Judge bars key witness from Gitmo detainee's trial

Started by Teresa, October 07, 2010, 08:16:17 AM

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Sooooo ~~it seems that the whole trying enemy combatants thing isn't going as well as Eric Holder said. *shocker*
It seems we forgot that terrorists are people too and we didn't respect their constitutional rights... >:(
I mean .. come on~~~~Is there any body out there who didn't see this type thing coming as soon as they said they would try them ? Is Ghailani an American Citizen? Not a hard question for any of us here in America........ Uhhhh~~ I don't believe he is.  ::)
To me it seems that there is a very easy solution here. Just extradite the SOB to either Kenya or Tanzania, whichever one will hang him first.
Or.... as an alternative to Holder's idiotic idea ~~we could have just left the b@st@rd in Gitmo and tried him in a military court.  I mean.. again.... really... who could not have seen this coming?
Obama and his administration are diligently working to undermine the established rule of law in this country.  This piece of crap will walk free and our government will end up paying him not to sue us before this is over.


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