in only the most extreme cases.  The courts do not take termination of parental rights lightly ( at least not in Missouri).  After many court hearings in the 21 month period to check on progress, then another court hearing to terminate the rights took place.  The papers say it has occured, but the judge has yet to rule.  

At this sad point, family services had to make a decision to save the newborn infant from neglect and or death.  This event is frequenly done in the hospital.  It happens regularly in Childrens Mercy Hospital in Kansas City.   I believe the court papers stating the father was in Oath Keepers was simply to let the judge know all the information in the case.  Family services was noting it because they felt he might be armed.  

Even though the baby is in foster care and family services has failed to work successfully with the family, the court will favor the parents rights and they will have the baby returned.   I have seen it in real life.    

Diane Amberg

Thank you for another well informed piece. Some folks can't seem to understand that they aren't the only ones out there and that there are indeed unfit parents. We see it too, unfortunately. We've been called to places for a fire or an ambulance call and found unbelievably horrid conditions.  Floors covered in animal poop and unclothed little ones, with no diapers, crawling on the floors and either no food or spoiled food and empty cans piled in every room with trash and garbage piled high, and I do mean everywhere. Not something showing just one missed paycheck but so much junk and trash that there were just paths to move around among the piles. Social services will do everything they can to keep the kids with their families, but sometimes they have to intervene when there are severe health hazards or the kids haven't eaten for several days or are too dirty for safety. If one of those parents threatened to shoot me, well, there would be serious questions about whether they would be shot first, because one does not abuse kids around me and get away with it.


I will never forget the first dirty house I saw.


heres just one child out of hundreds in the foster care system that would say they would prefer the dirty house....
When this child died, many in atlanta thanked God that he did.    At least now he isn't tortured anymore.
You know what happened to his case workers?  NOT A DAMN Thing, they still work at their jobs.
Once you finish reading the story, go to  and you will find hundreds of fosterkids that were killed in foster care.  HUNDREDS of them.  Not just a few accidents, but cold blooded brutal murders of children.

The autopsy photo shows a little boy who looks relieved to be dead. His eyes are closed. A hospital tube protrudes from his broken nose. He has deep cuts above his right ear and dark linear scars on his forehead. The bruises on his back are a succession of yellows, greens and blues. On the bottom of his tiny feet are unhealed third-degree burns. He had been battered and tortured. He had been tied with panty hose and belts to a banister by the woman who had become his foster grandmother. The state of Georgia had taken him away from his mother, then abandoned him in the woman's care. Little Terrell Peterson had so many injuries that the medical examiner gave up counting them. The child was six years old. He weighed only 29 lbs. The foster-care system is not working in Atlanta.

Read more:,9171,998479-1,00.html#ixzz124KATImX

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Steve there are always bad stories to tell and social services doesn't take kids away for little things. I wish there would never be an abusive real parent so there could never be an abusive foster parent, but sadly that isn't the case. I wish I had the answer for all the terrible human beings out there that exploit other people for their own reasons, but all I can do is what one person can do and I will keep on doing it. What about the millions of other people who look the other way and have every excuse why they let things happen right under their noses?


Many times I have thought of the foster care system as  flawed and awful.  I have personally known children who were sexually abused and beaten in foster care. Religious zealots abound in foster care and want the child to be a perfect follower of their brand of religion.  The abuse of underage kids by pedophiles in the foster care system is now and has been a chronic problem.

It is like any social problem.  Good people have to work for the good of children in the community.  There are good people in every community who will work for the good.  I am reminded of the situation in Longton where citizens are standing up against the school board to get things right in the school.  If they don't, the situation will go downhill and become even worse.  


I'm sorry but thats not even close folks.   Like i said in terrels' case, NOTHING was done to the caseworkers that let him get tortured and murdered.  That is unacceptable and with them still working in the system that means its still the same.

Secondly, did yall go to the site i posteD?   Its a memorial to the HUNDREDS of murdered foster children of which many of these kids were removed from a home that was not dangerous.  Shoot if Terrel were left in his mothers care, he would still be alive.  

And if they came for my kids when i was raising them, those that came for them would haved died.  I would never allow anyone to take my children. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Why would anybody have come for your kids? What were you doing to them to cause someone to take notice? I can't imagine you would have needed to answer the door with a gun in your hands. It might not be the best situation but that's all there is right now. You want the case workers punished, but you don't want the kids taken from people who were abusive or were neglecting them to the point that someone called CPS?  So what is the answer? The case workers didn't kill the kids! How about another memorial for kids who died at the hands of their own parents? I know of one those. I'm 40 year friends with the boy's grandmother.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 11, 2010, 07:14:06 PM
Why would anybody have come for your kids? What were you doing to them to cause someone to take notice?
Anything you do today can get them to show up.  All ya have to have is a busybody neighbor that sees you spank your child and next thing life has gone to hell. 

QuoteI can't imagine you would have needed to answer the door with a gun in your hands. It might not be the best situation but that's all there is right now.

Not an excuse. Thats a load.  The problem is that no one will stand up and say enough. I just happen to be one of the few that will.   

QuoteYou want the case workers punished, but you don't want the kids taken from people who were abusive or were neglecting them to the point that someone called CPS?

Come on, using terrel peterson for example he was safer in his home environment.  This agency is taking kids and putting them into deadly situations.  SHoot they don't even screen the damn foster parents as  hard as they do parents.  come on.  wheres teh accountability.

QuoteSo what is the answer?
Shut it down.  Its failed!

QuoteThe case workers didn't kill the kids!
OH they get a pass for negligence huh.  Yet they take a child from their parents for negligence.  Only in this case the caseworkers killed these children. YEs they might as well did the act themselves. 

QuoteHow about another memorial for kids who died at the hands of their own parents? I know of one those. I'm 40 year friends with the boy's grandmother.
It would be far less deaths than what the Foster care system gives..
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

My question to you is still,.... With what would you replace the current system? Orphanages? Work houses? Coal mines? Slavery? Prostitution? I'm being sarcastic but what is your answer?

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