Throwing your money in the Trash..

Started by Varmit, August 22, 2010, 08:50:06 AM

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Same thing happened to me on the meds.  I am paying cash for all of it .  Insulin is very expensive.  They know exactly what they are doing.


Well so much for the lies congress and obama told us.   
Got off with medicare, my costs have skyrocketed.   176 deductible, plus 66.00 per month premium, plus 70.00 per month cost of drugs.   lying sacks of *.  We knew we were screwed when they start talking about cutting half a trillion out of medicare.  DAmn that pisses me off too, why the hell do i have to give up my healthcare for some freaking illegal.  This is all on top of my premiums for healthcare and its going up.  118.00 a month.  higher deductible too.

What do we have to do, do the governments job and remove the illegals?
You might end up responding to a host of elderly going postal on everyone at SS office in the next year.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: twirldoggy on August 23, 2010, 09:24:14 AM
Same thing happened to me on the meds.  I am paying cash for all of it .  Insulin is very expensive.  They know exactly what they are doing.
Yeah they do. They are euthanizing the sick.  I am sooo dang blessed that i can control my diabetes with diet.  they tried to put me on insulin and i balked. Told them i would get it down myself without meds.  Went from 356 down to 100
I sometimes spike up to 200 but not often.
i just did my a1c and it came back 6.5 but the doc is saying its that high because of triglycerides.  I don't eat red meat hardly so its tough to get it down.  I am HOPING that they have some good fish on sale at dillons this next month so i can add some variety to my chicken and tuna.  

Might have to buy me a goat to eat. :D  hey patriot how much for a wether ready to butcher?
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I brought a large ice chest full of red fish  and speckled sea trout, home from my bro-in-law in Houston a week or so back so I should offer you a mess of fish-------BUT-----the specs taste a lot like walleye (which I would kill for ) and I haven't tried the red fish yet---------SO---maybe you better go ahead and butcher a goat.:)
If I could have kept ol Sarge out of my freezer I "might" of had some to give away.

Diane Amberg


Quote from: jarhead on August 23, 2010, 01:06:52 PM
I brought a large ice chest full of red fish  and speckled sea trout, home from my bro-in-law in Houston a week or so back so I should offer you a mess of fish-------BUT-----the specs taste a lot like walleye (which I would kill for ) and I haven't tried the red fish yet---------SO---maybe you better go ahead and butcher a goat.:)
If I could have kept ol Sarge out of my freezer I "might" of had some to give away.

LOL i don't blame ya there.  IF i ever get back over to lejuene i would load up on mai mai and i don't think i would share that either.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


My deduct is only $2000.  Twenty or so will buy you a fishing llicense and it doesn't take a lot of effort to dig a worm.  Life isn't to bad.

Diane Amberg

People who are vegetarians do well with cheap veggies and no meat, fish or dairy at all. Maybe a good vegetarian cook book would help?


Vegetarian ???? Those East /West coast people are out of touch with us mid westerners. This is cattle country and the beef producers hang anyone they suspect might be a vegetarian so I'd advice you to stay in Delaware Diane !!!

Diane Amberg

Well, I tried to find out what is really going on with Cleveland without some political spin to it and apparently they are trying to make sure that trash and recycle stuff isn't mixed together, because of fines the city will get if the people at the "dump" have to take the time to sort it out. I think it's going to fail because of how they went about it. We didn't have recycling at curbside here either .We had the recycle igloos here and there that we took our stuff to and I was fine with that. But not enough people were using them, so the city decided to start a curb side program. They had public hearings for more than a year making suggestions on various forms to see what the residents would be willing to do. They started with suggesting several containers, so we could break out the cardboard, paper, plastic, glass, ,newspapers, magazines and aluminum at home. That didn't go over well because we have a lot of apts, town houses and small houses that have no place to store all those containers. Eventually they came up with "single stream." All the recyclables go in one can and are picked up on Tues. and real trash and garbage goes in a trash can that is picked up on Friday. We have those one-man- long- arm- grabber trucks too. (I wasn't sure I'd like the big cans, but I can roll them all around when I want to do yard pick up of junk and bits and pieces.) I could find room for two cans easily and it's amazing, now that I'm used to it, how little goes in the trash can. It's still a voluntary program, but people who won't join in only get pick up once a week instead of twice.  There is a sort and transfer point down near the city garage where the stuff is sorted into the various glass, aluminum and so on. If there is no market for a time they just store it there.  Buyers go there to pick up the things they are interested in. Where it goes after that?? I know it doesn't go to the dump because our tipping fees are way down, mostly because of the money the city makes selling what can be resold.  Perhaps the port of Wilmington ships it to China. I've never thought to ask. No, the city doesn't "own the cans."  ;) We can still sell them ourselves if we want to. The amount of real trash that goes to the land fill is down by at least 40% so it's  working. With the economy so bad anything to keep our taxes from going up again helps. I have no idea what you pay in Howard city taxes and what services you get, an but I'm just about to pay mine, it's $465.62
 Hey Jar, I didn't say I was a vegetarian!  My family raised beef. Don't ever get between me and a good steak. I just can't eat as much or as often as I used to! I have enough weight problems as it is...  ;D

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