They're Faithfully Waiting on that A-hole to Come Back....

Started by Marcia Moore, August 16, 2010, 09:58:45 AM

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Marcia I would contact the Humane Society in Wichita and see if they would do anything.

Roma Jean Turner

I know when I finally get moved to Moline, this is a cause I would be interested in.  Has there ever been a shelter there?  Is there a  community interest in how to deal more humanely with this in the county.  My dogs  cannot be around cats either, they are very aggressive toward them.  I still had an old, not very friendly cat when I got two of my dogs.  She attacked my lab head on and just terrorized her.  Scratched up her ears and face and cut her eye, which cost me $75.00.  I can't really blame my dogs for their attitude.  Anyway, it breaks my heart as well to see the effect of human irresponsibiliity toward the animals.


My dog would terrorize cats all day and I tried and tired to get her to stop. My wife had a cat though so when we got married and got a house we had to keep them separated. Finally one day I decided to show her who's boss and to leave the cat alone, now they get along pretty well. They like to pretend they still don't get along but my wife has caught them sleeping together.

Her dog on the other hand... that don't will not learn. She doesn't necessary try hurting the cat or anything but she absolutely pesters the crap out of the cat. Its been getting better but she still has some learning to do.

On topic, I absolutely hate seeing animals abused like that. My wife has been seeing that a lot lately with her job and its just sad what people can do to animals. Sure... if the thing was attacking you or something but to treat an animal poorly that is so loving is just sick. She's even seen a rescued dog that is just one the kindest dogs she's been around... it had to have both eyes removed due to abuse, yet it is still a very loving dog regardless of what had happened.


Howard has, at times, kept stray animals down by the water plant. Jim has also rescued some dogs and we've kept them until the owners found them.


Quote from: mtcookson on August 17, 2010, 02:17:25 PM

On topic, I absolutely hate seeing animals abused like that. My wife has been seeing that a lot lately with her job and its just sad what people can do to animals. Sure... if the thing was attacking you or something but to treat an animal poorly that is so loving is just sick. She's even seen a rescued dog that is just one the kindest dogs she's been around... it had to have both eyes removed due to abuse, yet it is still a very loving dog regardless of what had happened.

I would definately lose it if someone hurt one of my pets.  They had better give their soul to God cause their ass would be mine.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Mom70x7 on August 17, 2010, 02:21:53 PM
Howard has, at times, kept stray animals down by the water plant. Jim has also rescued some dogs and we've kept them until the owners found them.

I've done rescues but it gets overwhelming.   I had to stop.  it just takes too much of a toll on you.
Right now, i have 3 rescues that i kept.  Buddy was nailed to a tree and escaped, Spicy was dumped 3 times at the pound by people who were just plain irresponsible and cruel before she came to me, and then joe was found north of me by a couple, he was apparantly dumped (pure breed schnauzer) and i took him in.  Joe is special in that 2 months before i got him, i lost my schnauzer Gkar, and Joe looks identicle to him... Sometimes i call him Gkar by mistake.  Often wonder if he is gkar come back sometimes.  Then i have londo another schnauzer i bought  and then tigger.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


QuoteI've done rescues but it gets overwhelming.   I had to stop.  it just takes too much of a toll on you.

It does.

Roma Jean Turner

That's why I have 3 dogs now.  Since I have a fenced yard, I have gotten a number of strays into the yard, closed the gates and gotten info off their collars.  So far I have done well at getting them back to owners.  One day a really nice dog with no ID came along.  I had to leave but called the dog catcher and asked if they would come and get him.  He said I would have to turn him loose because they could not come in my yard to get him even with my permission.  I was leaving town, felt really bad, but opened the gates and said a prayer.  I so hope something good happened for him.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Sarge on August 17, 2010, 06:29:27 AM

That's the basic sign of a good dog. Do you have another german shepard?

No, but this one is still capable of breeding.

Janet Harrington

Marcia, did you find out if they picked up the dog and her puppies?

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