Cops at it again

Started by Varmit, August 20, 2010, 05:40:40 AM

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Diane Amberg

No, I meant you can only judge that situation and not lump every LEO out there into it. Why didn't the locals jam the court house, especially if that dodo has a history of that kind of thing. Why did they stand for it? Because the woman is Hispanic? Are they a bunch of bigots there who really didn't care? All I know is what I read and if that really is all there is, then he should have been dumped. I have no idea how their laws work. I would think some civil rights lawyer would take her case pro bono and sue the cop, the local jurisdiction and anybody else involved.


OMG Diane, you cannot be that naieve.   There is no justice in the justice system.  Its all about who has the bucks and whos backscratchnig who. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Ha, very funny and I can even spell it.   How is my mostly agreeing with Varmit naive? EVERYONE who spends time on the wrong side of the law always feels as you do.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 26, 2010, 06:50:21 PM
Ha, very funny and I can even spell it.   How is my mostly agreeing with Varmit naive? EVERYONE who spends time on the wrong side of the law always feels as you do.

No i don't spend time on the wrong side.  I see what goes on.  I see when the FBI comes in and siezes control of Atlanta city police and eliminates the drug task force because it is absolutely corrupt, complicit of trafficing and murders, And when the sherriff of a county gets executed and the actual killer who was caught red handed, walks free cause the judges cut a deal with him, There is NO justice Period.  Not possible.  I wouldn't trust a cop as far as i can throw one.  I refuse to call a judge your honor as they have no honor and as far as I am concerned until we shut down courts starting with the supremecourts, specifically 9th supreme court, as well as many otheres, there will never be justice in this court system.  

The reason why people do not turn bad cops in is cause the bad cops have buddies in the police force that will back them no matter what. So you end up with cops coming by your home and shooting up everything as what happened in north carolina a few years back when the deputy sherriffs wife left him and divorced him and was dating another man in the county, and this sherrif and his buddies,went by and tried to kill him shooting his place up.  The sherriff sent them out of state to hide them while he cleaned up the mess, only they didn't kill the man.  The sherriff and deputies were arrested and put in jail but the judge in the county dismissed all charges.  Happened to be the ole sherrifs fishing buddy.  

Sorry but nope you can't convince me otherewise.  There are probably a few good cops, but not enough of them to trust a cop.

Last but not least when it comes between you and a cop, they other cops will back the cop before they will back you.  The cop can be lying through their teeth and the other cops will not say he's lying when they know he is.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

the shadow

At one point, I referred to you as Lady Di. But you madam, are no lady. I don't know if Varmit, KShillbillys or srkruzich have caught on to your snide remarks but I, madam, see the seeds of distrust you are trying to plant. I do not believe Varmit is a criminal or has been in jail and if he has I doubt it was anything serious. I do not believe that Kshillbillys are on drugs. And I can see where you're trying to turn srkruzich into a criminal with your remarks. I do understand why so many distrust and dislike you on here. There was no name calling, on my behalf, towards you. I'm just stating what I see going on. I don't have a high school or college education. When I grew up, we left school in our teens, some of us to work on farms and others to fight for freedom. I hope I spelled everything to your satisfaction.


The Shadow knows!


Here's two good references as to why law enforcement can't always be trusted and dirty up the facts, muddy up the waters and lie about the facts when everything goes to shit. 1. Randy Weaver and Ruby Ridge and 2. David Koresh and the Waco Siege. And even though the law had nothing to do with this part but the reason in creating a domestic terrorist from the outfall of Waco under Janet Reno's authority, led to the Oklahoma City Bombing by Timothy McVeigh. Now ya'll can bitch about this.





Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 26, 2010, 01:40:43 PM
No, I meant you can only judge that situation and not lump every LEO out there into it.

Yes you can.  Espcially when the rest of them do nothing to stop this type of behavior.  In fact, they support it by covering it up and lying about it. 

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 26, 2010, 01:40:43 PM
Why didn't the locals jam the court house, especially if that dodo has a history of that kind of thing. Why did they stand for it? Because the woman is Hispanic? Are they a bunch of bigots there who really didn't care? All I know is what I read and if that really is all there is, then he should have been dumped. I have no idea how their laws work. I would think some civil rights lawyer would take her case pro bono and sue the cop, the local jurisdiction and anybody else involved.

BTW, why shift focus on the "local community"?  Seems to me that cop should have been arrested for assault.  The article plainly states that lawyers from the Texas Civil Rights Project did, in fact, file suit against Deputy Furrs. 

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 26, 2010, 06:50:21 PM
Ha, very funny and I can even spell it.   How is my mostly agreeing with Varmit naive? EVERYONE who spends time on the wrong side of the law always feels as you do.

No Diane, EVERYONE who has spent time on the "wrong side" of the law DOESN'T  always feel that way.  Without having all the facts how can you make such an accusation? 

Hillbilly, you'll hear no bitchin' from me on that one.  I agree 100%
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Why don't you thugs go pick on someone else for awhile. I was not suggesting anybody on here was on the wrong side of the law!!!!!! You are trying very hard to see things that don't exist. People who wind up in prison are always innocent, don't you know that! and everybody who has ever had a run in was innocent too. You keep on with all the generalizations. I was agreeing with Varmit that there are problems and that doesn't suit you either. Attack me all you want, who freekin' cares. I am not the issue here! Steve and the others are in charge of their own behavior. I have nothing to do with the choices they make. People on here are free to make up their own minds.There are some high profile cases that always turn up as examples of bad police behavior. They get used over and over and over. You missed ours in Philly on Osage Ave. You want a good example of things gone wrong?  Look it up. The Oklahoma City bombing gets laid at Janet Reno's feet? Talk about changing the subject. And here the people of OK thought Timothy McVeigh did it. You don't have the  facts about "everything" and you make your call that almost all cops are crooked. Then you, say I don't have all the facts either. I think that one is a draw. If you want to prove you are several highly suspicious people who appear to be of a one track mind then you have been successful .Hate away all you want. As far as my being a lady...who cares, your opinion counts for nothing in that area. I don't know why you assume I'm always putting you down but as I've said before, your insecurities are your problem not mine. I really don't care any more. I did at one time, but no more.The main thing you are doing is creating more people who can't wait to see what will happen next. Ya know,like a soap opera. Have fun and don't let the big secret out.


LOL  Diane, its a bad day for republicans.  Consider that their former RNC chair just admitted he was gay and basically spilled the beans that the whole republican electoral strategy for the last 10 years has been to  harness the bigotry, fear, and hatred of their base in order to get them to vote. 

Watch, all this BS coming out to light finally and they will still go out and vote republican in november.....
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Diane i never said all cops are corrupt.  I said i dont' trust cops and the reasons why is that the corrupt ones are many, and the rest of the cops will not stand up against one of their own.  And in them doing so, Just as in the example of the cop that varmit i think poised, they will cover each others tracks. 
Now the ones who won't speak up or do anything about a corrupt cop in their ranks, they are complicit in it.  They are just as guilty as the one who is corrupt by their silence.   You cannot trust anyone that will look the other way.   
And  believe Most judges are corrupt until they prove to me otherwise.  I would trust a cop before i would trust a lawyer or judge

I only know 1 man that was a judge that is not corrupt.  LOL i loved his sentencing he used to give out if you came before him.
Someone would come in front of him with probation on the table, and he would send em off with probation and they would have to memorize whole passages from the bible and come back to him and recite them from memory or go to jail if they dont. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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