Ensure Sharia Law Stays Out of Oklahoma

Started by frawin, September 15, 2010, 05:01:41 AM

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I hope every state will consider this.

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Ensure Sharia Law Stays Out of Oklahoma!

By Kelly Cook, National Field Director

As you are probably aware, the Oklahoma State Legislature has overwhelmingly approved and passed on to Oklahoma voters State Question 755. This historic piece of legislation, if approved by a majority of the voters, will prohibit Oklahoma courts from applying Islamic sharia law in their rulings.

ACT! for America wholeheartedly endorses 755 and encourages a "YES" vote! Don't be confused! Be sure you tell your family and friends that a "Yes" vote is a vote to stop sharia law in its tracks in Oklahoma! Please forward this email to everyone you know.

Islamic Sharia Law is a brutal totalitarian set of laws that is unfortunately emerging around the globe (and the U.S.)!

What can you do to help 755's passage besides casting a "Yes" vote, telling your friends and family, and forwarding this email?

I urge you to contact the leader who has made all this possible. Representative Rex Duncan is the courageous leader who shepherded this effort through the Oklahoma State Legislature earlier this year. Oklahoma is fortunate to have him.

Please contact Rex Duncan to sincerely thank him for taking this stand and to find out directly from him what you can do to help assure 755 passes on election day, November 2nd!

You may reach Rex Duncan at: rex@rexduncan.com

And watch for our emails regarding Brigitte Gabriel's upcoming trip to Oklahoma to promote 755! She'll be in Oklahoma City on October 3rd and Tulsa on October 5th. Brigitte can't wait to meet you, look you in the eye and thank you for taking this stand with her!


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