Good Thing or Bad Thing..

Started by Teresa, October 05, 2010, 12:04:01 PM

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Good thing or bad thing?
I really love that a virtual unknown candidate can unseat a several-term incumbent in a primary, but does she have enough momentum to take the November election, and does keeping a potential GOP take-over of the Senate hurt in the long run? With the Tea Party making a big splash like this in Delaware, is there a potential (with enough running) to put enough of them in seats to prevent a +50 any-party majority in the Senate?

Rush nailed it a while back...he said it isn't about being conservative--it is about getting back to 51 so they can get control of chairmanships and purse strings.

I realize that the RNC machine is part of the problem...

That's why I am seriously asking..........
Is there a potential for enough 'unknown' (non-GOP) Tea Party candidates out there to win enough seats to cause neither party to have a '51' majority?

I know the Tea Party is running on the conservative platform, but what if it ends up with a hypothetical example of say, 45 Dem seats, 45 Rep seats, and 10 Tea Party seats? Could it happen theoretically?

I'm not rallying for or against the GOP, they ain't a bed of roses any more than the Dems have been. I'm all for getting rid of the old shoes here. I'm just asking is there a wrench in the machine waiting up in:
Can the Tea Party, while doing a good thing (unseating incumbents), cause the Dems to be able to do an end-run around the GOP and keep a majority...causing more damage in the long run?

QuoteTea party victory endangers GOP's goal of retaking the Senate
By Holly Bailey

With polls showing significant GOP momentum this fall, Republicans in recent weeks began to believe they had a real chance of retaking control of the Senate in November. But a major primary upset at the hands of a tea party insurgent on Tuesday may have put the Senate GOP's dreams of a majority at serious risk.

In the biggest electoral surprise of the night, conservative activist Christine O'Donnell defeated longtime GOP Rep. Mike Castle in Delaware's Republican Senate primary. Castle, a moderate who once served as the state's governor, had been so favored to win in November that his decision to run had reportedly influenced Democrat Beau Biden, son of Vice President Joe Biden, to abandon plans to seek his father's old seat.

But with O'Donnell's come-from-nowhere win Tuesday night, top Republicans in Washington now see virtually no chance the GOP will be able to pick up the Delaware seat this fall. As a result, they admit their already slim chance of winning back Republican control of the Senate is likely dead.

more at link:
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

I find it interesting that CO has had so much free mainstream publicity that she hasn't had to spend much of anything of the campaign money she got. Until today. She aired a commercial that starts out "I Am Not a Witch". To which everyone of "that age" responded, "I Am Not a Crook!" and laughed. I don't think that was very smart of her. By the way, guess where Rachael Maddow is airing her show tonight?
   I dislike very much that some out and out lies were told about Mike Castle's voting record. As an older person he just learned the hard way that the truth means nothing anymore in politics. CO did it too.The stuff she has come up with in general and specifically is scary. She is beginning to make me think she has some very loose screws.

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