Unregistered vehicles/abandoned

Started by David, August 13, 2010, 07:37:38 PM

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I have recently been cited and ordered to court to determine a daily fine over two vehicles on my property.  Parked on a cement slab and not on blocks.
I took about a thirty minute drive around town and the links below will show what I found.



Copy and paste into you browser.

The City needs to decide, if they want it to be pristine around Howard they may want to hire me because I would be fair across the board on these matters.
Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.


Quote from: David on August 13, 2010, 07:37:38 PM
I have recently been cited and ordered to court to determine a daily fine over two vehicles on my property.  Parked on a cement slab and not on blocks.
I took about a thirty minute drive around town and the links below will show what I found.



Copy and paste into you browser.

The City needs to decide, if they want it to be pristine around Howard they may want to hire me because I would be fair across the board on these matters.

Bunch of busybodies that can't leave folks alone.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Whatever happened to a mans' home being his castle? No matter if his home is a penthouse or a trailer house, his property is his property. And just how in the hell do you register a vehicle with no title? They want everyone to get rid of all their vehicles. I have vehicles that don't run but i'm damned sure not getting rid of them due to the sentimental value and the rarity of them. When they start paying our taxes then they can damn sure tell us what to have on our property! Law or no law. I did read one time of a man who had old farm machinery on his property, using them as planters, decorations and what not and his house wasn't painted and they thought this was just an eyesore. So after the man painted his house and put up an old tin fence, I think they understood what an eyesore could be. The rusty old, hole ridden fence that they had required him to put up to hide his "junk" as they called it and the horrible colors that he painted his house, even tho it was fresh, brand new paint, not my choice of colors being pink, purple and green. According to the article, the man said it didn't bother him before and it didn't bother him now.




Loved the pictures - thank you. And I totally agree with you.

The county vehicles, in the county yard and by the recycling trailer, are the vehicles that Wilma has mentioned elsewhere, wishing they could be cleaned.

At least two of those groups of vehicles have been sited for unsightly whatevers, just like you. They also thought it was unfair. One guy had tagged cars, up to date, and still got warnings.


I can't believe you are defending lazy pieces of shit. 

I sure hope who ever took those pictures never needs a sewer line dug up or water leak fixed.  I think you have to draw a line about commercial and residential addresses.  The city is not zoned but you can't have a golfcourse manicured lawn with dozer parked on it for very long.  It just doesn't work like that. 

If you speed when there is no cop around is it still speeding?  If you murder someone and no one saw you do it is it still wrong?

These laws have been on the books for years.  The abandoned vehicle ordinances and the grass height is not a new thing.  The only thing new is the fact that someone is actually doing their job.  You agree with the fact that the law is the law.  Well if you don't like the rules change them.  If you don't like the fact that in a city you have to follow city ordinances then move.  They have been too easy for too long and many people have taken advantage of the fact that no one  cared what your house looks like. 

How many abandoned buildings should the taxpayers have to pay for before the landowners get off their asses and fix their shit up?  Why does the city mow neglected and abandoned property but won't mow my yard?  Why do deadbeats get their heat left on when it is cold? 

Why aren't you more proactive and take pictures of the gorgeous places around town that don't have issues and explain why their taxes are higher than the ones pictured?


Now theres that fine Elk County hospitality, ADP!! 

Why should businesses get a pass and be allowed to look like crap if everyone else has to tow the line?  If they are going to enforce the law then it should be across the board and they should quit playing favorites.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I didn't say that businesses should get a pass.  But if you are the guy hired to haul in the wrecked car, truck, dozer, tractor, or ther vehicle then you have to put them somewhere.

You should not trash your yard because your neighbor trashes his yard.  If you want to leave your crap laying around fine.  But lay it around where it is legal to do so.  

I personally like the johnson grass growing next to the weed department it adds character.  I just shows that employees are like little kids they have to be told exactly what to do and when to do it.  No one likes to mow or weed but if you don't you will hear about it from someone.  But someone should have the initiative to get the job done.  There are 24hours in a day.  What happened to pride in your work?  Where is the 4-H motto to make the best better?  Money....YOU think you have to be paid to do a decent thing.
Quote from: Varmit on August 14, 2010, 02:44:08 PM
Now theres that fine Elk County hospitality, ADP!!  

If you want hospitality say hi to the greeter the next time you are in Wal-Mart.

Quote from: Varmit on August 14, 2010, 02:44:08 PM

Why should businesses get a pass and be allowed to look like crap if everyone else has to tow the line?  If they are going to enforce the law then it should be across the board and they should quit playing favorites.
If you paid half of what the commercial business that were pictured in taxes you could bitch or complain or call foul but you don't.  You just want every one to do his or her own thing.  Well if your pos property brings down the value of my neighborhood then I have a problem with your pos.  If your idea is that we should all just live and let live then quit complaining and start paying.  Every dilapidated house or business that doesn't bring in revenue costs the entire community.  

I want growth and prosperity.  I want broken shit fixed.  I want unsafe structures removed or fixed.  You bought it, you own  it therefore it is your responsibility to keep it up..  

It is your civic responsibility to make it better then when you got it.  


Maybe the weed department and road and bridge department are out fixing/working on all of the other complaints going on...Just sayin...There's a LOT of county to be taken care of...
I've seen a lot of lawn care service workers yards and guess what? There's are grassy and full of weeds and not mowed down short to the ground! They have to work and take care of others' yards so they don't have the time for their "own"...
Yes, Johnson grass is a noxious weed...Anybody with it on their property is supposed to spray it and eradicate it or be subject to fines. Even ones living south of Howard, looking down on everyone else.

P.S. This does include pastures!




I was not talking about the road and bridge department.  I was referring the weed and abandoned vehicles to the weed and sheriffs offices.  We have a human hired to be a person to deal with the weeds in the county.  I was referring to that one.  The truck with the engine out of it looks like a good start to a weed sprayer tank trailer if a guy had a welder.  

So what does that have to do  with unregistered vehicles/abandoned....Maybe you should start a different thread.  Or I could run with this one...

There are no pastures in the city limits.  There are fenced city lots with horses, cattle or other production livestock that is allowed in the city limits but the noxious weed problem is the same in the county also.  Swine are not allowed.  They really like johnsongrass though.  But if you let them graze it in the wrong stage of growth you could have digestive problem, bloat, or death of the animal.

As I don't own any pastures south of Howard I would not know the status of the noxious weed inventory.  

I have sprayed the entire plantation in which I reside even the slave quarters food plots with glyphosate at least once a month.  It is an evolving herbicidal trek.  I kill out the poison hemlock and the Johnson grass grabs hold I kill out the Johnson grass and the hemlock comes back.  I have tried ground sterilizer but it only worked for a few years.  It has been a fun journey.  I do it after my paying job of sweeping the side walk of discarded cigarette butts.  

I really don't understand the discarding of the cigarette butts at all.  If I purchased something that costs like per ounce like half the debt on my house( this is hypothetical because I don't have any house debt) in a little box from a close but convenient store I would not just discard the remnants hither and yawn.  I bet you have never seen any of my lobster carcasses laying next to your place of business.  Not once have I put my caviar tins in your flower pots.  I keep them, stuff them, and hang them on the wall like a hunting trophy.  But every day some one reminds me that they have a lot disposable income(money) and don't care about cancer risks or tooth decay.  It must start with the expired a b c  gum and evolve to Camels. . I'm just sayin'.


Quote from: ADP on August 14, 2010, 04:36:26 PM

I personally like the johnson grass growing next to the weed department it adds character.

So the fact that Kansas law say it must be controlled doesn't matter?  If those responsible for enforcement won't comply, well...
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