Sweet Potatoes

Started by Delbert, October 06, 2010, 07:29:01 PM

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How to you care for the sweet potatoes after you dig them?   Keep them warm?


Do not let them get cold.  And I emphasize the DO NOT.  I don't know what the cold does to them, but they will turn black when you cook them if they get too cold.

I think you are supposed to let them cure in a dry shady place, then store them at room temperature.  I don't really know since I have never raised more than what we could use up immediately.

Dee Gee

I keep them in the cool basement, I have already dug 75 pounds so I hope they keep.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


This is the first year I have ever grown sweet potatoes; and boy, was I surprised at how many came out of a hill!  I got a 5 gallon bucket full out of one hill.  It was sure fune to watch them grow.  I'm keeping them in our storm shelter in the house.  Not much room for people.......hope the storms are over!


Yuck.. I can't stand sweet potatoes. They are right there up with Beets and cow poop! :P

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Diane Amberg

I've had both beets and sweet potatoes, but I've never tried cow poop.  How is it? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


I will have to say I have had my nose in cow poop once or twice, courtesy of my brother....but I never got any in my mouth!


We had a sweet potato with dinner last night.  Yummy!!!  My wife's cousin is visiting from Chicago and swears that it wasn't a sweet potato, but then admitted she really didn't know what one looked like and mistakenly called it a yam. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

I don't think anybody in this country grows real yams do they? Some people call certain kids of sweets yams but they aren't the same at all. We get several kinds here including huge ones with dark orange flesh that are really sweet. Yummy!


I like my sweet potatoes baked.  Then served with lots of butter or gravy.

I have to tell you this about my kids.  They didn't like sweet potatoes, wouldn't eat them.  So I told them they were going to eat them anyway.  That night at supper we had pie and they loved it.  Couldn't tell the difference from pumpkin pie.

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