Are You Fishing-----

Started by sixdogsmom, September 30, 2010, 01:35:08 PM

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So Diane, are you fishing from your back porch? Looks like lots of water your way. Keep dry---- :-*

Diane Amberg

Glub, glub! Lots here and more coming. Winds are just gusty and so far the really bad rain is just west of us. The watersheds for the Susquehanna River are really getting it hard.  We do have some roads that will be under water soon and somebody will be dumb enough to try to get through, so the Zodiac is ready to go if we have to do any water rescues. This reminds me of Floyd a few years ago and we had two kids drown in that. Thanks for thinking of us. 


Just let us know when to post the water wings!  ;D

Ms Bear

How much rain have you had so far?  Flooding is so scary.

Diane Amberg

I'm not sure least four, but it's more than that. I'm not expecting problems right here because we're up on the Piedmont above town. Now just west of us is getting much more and the PA. National Guard has been alerted and is on stand by. This storm is really two, and the second, Nicole won't be here for several more hours. It's supposed to give us more of a direct hit over us and have much more rain overnight. It should be interesting! My one girlfriend has had more than 11 so far.

Ms Bear

Please stay safe, will be praying for all there.

Diane Amberg

Good morning! We're fine. Did get a little bit of water on the basement floor but nothing to get excited about. The sump pump hose outside came off during the wind so it didn't discharge as far away as it should have, so some of the water came right back in and one downspout blew off so some water came through a side wall and over ran the french drain. But it was all on Al's work bench side on simple concrete floor and he had picked up everything so it didn't matter. All the low roads and anything near streams is flooded out and as usual my guys have spent all morning rescuing dummies trying to drive through water that was too high. It down poured all last night as Nicole came through. My rain gauge topped out at 6 inches sometime during the storm so I don't know how much we got right here. All the stuff (and there is plenty!) in ''my" side of the basement is fine, plus it's all in big plastic tubs, no cardboard, just in case. We got two inches down there one time but it didn't hurt anything, just needed to suck it up and run the dehumidifier for a few days. I've heard that there are some areas that have been hit very hard with a lot houses with high water. Al's sister Beth has a house to show near here this morning and she just called to say she doesn't know when she will get here to go out to lunch with us. She can't figure out how to get here! She lives 40 minutes north of us ( until Nov.15 when they move to AZ to stay.) and all the low land is between us. Should be interesting.


Happy to hear that you guys came through okay, these things are always a worry.  :P


I was thinking of you yesterday, Diane, while watching the news.  A real scary picture on the TV.

Meanwhile, California is trying to figure what it is supposed to be, weather wise.  When we took the GD to school at 8 AM, skies were blue with many puffy clouds.  As she and I stood there waiting for the teacher to open the door, a large boom of thunder happened and everyone was surprised.  We were all looking for the source.  A big cloud had formed and now we had lightning and thunder.  Driving back home to the west, there was a rainbow.  Rainbows here are normally seen to the east.  As we approached our house, traffic lights were flashing, streets were wet and the sun was shining.  That was three hours ago, or thereabouts.  Just now, a huge thunderstorm rolled through with lots of rain.  We don't normally get rain until November, but it rained good today.  They are showing on the news lightning strikes are happening in Pomona, the next city to the east.  Right now, the sun is shining and I see blue skies outside and it is pouring rain!  I am going back to bed.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

Larry, sounds like you had some confusing weather. We apparently have had one death by drowning from the storm. A car was washed off the road into Red Clay Creek not far from Newark and was submerged.The lady who was known to be driving is missing.

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