Can Muslims Be Good Americans

Started by Judy Harder, September 13, 2010, 01:46:08 PM

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Anmar~~~ Shocked?? Seriously?? I didn't know I did anything that shocked anyone anymore..  ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I don't post much on my give a damn has long past been busted where Liberals views and our shitty government are I just work and do what I do with like minded people.. ( You know what they say~~~ birds of a feather..................)~~ so I just hang with my "own hard nosed conservative kind.. ;)
So If I shocked you with my beliefs and attitudes... "oh well"...
I've moved WAY past "I care what anyone thinks" ...and "politically correct".. and "love the world"... .

This current government has spun me off into a dimension of pissed off that I never knew existed.
Its called:

Teresa Pisstivity Index.
A logarithmic scale measuring the amount of frustration one feels when confronted with total stupidity.

TPI-1  Mildly annoyed.....amused even
TPI-2  Slightly annoyed.....apt to resort to multi-syllable adjectives
TPI-3  Greatly annoyed....apt to resort to single-syllable adjectives....most with 4 letters
TPI-4  Majorly annoyed....apt to resort to violence against inanimate objects
TPI-5  Beyond annoyed....apt to resort to violence against other people in an attempt to improve the gene pool.

So Anmar my dear confused boy~~ You can slip that under your girlfriends burka or put it where ever you want to... and deal with it.. I am past the point of caring who I shock .....................
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Anmar, you certainly appear to be Pro Muslim and anti Jew, I looked up the name Anmar and below is what I got:

Name: Anmar

Gender: Unisex

Location: Asia

Language: Arabian

Thematic: Unknown Thematic

I noticed that you were very much against a thorough search or any search of  Plane Passengers, why is that?????
Is  that a part of your Pro-Muslim feeling,  My wife and I fly a lot and I can tell you that if they didn't
search the passengers I wouldn't want to fly at all. Not searching passengers played a big part in the terrorist success in 9/11


People know their people.  Anmar defends muslims as though he is one of them and not one of us.

Diane Amberg

Leo, thanks for the book suggestions.

jerry wagner

Quote from: frawin on September 18, 2010, 03:51:56 PM
Anmar, you certainly appear to be Pro Muslim and anti Jew, I looked up the name Anmar and below is what I got:

Name: Anmar

Gender: Unisex

Location: Asia

Language: Arabian

Thematic: Unknown Thematic

I noticed that you were very much against a thorough search or any search of  Plane Passengers, why is that?????
Is  that a part of your Pro-Muslim feeling,  My wife and I fly a lot and I can tell you that if they didn't
search the passengers I wouldn't want to fly at all. Not searching passengers played a big part in the terrorist success in 9/11

If it is true that he is Muslim, what crime has he committed?  What are you persecuting him for?


Quote from: jerry wagner on September 18, 2010, 07:21:23 PM
If it is true that he is Muslim, what crime has he committed?  What are you persecuting him for?
Most likely for the same reason you get bitch slapped everytime you poke your head in here.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

jerry wagner

Quote from: srkruzich on September 18, 2010, 07:34:58 PM
Most likely for the same reason you get bitch slapped everytime you poke your head in here.

Your right, damn those that dare disagree with you.


Quote: greatguns
Jarhead, and in your world, what is a real job?

Why that ones easy to answer guns---fishing !!! You ever sit in a boat and fish 5 solid hours like I did today ?? Whew---now that's real work, not counting the hour it took to filet all the fish. I'm plumb tuckered out .


Quote from: frawin on September 18, 2010, 03:51:56 PM

I noticed that you were very much against a thorough search or any search of  Plane Passengers, why is that?????
Is  that a part of your Pro-Muslim feeling,  My wife and I fly a lot and I can tell you that if they didn't
search the passengers I wouldn't want to fly at all. Not searching passengers played a big part in the terrorist success in 9/11

Because its a violation of the constitution.  I happen to not be the only forum member who thinks so.  I guess that makes Varmit a terrorist too.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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