Apple Trees, Anyone?

Started by Wilma, October 05, 2010, 07:41:30 AM

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I posted this in classified because I want to sell the trees, but since there hasn't been any response and I really would like to know what you all think, I am posting again here where it might get more attention.

I have two mature apple trees that I want removed.  I know that apple wood is used for smoking meat and that it is also good in a fireplace or outside fire.  I would like to sell the standing trees with the stipulation that they be removed gently.  The reason for this being that one of the trees has surrounded my electric meter pole and the electric to my house runs through the roots of said tree.  The other tree is too close to the corner of the house to be pulled out or pushed out.  The roots also might disturb my new rose garden.  Besides, I don't want my lawn torn up by big machinery or my sidewalk cracked any more than it already is.  Does anyone think that this is possible?


Not if you want the roots removed.  that will take machinery to do.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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