Cops at it again

Started by Varmit, August 20, 2010, 05:40:40 AM

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Quote from: Anmar on August 26, 2010, 11:11:25 PM
LOL  Diane, its a bad day for republicans.  Consider that their former RNC chair just admitted he was gay and basically spilled the beans that the whole republican electoral strategy for the last 10 years has been to  harness the bigotry, fear, and hatred of their base in order to get them to vote. 

Watch, all this BS coming out to light finally and they will still go out and vote republican in november.....

RNC has bigger problems to worry about than that when they take control.  Obamas abysmal failure to kick start this economy with his BILLIONS of dollars he has pissed away isn't working, the tax hikes is strangling this country.  Economy is going to slide back into recession if not worse and your going to see hyperinflation start up. 

There is only one way to jumpstart it, and thats if its not too late, to cut the taxes drastically, and cut the spending even more.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

I would be interested in knowing how much of the bail out money that was allocated was actually spent. I keep hearing that much of it wasn't. It's huge numbers regardless. I'm not sure cutting taxes would help much now. Off subject, sorry.
 As Howard residents found out, if you enforce the laws you have, you can make money to fix roads and such.  We have the same weeds and grass law, but they send the address a warning first so absentee land lords can make arrangements. I guess Howard doesn't do the warning?


Quote from: srkruzich on August 27, 2010, 06:22:11 AM
RNC has bigger problems to worry about than that when they take control.  Obamas abysmal failure to kick start this economy with his BILLIONS of dollars he has pissed away isn't working, the tax hikes is strangling this country.  Economy is going to slide back into recession if not worse and your going to see hyperinflation start up. 

There is only one way to jumpstart it, and thats if its not too late, to cut the taxes drastically, and cut the spending even more.

the country has been strangled before Obama took office,  and the "tax hikes"  haven't happened yet.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on August 27, 2010, 09:33:18 AM
the country has been strangled before Obama took office,  and the "tax hikes"  haven't happened yet.

Oh yes they have, the really big ones set to occur haven't, but obamas been taxing the crap out of us since he took office.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 26, 2010, 09:54:54 PM
Why don't you thugs go pick on someone else for awhile. I was not suggesting anybody on here was on the wrong side of the law!!!!!! You are trying very hard to see things that don't exist. People who wind up in prison are always innocent, don't you know that! and everybody who has ever had a run in was innocent too. You keep on with all the generalizations. I was agreeing with Varmit that there are problems and that doesn't suit you either.

You did suggest it diane, by means of implication and generalization...remember this little gem?

Quote...EVERYONE who spends time on the wrong side of the law always feels as you do.

Implying that anyone who agrees has spent time in jail.  YOU harp about generalizations then turn around and make them, with your snide little comments and jokes...

QuoteI assume you have lots of personal experience in being detained?  ;)

Then you get all pissy when someone calls you on it.  If you are gonna get all uppity about generalizations, heres a tip...Don't make them.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 26, 2010, 09:54:54 PM
You don't have the  facts about "everything" and you make your call that almost all cops are crooked. Then you, say I don't have all the facts either. I think that one is a draw.

Really?  Thats interesting, because no one on this thread EVER stated that you didn't have all the facts.  I said you didn't UNDERSTAND, big difference.  So a "draw"...nope.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 26, 2010, 09:54:54 PM
The Oklahoma City bombing gets laid at Janet Reno's feet? Talk about changing the subject. And here the people of OK thought Timothy McVeigh did it.

Again, it called "READING COMPREHENSION".  As a teacher I would think you know what that is, and would have the ability to detect it...guess not.  Hillbilly didn't change the subject, and he didn't say that Janet Reno conducted the bombing herself.  Rather, the screwed up way that she handled the Waco situation is what drove McVeigh to the bombing.

You accuse us of hating, and say "I don't know why you assume I'm always putting you down...", and then you post your little comments..

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 26, 2010, 09:54:54 PM
If you want to prove you are several highly suspicious people who appear to be of a one track mind then you have been successful .Hate away all you want.

QuoteMuch of what the few "meanies" say just goes to show the true character of the speakers. Very suspicious and closed minded.. and prone to ranting and raving as if they are on drugs.  (In some cases their knuckles are still dragging on the ground.) If that is really the only way they can communicate, fine, but they better be ready to have it handed back to them on occasion....As in untruthful personal attacks. ... I've been on here for more than three years now and I am just starting to get used to the nastiness that is accepted there as normal.

You accuse the People of Elk County with your snide little whose REALLY doing the "hating" here?

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Don't you ever watch the TV shows where all the convicts are trying to get attention and are always claiming their innocence? Of course you couldn't know about my times on jury duty. All were innocent...just ask'em. I wasn't talking about any live human beings and you know it. How could I? I have no idea if any of you have a record, nor do I care. I only know you by what you put on here and some of it is really hateful and mean. You saw an opportunity and you took it. Shame, shame....where's that Christian up bringing? If you try hard enough you'll be able to find or create something about anybody and everybody by picking apart everything line by line. No skin off my nose.  Am I pissed, you bet. I was called a Democrats and I'm not, pro abortion and I'm not. no kids ...sadly that is true, so what.  And I was accused of telling you all how many kids to have?...nothing of the sort. It was just an extension of what you had said about end of life control, why not have beginning of life control too? As far as hating, I am rapidly learning how. I did not start the thread on the Black Panthers. That was another person's personal rant on why shouldn't they be able to call people niggers. I still haven't figured that one out. How that got connected to Phillies election was very weird and very unfair and totally manufactured to cause trouble. There were people there who had their own agenda who were very disappointed when the whole thing didn't blow up and you bought it hook line and sinker. I'm still not sure how I got to be the bad guy with that one.  So be prepared. I'm not going to try to be fair any more. If I think you're (plural) being a jerk I'm going to say so and tell you why. If you can't understand what I'm trying to say, I'll use smaller words with fewer syllables and yes, I'm being snide. Why should you have all the fun? I've grown a tough hide now that I've been warned about several of you. You don't scare me. I even worked hard here to stir up interest for Sedan's fire engine.  You want to make me an enemy? Help yourself. I try to stick to the issues, but you subscribe to the old adage, "if you can't attack the subject, attack the person." So shall I. How about not wasting your time on me and go do something nice for your community. Like cleaning out the meth labs.  I figured you would be on the mall with Glen Beck. He has asked for no political or hate signs, posters and such .I wonder who will do it anyway under their liberty and freedom of speech. I will be interested in what he has to say.


Quote from: srkruzich on August 27, 2010, 09:35:58 AM
Oh yes they have, the really big ones set to occur haven't, but obamas been taxing the crap out of us since he took office.

name 2 tax hikes that have been initiated and implemented by Pres Obama.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Diane Amberg

Maybe I don't under stand "tax hike"that has already happened.There are indeed a  bunch for next year, and many exemptions that will stop but there are still a lot of tax credits out there if people just look for them.The new energy efficient furnaces and air conditioner tax credit continues through 2010.   The new home and replacement home tax credit is still alive at $8,000 and $6,500.00 (I think) and many more. Some Federal Park user fees went up and Medicare but what else am I missing?


Cleaning out the meth labs? Do you know our crime rate here?
In the year 2007 there were a total of 67 crimes in Elk County, Kansas. With a population of 3,060, there was 1 crime for every 45.7 people in the county. Out of the 67 crimes reported, 63 were crimes against property (burglery, larceny, motor vehicle theft, and arson) and 4 were violent crimes (murder, rape, aggravated assault, and robbery). There were no murders, 1 rape and 3 assaults.
Wilmington, DE has 3 times the amount of arrests in any given MONTH, than Elk County has in a YEAR! ( The arrests I quoted for Wilmington came in 2008.

No where in the criminal records for the State of Kansas, Elk County, did I find any information for meth lab busts. Even the number of meth lab busts in our neighbor, Montgomery County, have declined. I think people are learning that going to prison for a meth lab isn't all it's "cracked" up to be!
And before you say that there's more people in Wilmington than in Elk County and that's why the crime rate is high...Well DUH...Everyone down here knows this! We don't need (as Varmit says) a flappy mouth know it all, but in my own words, a woolly bloated up saddle bag telling us that you have more people out there than we do. That also means there's a helluva lot more stupid people out there! Which is why we live here!





Quote from: Anmar on August 27, 2010, 05:16:42 PM
name 2 tax hikes that have been initiated and implemented by Pres Obama.

Starting with health care bill, which increases taxes on the medical costs we have, it is a major tax on everyone.  Including the poor.  
Then you have the tobacco and whiskey tax that he immediately imposed.  

Plus the taxes that are to come, still is affecting everyone Now. The businesses are hunkering down bracing for the massive impact of an additional 1 trillion dollars in taxes. Then you have the bank tax, going into effect.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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