Does Your County Have a Constitutionalist Sheriff!

Started by redcliffsw, August 15, 2010, 07:34:37 AM

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Long Live The Constitutionalist Sheriff!
-Chuck Baldwin

One of the tragedies of the current misled, uninformed, and otherwise preoccupied American citizenry is the seeming apathy regarding the importance and necessity of electing constitutionalist sheriffs. In many ways, State governors and county sheriffs just might be the most important elected offices in America. It is no hyperbole to say that State governors and county sheriffs form the last line of defense against tyranny and oppression. If our governors and sheriffs do not understand the principles of freedom and federalism, there is virtually zero protection against the abuses of liberty–save the right of the people to personally and individually defend liberty via the principles of God-given Natural Law.

Hence, a freedom-minded sheriff is invaluable to liberty's defense. And perhaps at no time in America's history has it been more necessary that we elect freedom-loving sheriffs than it is today, what with the ever-growing propensity of the federal government to trample and usurp State and constitutional protections of freedom.

For example, in an almost totally non-reported incident, an armed conflict between federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) agents and a Nevada Sheriff's SWAT team was averted only by virtue of the fact that, at the last minute, BLM backed down from the impending confrontation.

For the record: federal police agencies have a long history of committing illegal searches and seizures (even assault and murder–can anyone say, "Ruby Ridge" or "Waco"?) against the US citizenry. But BLM might be the most notorious federal police agency of all. The tactics BLM employs against western landowners sometimes border on Nazi-like. When the late, great Helen Chenoweth was an Idaho congresswoman, she tried to raise awareness of (and opposition to) this out-of-control federal agency. I urge readers to read Rep. Chenoweth's interview with Michael Reagan about this subject. See it at:

According to Rep. Chenoweth, "BLM is taking onto themselves law enforcement that is normally saved for the State, law enforcement over motor vehicles. They've written into the regulation without authority from Congress, the ability to stop vehicles or to search people, to search a place or a vehicle without warrant or process; to be able to seize without warrant or process any piece of evidence and to test people for potential DUI (driving under the influence)."

read more:

Diane Amberg


What the article says is correct. The highest law enforcement authority is the county Sheriff.  No federal agent of any kind can do anything in the county without the Sheriff's knowledge and approval and yes the Sheriff can arrest them and put them in jail if he/she deems it appropriate and necessary.  

  You wonder what Janet would say about this. She is fully aware of this fact and would probably agree with the content of the article. I have talked to her about this very thing several years ago. I would guess that most Sheriff's know their constitutional authority, but as the article states, they have to have the intestinal fortitude to use and enforce it.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all

Diane Amberg

All our Sheriff's office does is serve various papers, move prisoners around and hold Sheriff's sales.


  I'm sure they do a lot more than what you see. A sheriff has a lot of responsibility and a good percentage of what they do would not be common knowledge to the public.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Quote from: Sarge on August 15, 2010, 07:14:59 PM
  I'm sure they do a lot more than what you see. A sheriff has a lot of responsibility and a good percentage of what they do would not be common knowledge to the public.

How right you are, Sarge.  I have met the man numerous times through my HOA and our all-volunteer civilian posse whom I have many friends with.  The man is a walking, talking, get things done yesterday type of guy.  He's 78 but you'd never know it.   Phil Gordon, Mayor of Phoenix hates Arpaio's guts.  No love lost between Joe and the little whimp Gordon.  He takes no crap from anyone... county commissioners, the mayors and city councils within maricopa co., FBI.... he is strictly "by the book" lawman, the best we've ever had.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio - Maricopa County, Arizona

Sunday Aug. 15, 2010 - Sheriff Joe Arpaio had lunch today with Ted Nugent and swore him in as a special deputy.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

Hey Sarge, guess what? I tried to tell you that in Delaware, Mike Walsh, the Sheriff and the 7 deputies don't do police duties, they support the court system by transporting prisoners and serving various papers. You told me I was wrong, but at least in a nice polite way. It kinda hurt my feelings because I knew better, but I let it go.
  In our Aug. 15 paper is a nice article about the Sheriff.  Capitol Police in Wilmington will be taking over the prisoner transport duty. "Sheriff Mike Walsh said shedding the transportation and detention work will free up two of his 7 deputies to process a backlog of sheriff's sales on foreclosed properties."  Having the two deputies available to deliver foreclosure notices could create a windfall of $500,000.00 more for the county from the 4% profit it gets from selling foreclosed homes and land." "Getting out of the prisoner transportation business also eases a liability the county has in having deputies handle violent offenders, Walsh said." "Why not have police do police things and let me do the things we do?'' Walsh said.
   In many states sheriffs do a lot more and have a lot of power. Not so here. Now they will be just serving papers and running the sheriff's sales. Is this important? Not at all. But not all states have the supreme power invested in their sheriffs.

W. Gray

Same situation for the city and county of Denver and the city and county of Broomfield in Colorado.

In these areas, the city police handle all police duties and the sheriff handles only court duty.

I believe it is the same for the city and county of St. Louis, Mo.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Diane Amberg

Well now, I just learned something new. Thank you.


Well, Diane, that's sad to hear, because your Sheriff has the authority and responsibility that the article speaks of. He has chosen not to accept that responsibility and authority. Apparently that is the same situation with Denver and Bloomfield.  I wonder who does the law enforcement and investigations outside of city limits. The police have no authority outside of the city limits.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all

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