This story will probably make your blood boil. You've been warned.

Started by mtcookson, October 08, 2010, 12:41:17 PM

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I just have no words for how horrendous this is. This... INSANITY... MUST be stopped.

Here's his profile page on Son's of Liberty Riders:


I hate to say it but its past time to lock n load and let God sort em out.

I can guarantee you that there would have been some dead people if they had tried to take my baby. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Please read the entire article including the small print and check out other sources. The father was to take anger management classes and the family is apparently very known to CPS for some reason. Child neglect? Child abuse? Threats? Wife beating?  It sounds to me like much more than a political thing. Would any of you protect a child abuser who also happened to be involved with a  watchdog political group over his personal rights? This story raised my skeptic meter to high alert. I need to know more. I don't think the child was taken solely over the parent's political beliefs. States don't have that kind of money anymore and caseworkers are overloaded as it is. There must be something else going on. Once again I think this is one of those stories intended to make certain kinds of people in a certain audience angry and illicit a high emotional response. It seems to be working. It may be exactly as reported, but I don't think so.


Alex jones is an interesting guy.  Pretty sure he believes 9/11 is an inside job.  And some people around here have called me anti-semetic?  you should see what Jones has to say about Israel. 

About the article

QuoteThe affidavit in support of the decision to take the child, which has been verified by Oath Keepers, states, "The Division became aware and confirmed that Mr. Irish associated with a militia known as the Oath Keepers," confirming that political beliefs were, amongst other reasons, one of the primary factors behind the snatching of the baby.

When you look at the supporting documents, you'll notice that its item #7.  I'd bet items 1-6 were a lot more important when it comes to making that decision.  Its just another ploy by the right wing fringe to portray themselves as victims to gain media attention and stir up ill feelings toward the big bad government.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 08, 2010, 03:40:25 PM
Please read the entire article including the small print and check out other sources. The father was to take anger management classes and the family is apparently very known to CPS for some reason. Child neglect? Child abuse? Threats? Wife beating?  It sounds to me like much more than a political thing. Would any of you protect a child abuser who also happened to be involved with a  watchdog political group over his personal rights? This story raised my skeptic meter to high alert. I need to know more. I don't think the child was taken solely over the parent's political beliefs. States don't have that kind of money anymore and caseworkers are overloaded as it is. There must be something else going on. Once again I think this is one of those stories intended to make certain kinds of people in a certain audience angry and illicit a high emotional response. It seems to be working. It may be exactly as reported, but I don't think so.

Uhm child services is not a reliable source.  In fact, I personally think a kid is a whole hell  of a lot better off than to be delivered into those murdering bastards hands.    Far too many kids die as a result of taking a child from a home and putting them into a absolute nightmare of a foster home where they are just warehoused for the bucks that they get.

Lastly, they had no right to take that baby in the hospital.  In fact i know for a fact they would have died if it had been my child.  I don't play games when it comes to my kids or family.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I have been doing an extensive search on this.. I will do more later on as my time is running out for this evening.. I found quite a bit on it..( the mainstream media is quiet on it.)  I found this video.. ( a few F words at the beginning.. other than that it is clean for those of you with sensitive ears.. LOL)


Ron Paul has gotten a hold of it also and is starting to delve into what is going on..

(Personally?  It stinks of Big Brother Gov BS)  
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


In the fine print of the article posted it says that family services has been working with the couple for 21 months.  The father failed to complete anger control classes.  Two children have been removed   to foster care because of severe neglect.  The parental rights to these two chilrdren are sought to be terminated and they are awaiting the judge's  decision.  In a situation like this it is very common for family services to remove a newborn from the mother because family services needs to be sure the baby will survive and not succumb to severe neglect as the other two older children.

It apears to me that the staff members were afraid of the father because they heard he was in the group Oath Keepers and were thinking that he would  be armed and willing to kill them over their actions.  In fact when something like this happens people are likely to take extreme actions. Staff members will be devious in their approach because of fear. 

I have known several families in this situation.  The best thing they can do is get a good lawyer.  Funds from Oath Keepers and others will help them get the baby returned.  Then it will be up to the parents to take good care of the child. 

Diane Amberg

Thank you.That's what I thought too. I don't care much about the groups he belongs to, but if the case workers are afraid of him there must be a reason.


Number 1 - Whats wrong with Oath Keepers?

Two - If you come to take my kids then you damn well better be afraid because I will shoot first and shoot to kill!!

Third - If the "authorities" had any verifiable grounds of severe neglect or abuse then they would have arrested the parents.  The "child services" agents as well as the so-called law enforcement officers involved should be arrested for kidnapping.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 08, 2010, 08:55:10 PM
Thank you.That's what I thought too. I don't care much about the groups he belongs to, but if the case workers are afraid of him there must be a reason.

There is a problem when case workers aren't afraid of parents.  THey should be very afraid of them especially when they try to take their children.  Si vis pacem, para bellum
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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