Just Wondering.....?

Started by Marcia Moore, September 10, 2010, 07:16:50 PM

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I for one have never seen "the dead" look so real and lifelike. ( Does this sound macabre?) They do the best job I have ever seen. Congratulations to both of them... and we are more than lucky to have them here in Howard.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


It might sound macabre to some people, but you are so right, Teresa.  Lloyd and Robin really made the whole experience so much less traumatic.  You felt as if your loved one was being lovingly cared for.


I agree with you, Teresa. We are not all alike - there are all sorts of different "gifts" people have - and Tony and Rick have that gift.


Wilma.. I liked Lloyd.. but I was talking about Tony and Rick.. They have a talent in "reconstructing the dead"  that no one I have ever met has.. I never used to ever walk by the casket without actually closing my eyes and looking elsewhere as I never thought the people looked good at all.
Now with Tony and Rick at the helm? Its almost as if they will sit up and talk to you. Robin is a wonderful asset to them still too..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg


Robin is a special person.  He is so kind and patient.  When Mary & I sang at a funeral not long ago, we were asked to sing a song that none of us was familiar with.  Robin was so kind and patient while we practiced, over and over until we knew it.  Frank did have a very enjoyable visit with him; but, I'm sure he had plenty of other things he could have been doing, and probably his wife would have been pleased just to have him home.  He even brought water for us the next day when we sang.

He is a real asset to the community as he is involved with so many other things too.  We are very fond of Rick and Tony as well.  

I do hope that Lloyd is doing well.  He, too, is a great person.


Janet Harrington

Robin Haines is the pastor of the Flint Hills Assembly of God Church in Howard, Kansas.  He is a staple of our Elk County community.  Robin also works at the funeral home holding either a funeral home director license or an assistant funeral home director license.  I can't remember which he has.  Anyway, he is the pastor that conducted my wedding ceremony to my Jimmy the first time, then we re-dedicated ourselves to the Catholic Church in Moline with Father Sixtu when I joined the Catholic Church just recently.

I love Pastor Robin with all my heart.  Never could a county be as lucky as  Elk County is to have Pastor Robin living among us.

Diane Amberg

He has been a big help to me and mine on a number of occasions. I agree, a wonderful person.


Don't let Pastor Robin fool you. Every time I see him he walks up and shakes my hand, but in the process of shaking my hand his index finger sneaks up and starts feeling for a pulse, and to top it off, if he feels a pulse, he looks at his watch and times it !!! That dude is always looking for "new " customers for the funeral home. LOL
You think I'm joshing you, you just ask pastor Robin. He may not admit it but I gar-an-tee you he will give you that impish smile, that he does  ;D

Diane Amberg

Hmmm... Jar, are you really that pale? I thought you were out in the sun a lot more than that! ;D 8)

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