Cops at it again

Started by Varmit, August 20, 2010, 05:40:40 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 27, 2010, 06:06:03 PM
Maybe I don't under stand "tax hike"that has already happened.There are indeed a  bunch for next year, and many exemptions that will stop but there are still a lot of tax credits out there if people just look for them.The new energy efficient furnaces and air conditioner tax credit continues through 2010.   The new home and replacement home tax credit is still alive at $8,000 and $6,500.00 (I think) and many more. Some Federal Park user fees went up and Medicare but what else am I missing?
those credits are taxes on other people. sorry but for every dollar you get a credit for someone else has to pay for it in taxes.
Medicare definately went up in prices.  plus all of social security recipents effectively got a 4% tax increase when they didn't pay the cola Adjustment.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


There you go, no busts.  That isn't always a good thing. :police:


When did social security recipients get a 4% increase?  Mine hasn't increased since the beginning of 2009.

Diane Amberg

Steve, I really don't mean to be argumentative, honest, but I don't understand how a tax credit for someone becomes a tax for someone else. I've tried to puzzle it out, but if the Gov't gives me a $1,500 tax credit for my new furnace, (I did) that's money the Gov't doesn't get.  How does someone else have to pay it?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 27, 2010, 02:33:05 PM
Don't you ever watch the TV shows where all the convicts are trying to get attention and are always claiming their innocence? Of course you couldn't know about my times on jury duty. All were innocent...just ask'em. I wasn't talking about any live human beings and you know it.

No Diane, I didn't know you weren't talking about live people, not with the way you worded your statement. 
What oppurtunity did I see and take?  If a person calls you a democrat/liberal/pro-abortion or whatever, it is based on your comments and posts.  For example, if you support a womans "right" to have an abortion then guess what...your pro abortion. 
No one said that you started the black panther thread, but you did make the comment that we here in Elk County Ks could not have known what happened because we don't live there. 
I DO NOT attack the person and not the issue, well,...I don't draw first blood anyway. 
As for not understanding what a person has to say, I have no problem with it. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

For the last time, I am a moderate Independent, anti abortion except in special circumstances, and like it or not, it's not against the law. I keep waiting for the law to be changed but nobody does anything. As for how I post, I say what I say. Picking apart every word and looking for hidden meanings and trying to analyze me is waste of time. IMHO.  You don't get to decide who I am or want to be, I do.  I do not have to explain myself to you. Have you ever explained yourself to me? I do not jump to extremes every time some guy says something controversial. I check it out first from as many sources as I can. That's just who I am.  and I do find errors and misleading statements or things that are deliberately left out that change the meaning. Do You? I am not an extreme conservative but I do agree with many conservative things. When it comes to politics I am a natural skeptic, because I see the agendas people and the media use to manipulate people and lead people down their chosen path.  I hate the labels that some people stick on others for no good reason, just to be hurtful. It never changes anybody's mind about how they feel and just makes people angry, but apparently that's all some people understand. I lost that battle back when it first started so label and slam all you want, but don't expect me to be your or anyone's door mat. I've been a forum member for more than three  years and I  remember a time when the political chatter was more along the line of what Roma Jean and I did yesterday.  There were interesting ideas but no rancor or labels or name calling. It was much more civil. I  went back through some very old posts and I could tell you exactly when the ugliness started and which people  joined and when that changed the whole tone of the political threads. I've been on here since July 2007 and I was shocked when the labels and name calling started. I was told to suck it up and deal with it. Ok I did, I started to fight back. Well, that didn't suit either. So now I'll tell you all the same thing. Suck it up and deal with it. Put on your big girl panties and take what you throw. I've tried to call a truce several time before but a few of you demand your right to pick on people and won't accept civility. After your big fights with each other over the grass and weeds, well, it guess it's pretty common? Not my business of course, but interesting. Nobody makes you read what I post. If you assume you won't agree then don't read it.  By the way, I did go back and found where you did indeed tell me I "didn't have all the facts",not that I didn't understand them. I wouldn't have bothered except I knew with that one I was correct.
As far as the Black Panther thing I don't know why you just don't get it, so I have given up.You will not accept that it wasn't considered a big deal, was seen for what it was ,was dealt with in the courts and that was the end of it. We had local news coverage that you couldn't possibly have seen because it was just that, local. I don't know why you (plural) are so touchy about it. I don't see your local coverage either. So what?
  I've been wrong about things occasionally and have apologized but the reverse is not true. I've never received an apology from you or anyone else because you always have to be right. It is not a level playing field. One of you made some nasty cracks about my not having children and how could I possibly be a good teacher because of it. Back in the one room school house days the teachers couldn't even be married, let alone have children, so by that line of reasoning they all had to be rotten teachers. So nobody got a good education?  Of course they did and some teachers were very young. Many young teachers todayhaven't gotten married yet so that makes them bad teachers? I don't think fact the reverse,They don't yet have the time commitments of family so they can and do spend even more time making education exiting and meaningful. Now go enjoy your Sunday.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 29, 2010, 10:26:24 AM
For the last time, I am a moderate Independent, anti abortion except in special circumstances, and like it or not, it's not against the law.

For the last time, I never said that you (specifically) were pro-abortion, I merely used that as an EXAMPLE and clearly stated it as such.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 29, 2010, 10:26:24 AM
As for how I post, I say what I say. Picking apart every word and looking for hidden meanings and trying to analyze me is waste of time. IMHO.  You don't get to decide who I am or want to be, I do.  I do not have to explain myself to you. Have you ever explained yourself to me? I do not jump to extremes every time some guy says something controversial. I check it

I am not looking for hidden meaning in what you say. I merely sum up what you say in much the same way a person will sum up a paragraph they read into 1 or 2 sentences.  I don't want to decide who you are or who you want to be.  As for you explaining yourself...this is the political thread.  If you post something that someone doesn't agree with then you can expect someone to ask for an explaination. 

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 29, 2010, 10:26:24 AM
  I've been a forum member for more than three  years and I  remember a time when the political chatter was more along the line of what Roma Jean and I did yesterday.  There were interesting ideas but no rancor or labels or name calling. It was much more civil. I  went back through some very old posts and I could tell you exactly when the ugliness started and which people  joined and when that changed the whole tone of the political threads. I've been on here since July 2007 and I was shocked when the labels and name calling started. I was told to suck it up and deal with it.

Interesting...did you happen to check the Forum membership numbers for those times as well? 

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 29, 2010, 10:26:24 AM
Well, that didn't suit either. So now I'll tell you all the same thing. Suck it up and deal with it. Put on your big girl panties and take what you throw. I've tried to call a truce several time before but a few of you demand your right to pick on people and won't accept civility. After your big fights with each other over the grass and weeds, well, it guess it's pretty common? Not my business of course, but interesting. Nobody makes you read what I post. If you assume you won't agree then don't read it.  By the way, I did go back and found where you did indeed tell me I "didn't have all the facts",not that I didn't understand them. I wouldn't have bothered except I knew with that one I was correct.

That goes both ways you know.  If you don't like someone or what they post then why do you continue to comment on what they post?  You talk about "us" being hypocrtical and twisting and turning and yet you do the same thing, why is that?  Why do you get to throw your two cents in on a subject, yet others are supposed to ignore you if they don't like what you have to say?
You said that you found where I stated you "didn't have all the facts" really?  Where?  Prove it.  What thread and post number?  If you can, then I will apologize...if not then you're a liar.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


HPD officer is accused of taking motorists' money
Undercover operation results in theft charge
Aug. 23, 2010, 10:51PM

A wad of cash shoved into a Houston police officer's sock led to his arrest after an undercover investigation that he had been taking money from drivers pulled over for traffic violations, officials said.

Matthias Dornellien, 24, was charged Saturday with theft by a public servant. He was later released after posting $5,000 bond.

The investigation that led to his arrest was conducted by Houston police and the District Attorney's Office.

"There were several complaints to HPD internal affairs division about an officer that was stealing money from people detained on traffic," said Donna Hawkins, a spokeswoman for the District Attorney's Office.

Marked money
An undercover investigator drove through the officer's patrol area Friday while carrying $273 in marked bills.

Dornellien stopped the car for a traffic violation. He pocketed the marked bills, handed the investigator a ticket then left without returning the cash, officials said.

Internal affairs investigators quickly stopped the patrol car and found the marked money — $173 on Dornellien's clip board and $100 in his sock, Hawkins said.

Dornellien was taken into custody at the scene. If convicted of the third-degree felony, he could face 2 to 10 years in prison and a fine up to $10,000.

Investigators haven't determined what impact the arrest might have on any other criminal cases Dornellien was involved with as a police officer.

Suspended with pay
Dornellien joined the department in November and was assigned to the south central patrol division, HPD officials said.

He has been relieved of duty with pay pending the outcome of the investigation.

Dornellien could not be reached for comment Monday. His arrest record does not list a lawyer for him.

Dornellien is a member of the Houston Police Officers' Union. The organization will not represent him in his criminal case, officials said.

Brian Rogers contributed to this report.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

the shadow

"This sounds so refreshing -- on this hot August afternoon, just thought I woud share with you all.

                  Frozen Lemonade Squares"--Jo McDonald

"This sounds really good, but I do have one quick question. Who is Leo and why did he make it? I am now heading for the closet, so I won't get hit by the pan as it whizzes past my head."
"Yeah, but it's such fun!"
"I promise not to do it any more."--Diane Amberg

"You just better double and triple check your own work Miss Perfect...
Better hope your spell check doesn't stop working............................................."--Teresa

To be more precise Diane, you became a member on July 1, 2007. A month and 10 days later on August 11th, give or take a few posts, you had already started with your idiotic spell checking and then as is now, no one likes to hear this foolishness and pettiness that you so like to point out to others. Some people make honest mistakes; they will catch it on their own. Your childish demeanor is not becoming of your age. I have gone back from your beginning and read all of your posts and most of them were very childish. In the future, try to be more of a role model. The younger men and women on here are very intelligent and don't need to be corrected. When they have the facts, you have the facts; but if they have one word out of place you try to pick it apart. I guess what i'm trying to say is that you should check your own closet before you go into others.

The Shadow knows!


Diane, you may need a cop, it looks like you have a stalker
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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