Obuma To Get Out of Dodge After the Election Nov. 02, 2010

Started by Warph, October 07, 2010, 08:12:47 PM

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jerry wagner

Quote from: mtcookson on November 04, 2010, 10:09:16 AM
Minus that they'll at least know what the costs are over there i.e. hotel rooms, food, possibly the security, etc.

Factcheck's claim that it is not that high is that the White House told them it is not that high. We all know how truthful the White House usually is... ::)

About as truthful as any other Presidency.... especially since Obama continued many of the same policies of executive privilege that Bush Jr. had begun.

Diane Amberg

Why isn't anybody telling the whole story? It's a 12 day trip including meetings with the US/Business & Entrepreneurship group in India, then onto Indonesia to speak at meetings about religious extremism,  then to Seoul for the G20 Summit and then to Japan for the APEC Economic Leadership meeting. I won't attack or defend it, but it is primarily a working trip including meetings that previous American Presidents have attended. There is a huge entourage going because of so many different meetings in several different kind of countries. It is painfully expensive also because of the insistence of the security people to buy out entire hotels and close down huge zones and many streets to keep the enemy (extremists) away.The next President will have to deal with the same thing, or worse. Same with the warships. The main hotel is on the ocean, so they will be helping the local navy protect all the "important" people who will be in town. It's not a vacation for the President to go ride elephants, although they may do that too for the photo ops.  The security people have the upper hand with these things, the President does as he as told or he could put many lives in danger. Supposedly Michelle will pay her own way except for security. If some of you are still around for the next presidency, be prepared to hear more of the same. As long as there are extremists out there looking for an opportunity, it will be the same, if not even more expensive and with even more expensive security.


Hey Teresa, have you seen where the far left liberals are saying Michelle Obama is going to pay her own way on this 12 day "vacation", except for security ? I would love to see the size of the purse she has to carry to hold all the cash she will need. Does anyone really think she's going to fork over HER money to pay for Hotel rooms---lavish meals she will be eating and on and on ?? Aint no way a person could carry that much money even if it's all large bills. What a joke !!


Quote from: jarhead on November 04, 2010, 07:29:27 PM
Does anyone really think she's going to fork over HER money to pay for Hotel rooms---lavish meals she will be eating and on and on ??

No.....I don't believe it.. nor would anyone else with any sense..
I doubt even most of the liberals wouldn't believe that..
The Michelle lovers will of course.. but please.... She orders caviar and lobster at room service for lords sake.. ( at our expense.. Why? Becasue she knows she can...
.. I doubt this woman pays for anything she does right now..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa and Jarhead--
    I had never seen Wolf Blitzer with a tear in his eye, like I did the other night when the entire country was painted RED with a few little spots of blue to mess it up. I think the people that are not insane have pulled their heads out of their collective asses and don't want this socialist president and his comrades telling us anymore that "THEY" know what's best for "US". I think 2012 will be the end of Michelle's caviar and lobster and back to collard greens and chitterlings!----the KSHillbillys




Diane Amberg

Jar and Teresa, can you provide some source information for me? I thought she was only going to India, not the rest of the trip. Doesn't Congress still authorize the the amount they have to spend on secretaries, staff and the like? We've talked about this before. He gets a $400.00 a year salary taxable and $50,00.00 "expense" money, non taxable. Like many clever people they have "Spensor's" who pick up many bills and create perks for them, but that is not taxpayer money. Business and influential people are happy to spend on them and for them.  It has happened with previous administrations and will happen long after this group is gone.  Famous people and political "wanna be's'' with money spend bundles to be in the shadow of the people who have powerand influence. Why do you think she is spending taxpayer money? proof please? I'd like to read more.


Just a few questions here...

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 05, 2010, 03:39:11 PM
We've talked about this before. He gets a $400.00 a year salary taxable and $50,00.00 "expense" money, non taxable.

1.  The President only gets  $400.00 a year for salary? Holy crap!!  I make more than he does! And here I thought politicians were only in it for the money.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 05, 2010, 03:39:11 PM
Like many clever people they have "Spensor's" who pick up many bills and create perks for them, but that is not taxpayer money.

2.  Whats a "Spensor's" ?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 05, 2010, 03:39:11 PM
Famous people and political "wanna be's'' with money spend bundles to be in the shadow of the people who have powerand influence.

3.  What is "powerand"?  Is that some kind of new sports drink?

I mean, if a person is going to present their opinion on a subject you would at least think that they would proofread their work before posting.  It reminds me of what a person said on another topic...

QuoteSince this was not written by one of you...could the person who made the tape at least proofread and spell "southern" correctly. You complain that we are falling behind other countries, yet they won't take the extra moment to proofread something that they want to have seen by a lot of people? To me that's like the women years ago who never took the curlers out of their hair.  I saw them everywhere ! Ya had to wonder what in the world did they considered important enough to take them out and fix their hair.  What does this dude think is important enough to take a moment to get it right? It's nice when people take pride in their work....

Sorry, I just couldn't resist that. 

Seriously though, I doubt the Odumbas,...I mean Obamas are worried about who picks up the tab on their little getaway.  I think the timing of their trip was in very poor taste.  They knew the Dems. were going to get slaughtered and in an attempt to distance themselves from that party they leave right after the election.  To me it just shows that the man lacks any loyalty to anything but himself.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

jerry wagner

Quote from: Varmit on November 06, 2010, 08:35:18 AM
Just a few questions here...

1.  The President only gets  $400.00 a year for salary? Holy crap!!  I make more than he does! And here I thought politicians were only in it for the money.

2.  Whats a "Spensor's" ?

3.  What is "powerand"?  Is that some kind of new sports drink?

I mean, if a person is going to present their opinion on a subject you would at least think that they would proofread their work before posting.  It reminds me of what a person said on another topic...

Sorry, I just couldn't resist that. 

Seriously though, I doubt the Odumbas,...I mean Obamas are worried about who picks up the tab on their little getaway.  I think the timing of their trip was in very poor taste.  They knew the Dems. were going to get slaughtered and in an attempt to distance themselves from that party they leave right after the election.  To me it just shows that the man lacks any loyalty to anything but himself.

Wow... how very talented of them, they arranged the G20 to be held in Seoul after the elections, GOOD JOB!


Oh Damn the G20!!  At a time when our country is divided obama could've stayed here and at least acted like a leader!!  He could've used this election to actually try and heal the division his adminstration created.  He could've lived up to his bi-partisian promises!  But no, he runs off like the little bitch he is.  Well, I say to hell with him and his adminstration!  He has shown his true colors.  And it is high time people started to see him for the yellow coward turn-coat he is.  I say damn the Bastards, and send'em to Hell!!!!
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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