Christians: Beware the fox in the hen house and the Bible Literacy Project

Started by redcliffsw, September 10, 2010, 10:30:50 AM

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....that the deceivers are draped in the American flag.  Their target is your child.
-Devvy Kidd

        Separation of Church and State has been a very lucrative business for the ACLU and AU (Americans United for the Separation of Church and State) for over a half century. They prowl the country looking for the right chicken to pluck.

        Only someone who has put their brain on idle for the past 25 years can deny the attack on Christianity in this country is (1) real and in your face, and (2) a serious and constant war to wear down the American people. Get rid of the Ten Commandment anywhere in public! Why rot the minds of members of Congress and other elected offices with God's commandments: no lying, stealing, adultery, or murder (abortion). Useful fools throughout this country are increasingly taking to protecting the barbaric, totalitarian system called Islam masquerading as a religion, while accepting the massive assault on Christianity.

        Funny thing, though, history doesn't back up all the blathering by those who work so hard to shut out God in America. Take for instance The New England Primer of 1777:

"In the early colonial period, reading the Bible was the primary reason and motivation for learning to read. For example, in 1647, the "Old Deluder Act" was passed by the Massachusetts General Court required every township with 50 or more families to hire a teacher.  Similar legislation quickly spread to the other New England colonies, being the first step towards compulsory education. The preamble was explicit that knowledge of the Scriptures was the chief goal, and that "one chief project of that old deluder, Satan, [is] to keep men from the knowledge of the Scriptures" (see text with original spelling and typesetting represented in Ford, and an modernized spelling rendering of the text is found here). Illiterate people were at the mercy of other people for their knowledge of God and His Word, and  inaccessibility to the Bible had fomented centuries of darkness prior to the Reformation. Indeed the appearance of early primers in England has been connected directly to the beginning of the Reformation. Only literate people could have the privilege of direct, independent access to God's revelation.

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