Started by frawin, August 14, 2010, 05:31:31 PM

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We just got home from spending the day in Howard, coming thru Niotaze we observed a big roadside Marquee that had the following message on it"IMPEACH THE TREASONOUS *&$#@*&_*^#% NOW". I have no doubts as to who it is making reference to.


Quote from: frawin on August 14, 2010, 05:31:31 PM
We just got home from spending the day in Howard, coming thru Niotaze we observed a big roadside Marquee that had the following message on it"IMPEACH THE TREASONOUS *&$#@*&_*^#% NOW". I have no doubts as to who it is making reference to.

jerry told me it must refer to G W Bush.  rotflmao
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I wish I had stopped and taken a picture of the Marquee. It was right in the middle of the small area of Niotaze that is on the Highway. I have never  known any President in modern times to generate so much hate, bad publicity, lack of trust by the people and fear in the people as this one has.  


In just the first 2 years of their term too Frank! It's a damn shame we have to wait 2 more years to get rid of him!




KSH, I hope and pray that we can take control of both the House and the Senate in the Fall elections and stop this race to to take America into Socialism/Communism. If we can get control of both the House and Senate we can put a stop to the Liberal Left Agenda that Obama is trying to force on us, in fact I think we could reverse some of the damage Obama, Scary Harry and Crazy Nancy  have done.


Well you have to remember hillary i just chomping at the bit for 2012.  She's no better.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: frawin on August 14, 2010, 08:38:44 PM
KSH, I hope and pray that we can take control of both the House and the Senate in the Fall elections and stop this race to to take America into Socialism/Communism. If we can get control of both the House and Senate we can put a stop to the Liberal Left Agenda that Obama is trying to force on us, in fact I think we could reverse some of the damage Obama, Scary Harry and Crazy Nancy  have done.

Very well stated, Frank.  You have the right formula going to get this clown and his weasels out of office this November.
I'm right behind you, buddy!

"Many of us fear the path America is being led down by our government, media and educational institutions and want to be sure they are watched fervently.  It was a revelation to actually see how many Democrat elected officials have supported this massive swing to the left.  One would have thought that, though liberal, they valued our free market system and economic freedoms.  It has become hard to believe the US is a right-of-center nation (as surveys claim) when the culture and its factions exert such a leftward pull on our politicians."

Yeah.... I know, it's a repeat from another thread of mine... is one of those stunners... a "Who woulda thought..." and "What the hell just happened..."  type of confused questions most conseratives are asking...  and not being able to come up with a logical and sane answer as to what the hell did happened.  It is like the Obuma administration rode in on a black horse,  raped these United States and the democrats are picking up the spoils.  And you say to yourself, "My God, it's amazing just how fast this has happened."  The answer is, my friend, that this has been brewing since the sixties.  It has taken close to 50 years for them to come up with a Demagogy. (Defined:" A strategy for gaining political power by appealing to the prejudices, emotions, fears and expectations of the public.... typically via impassioned rhetoric and propaganda, and often using nationalist, populist or religious themes.")  Add to this, political correctness; far-left federal judges; the far left MSM; the far-left liberal educators of our universities who were pot smoking hippies in the sixties and the far left race-baiters... the list goes on and on.  All they needed was a Clown Prince to pull this off.  And then... Eureka... they finally found their man in BHO and all hell broke loose in Nov. 2008.  

Who says history doesn't repeat itself.  A famous usage was by the aging Erich Ludendorff, who was for a time a strong supporter of the early rise of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.  After learning of Hitler's appointment as Chancellor, he expressed his disappointment to German President Paul von Hindenburg: "By appointing Hitler Chancellor of the Reich, you have handed over our sacred German Fatherland to one of the greatest demagogues of all time. I prophesy to you this evil man will plunge our Reich into the abyss and will inflict immeasurable woe on our nation. Future generations will curse you in your grave for this action."  Hitler indeed would become regarded as perhaps the epitome of a demagogue, having successfully risen to power through appeals to the ethnic and nationalistic prejudices and vanities of the German people.

Are you beginning to see the similiaries here in the good ol' US of A, comparing Ludendorff's statement to von Hindenburg?  I sure do.  The perfect example: BHO, the Clown Prince Demagogue.  This demagogue will $pend your children; your grand-children; your great grand-children into the poor house.  They will have NO future as long as he and the Demagogy Congress are in power.  This demagogue that enthusiastically supports a Mosque plan near the Ground Zero site?  TRAITOR!  I am convinced that Barack Hussein Obuma would tax the air we breathe.  In fact, with Cap & Trade, I think he can.  After all, in cahoots with Pelosi and Reid, he has already found any number of ways to tax our patience.  Even though Obuma seems to regard Muslims as God's chosen people, and by "God" he obviously means himself, I'm here to remind everyone that the most important off-year election in our history is now less than 80 days away.  Even if the Republican on your ballot isn't your conservative ideal, please keep in mind that he or she is part of the antidote to ObumaCare, Cap and Trade, increased taxes and additional stimulus bills and a hundred other "big government" things Obuma has in mind... including your wallet.  If nothing else impels you to get out and vote on November 2nd, just remember that the vote is going to come down to, in most  cases, the majority being Republicans or Democrats.  Green, Tea Party, Libertarian, Constitution, Modern Whig, Communist, and other off-beat parties are a wasted vote.... a wasted vote that will help the Obuma administration and the Demagogy Congress stay in power.  The Repubs need 40 House seats and 10 Senate seats to make this happen.  We need to cut Obuma and the democratic Congress off at the knees.  Think about that.

Also, think about this..... that if the GOP regains control of the House, Nancy Pelosi will not only have to surrender the Speaker's gavel, but that jumbo jet she's grown to love.  Surely that should be enough to get one off the couch, come Election Day.  Although I still entertain the hope that Harry Reid will be sent off into the Nevada sunset in November, though I'm a little worried about his opponent, Angle.  I know that Nancy Pelosi will be re-elected.  But however I feel about her, it really is a wonder that San Francisco, the only freak show in America with its own city charter, has a congressional representative who so closely resembles a normal human being.  Still, every time I look at her awe-struck face and hear that spooky little girl voice, I recall a storyline from the "Li'l Abner" comic strip.  The long-time senator from Dogpatch, Jack S. Phogbound, was facing certain defeat in an upcoming election until he gave one final campaign speech.  He told the voters that if he lost, he would be moving back home with them, whereas if they re-elected him, they wouldn't see hide or hair of him for another six years.  He won in a landslide.

The two main reasons I want to see the GOP take back the House in November is that I want the brakes applied to Obuma's radical transformation of America, and like I said, I want to see Pelosi, as the ex-Speaker of the House, have to hand over the keys to that colossal jet that she's been using as her personal cross-country shuttle, all the while prattling on about America's dependence on fossil fuels.  Harry Reid going down the tubes would be fine, too.  

Additionally, if the GOP takes back the House, they will control the nation's purse strings, which will help transform the turkey in the Oval Office into a lame duck.  BUT.... just be aware that Obuma could do a hell of a lot of damage as a lame duck with the veto pen and trying to push through bills while the out-going demagogy are still in until Jan. 2011.  It would take two-thirds of congress to override his vetos or take it to the SCOTUS and prove it uncontitutional.  In any event, there are ways to beat this demagogue and his bunch of weasels!

It's hard to believe, but after the 2008 elections, I worried that Millard Fillmore's "The Know-Nothing Party" would make a comeback long before the Republicans.  But, then, I never imagined that the liberal democrats in Congress would enter into political suicide pacts on behalf of Obama's loony, leftist agenda.... which leads me back to this statement again:

"Many of us fear the path America is being led down by our government, media and educational institutions and want to be sure they are watched fervently.  It was a revelation to actually see how many Democrat elected officials have supported this massive swing to the left.  One would have thought that, though liberal, they valued our free market system and economic freedoms.  It has become hard to believe the US is a right-of-center nation (as surveys claim) when the culture and its factions exert such a leftward pull on our politicians."

So, just as Jimmy Carter led to Ronald Reagan, one can only hope and pray that, in 2012, Obuma leads to someone who is man or woman enough to clean up his unholy mess.


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Hang in there, soon Sarah will get it straightened out.

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