We Need A Revolution, Not A Movement

Started by redcliffsw, August 28, 2010, 11:02:07 AM

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We Need A Revolution, Not A Movement
-Chuck Baldwin

"Palin and Beck may see themselves as part of a conservative "movement," but they want nothing to do with an old-fashioned, honest-to-God, Patrick Henry-style revolution."


Diane Amberg

Well, I read this one and frankly darn near fell off the chair laughing. He's using the freedom of speech that we have, and most countries don't, to put down everyone and everything today.  He says let's start a "revolution" to save the freedom of speech he is still using, so he hasn't lost it.  He makes it sound like he's in charge of the resistance during a war!  Pure fantasy! Who do I shoot first to save the country...my neighbor or the Mayor, since there isn't a British soldier to be found? Do I shoot them with my gun, that my freedom to have is still guaranteed by the Constitution. Yup, I just checked it's still in the gun safe, nobody took it away. What the heck is the man talking about? In most countries he'd be dragged away for advocating the violent overthrow of the Government. What does he really expect to gain from this writing...Money, I guess. Yes, I'm being sarcastic and a smart alec.


Good post Red, the author makes a good point.  It is time that the States put the Fed. in their place. 

Put down everyone and everything??...he put down the federal/state gov't.

Hasn't lost freedom of speech??...he/we will if we allow laws like the Net Neturality bill to pass.

In charge of a resistance during a war??...he may not be "in charge" but there is a resistance growing in this country towards what used to be our three branches of gov't. 

Freedom to own a gun??...did you know that obama recently blocked the import of over a thousand surplus M-1 rifles from korea, citing gun accidents and the fear that these rifles would "end up in the wrong hands"? 

Dragged away for advocating overthrowing the gov't?...have you listend to pelosi and what she wants to do with people that don't support obama? 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Aw, come on, you know Pelosi is an idiot, why would you pay attention to her? I'm not sure about the gun thing, I'll check on that. Why would there be surplus guns in Korea? Wouldn't they be shipped on to the middle east or are they not the right weapon for there? So you advocate a Gov't overthrow? How in the world do you (plural) expect to do that?  Things move so slowly Pres. Obama will be gone by the time anyone gets organized.  Besides, I told you I was just being a smart alec, so you were warned.


 Obama Bans More than 100,000 American-Made Rifles
Opinion by The Volokh Conspiracy
(August 17, 2010) in Society / Guns
By David Kopel

According to The Korea Times, the Obama administration has blocked efforts by the South Korean government to sell over a  hundred thousand surplus M1 Garand and Carbine rifles into the United States market. These self-loading were rifles introduced in 1926 and 1941.
As rifles, they are especially well-suited to community defense in an emergency, as in the cases of community defense following Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and Hurricane Andrew in 1992. Along with AR-15 type rifles, the M1 rifles are the quintessential firearms of responsible citizenship, precisely the type of firearms which civic responsibility organizations such as the Appleseed Project teach people how to use. 
According to a South Korean official, "The U.S. insisted that imports of the aging rifles could cause problems such as firearm accidents. It was also worried the weapons could be smuggled to terrorists, gangs or other people with bad intentions."
Regarding the second objection, any firearm lawfully imported into the United States would eventually be sold by a Federal Firearm Licensee who, pursuant to the background check system imposed by Congress (and endorsed by the NRA) would have to contact federal or state law enforcement to verify that the gun buyer is not prohibited from possessing firearms.
Accordingly, the risk that the South Korean surplus guns might fall into the hands of gangsters or other bad people is exactly the same as with the sale of any other retail firearm in the United States. Notably, neither the M1 Garand nor the M1 carbine are concealable, and the M1 Garand is long, heavy, and bulky. Accordingly, the criminal utility of such guns is relatively low.
The second Obama administration objection is accidents. But in fact, increasing gun density in the United States has been associated with steeply declining rates of gun accidents. In 1948 there were .36 guns per person. (That is, about one gun for every three Americans.) By 2004, there was nearly one gun for every American. In 1948, there were 1.6 fatal gun accidents per 100,000 persons. By 2004, the rate had fallen by 86%, so that there were .22 fatal accidents per 100,000 persons. (For underlying data, see Appendix B of my amicus brief in Heller.)
Legally, it is indisputable that the guns are importable. Being over 50 years old, the rifles are automatically "Curios and Relics" according to federal law. 27 CFR section 478.11. Accordingly, they are by statutory definition importable. 18 USC section 925 (e)(1). Notwithstanding the law, the Obama administration has the ability to pressure the South Korean government to block the sale of the guns.
President Obama was elected on the promise that he supported individual Second Amendment rights. His administration's thwarting of the import of these American-made rifles is not consistent with that promise.

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


The terrorist thing is BS.  Its pretty common knowledge that just about everyone in the eastern and latin american worlds prefer the AK.  Its a much more reliable rifle.  I think its really just a political move to appease gun control folks.  But on the other hand, Gun control should really be a local issue.  As i've mentioned before, big cities have very different problems than people out in the country.  It can be a serious problem when the criminals are better armed than the cops.  Last year we lost 4 police officers in a single day as they tried to apprehend a gang member in Oakland.  We should also take note of the violence happening in mexico.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Personally, I'd take an M1 over an AK any day.  Better range and accuracy.  Criminals being better armed than cops isn't really a "gun control" issue.  When you break it down a gun fight isn't about the weapon, its about the person using it.  As for big city issues...you wanna cut back on crime rates, cut back gun control laws.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


The terrorists and such might prefer the AK's and SKS over the M-1 Garand but they are no more reliable than the old Garand, plus them puppies  would reach out and touch someone---if you catch my drift. The M-1 carbine is another story. Weak on the  knock down power.
The violence in Mexico is just another good reason why the citizens of this country need those weapons


I've never fired an M1, but I can understand the preference for the AK.  It makes sense when you think about it.  Moisture in the jungle, Sand in the desert, American made rifles weren't meant for those environments back in the 30's and 40's.  Frankly at that point, we weren't thinking about going around invading third world countries and stationing troops in 120 different countries.  I'm a little old fashioned, I'm on the hunt right now for a Lee Enfield
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


To actually shoot or for a wall hanger?  I wouldn't think an Enfield would be too easy to find ammo for.. Don't they take something like a .303 British cartridge? Don't they also have a little short magazine? Those old war rifles have one hell of a kick to them.. I've shot some of them...Too much hard punch for me to shoot and have fun with.
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