Take a look at what Holder and Obama let off....

Started by Teresa, October 05, 2010, 11:25:15 AM

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Sure am glad the DOJ, had a "clear view", of this jerk,....I guess "killin white babies", wasn't a big enough threat! Seems it hasn't done a damn thing.
But going after AZ defending its borders,...???? >:(   That there is something else..
Let his King Samir HeinASS, stand in front of a voting location with a club this Nov...
Perhaps a real citizen, will just knock some sense into his bigoted, racist, head.  >:(

Time for this kind of crap to end.

On another note..Louis Farrakhan had a private meeting with the "little man from Iran", while he was allowed to also be on American soil, stink up hotels, wear the same suit for three days, call 9/11 an inside job, hold two dumb kid tourists hostage, and kinda waiver on whether stoning a woman to death, would be appropriate with cameras, or without.

He thumbs his nose at us in our own country, and "diplomacy", is the viable option?  :o

What the hell do we have to fear from this bastard? We should have rounded him up for communication of threats, violations of human rights, and being an a**hole.

Sorry for the rant
, between the a**hole in the video, and the other one running his mouth at the UN, it's been a tough time wading through the Bovine Scatology, and my country that lacks its former self.

I'm even starting to respect France, a bit, for growing a pair, and standing up for themselves, against an extreme ideology overrunning their country. More threats against France today. They banned full burka's, now the terrorism starts, check the headlines.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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