Unregistered vehicles/abandoned

Started by David, August 13, 2010, 07:37:38 PM

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Quote from: Varmit on September 05, 2010, 09:08:29 PM
Wilma, I wasn't critizing the cooks, I was talking about the school adminstrators that mishandle the funds they recieve.  As for the kids throwing out food they don't want...well...DUH!  I remember being in school and eating that "food" (if it can be called that) that pretty much sucked.  Of course they want junk food...they're children.

quite frankly the junk food is probalby healthier than that processed stuff they serve in the cafeteria.  I wouldn't eat it either.   This past two years, I have managed to eliminate most processed foods from my diet and by doing so, eating any of the stuff makes me sick. i can taste the chemicals in it and have noticed how sluggish the food makes me.

shoot you should see me in a hospital.  They try to send me this crap they call food and i tell them to take it back, not going to eat it.
Last time i was in the hospital, they finally gave in and asked me what i would eat and i told them.  They complained that its not a cardio diet, and i told them their cardio diets weren't fit to slop the hogs with.

One thing they found out about me is i have my CC memorized and i will call dominos in a new york second......
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I remember when I was in school that the food was wonderful.  The homemade dinner rolls and cinnimon rolls.  I still like peanutbutter cookies and good spanish rice.  We ate veggies at school and I still like them, unlike my grandchildren that act like it is punishment if they have to eat them.


I worked at the Severy School for two years and I can tell you that there was no processed food served to the students.  Everything was done from scratch.  I think that you will find the same thing is true of the lunches at West Elk.

Diane Amberg

When I visited with my girlfriend in Kennett yesterday we got to reminiscing about our days at Kennett High School and the school food came up...those same peanut butter cookies and Spanish rice! I know the peanut butter was a "commodity"from the Gov't and think the rice was too. They also had the #10 cans of very large mature peas that I hated. To this day I will not eat pea soup. But Al likes it so I make it for him. YUK! The school also made huge vats of vegetable soup and bean soup too, from big bags of dry beans that they soaked overnight. They made baked chicken, chicken salad, meatloaf and ham steak and ham and potatoes, little ham sandwiches, plain rice and Spanish rice. There were hot dogs once a month, Vienna sausages, which I thought was strange, and Salisbury steak and they always had some kind of fish and mac and cheese with stewed tomatoes on Fridays because the Catholic kids couldn't have meat.They had mashed potatoes and boiled potatoes, corn, carrots, green beans and Lima beans, those horrid peas, spinach, boiled cabbage. There was always applesauce, sometimes peaches and pears and fresh apples too.I don't ever remember getting grapes though. The local bakery made the bread and rolls, with a sweet roll for 2 cents that was every body's favorite. The school cooks also made the best corn bread. There were always several kinds of sandwiches too, for people who just wanted a sandwich and/or fruit or soup. I remember lettuce and tomato, cheese, p b & j and lunch meat, usually bologna.  Pizza hadn't hit the schools yet. Sometimes I packed and sometimes I bought, but I always thought the school food was good and the only "Junk" foods were the desserts. They had cakes and pies available, pretzel rods, Dixie cups, several kinds of popsicles, and of course white and chocolate milk and orange drink. Steve, what kind of processed foods did you mean? I do know ketchup didn't count as a vegetable! ;D


I learned to like thoose peas so I could have my carrots, you know as in carrot cookies.  Yes peanut butter was a commodity and it was wonderful in those chocolate no bake cookies as well as in the celery sticks.  I still like pigs in a blanket and we also had hot dogs chopped up in mashed potatoes with cheese. Umh good!

Ole Granny

I believe when I grew up in Moline, we were very fortunate to have several lovely ladies who cooked for the school. Lucille Lloyd, Bessie Beu, Pearl Salle and Minnie Bruner.  If I left someone out - sorry. Don't remember anyone getting free lunches then, but I did work in the cafeteria in exchange for my lunches.  Enjoyed every minute of it, especially visiting with the younger children and getting to know them better. Our lunches were superior.  Sloppy Joes were always the most popular.  If you were late, you may not get seconds.  The children were to eat their first plate of food before they could get seconds. I really don't remember any bad meals.  Shame it cannot be that way today for all the children.  I'm sure that Lucille, Bessie, Pearl and Minnie tossed a little love in what they were cooking
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


Well, this brings back memories! When I went to school that was within walking distance, I always went home for lunch. There was always something fixed with a childs' appetite in mind. My very favorite was toasted cheese sandwiches; velveeta sliced onto bread and toasted under the broiler. When I started having to ride a bus to school, I always carried my lunch. Usually a sandwich of some kind, my favorite was homemade pimento cheese spread, made with canned pimento, and longhorn cheese. There was a cafeteria, but to save money, we did not have hot lunch except on Friday when they had fish. We were not Catholic but I loved that wonderful baked codfish. Mom always gave me 40 cents that day for fish and milk, but I still carried the dreaded lunchbox with some kind of veggie or fruit and a dessert. it was awhile before I was able to convince my mother that carrying a metal lunchbox was no longer 'cool'! Brown bags were 'in' if you didn't buy your lunch for Petes' sake! Does anyone remember the banana foldovers? Kind of like Twinkies, but halfmoon shaped and filled with twinkie type filling and banana flavoring. Yum!  ;)

Diane Amberg

Our lunch boxes vanished when we hit 7th grade. No self respecting Jr. High kid would carry a lunch box! I don't think the east coast had those banana things. But we did have Tasty Cakes that were east coast only. We did have sloppy Joes, and pork and beans with hot dogs sometimes. I don't recall cut up hot dogs in mashed potatoes but that would have been fun.

Ms Bear

Memory time again.  I don't remember anything about the food in Oregon, we went to the largest non-consolidated school in the U.S. while we were there.  I do remember the Principal was a woman and one morning the bus driver told us we had better be really good that day because she had her hair dyed and it was purple and she was not a happy woman.

The first school in Arizona was a fairly large school and I can't remember the food but the second one was much smaller.  My seventh grade year I got to work in the cafeteria and the rolls were huge, one day a week we had white bread and usually we had sandwiches that day.  The rest of the time it was either hot rolls, corn bread or biscuits and there were always bowls of butter, honey and peanut butter.  The food was as good as what we had at home and mother was a very good cook.  I learned to wash dishes properly there and the ladies would check to make sure the water was clean and the right temperature.

The next year was a larger school and I don't remember what the lunches were like, we were allowed off campus and some days we walked to the store and bought lemons to eat.  Don't remember buying anything else.  The Home Ec class was the best part of that school, we had sewing and cooking from a very strict teacher.  Most of the kids in the school had started to the first grade together and would graduate from high school together but from the first day I was accepted and felt like I had been there all along.


Lucky you Ms Bear, to be accepted by your classmates.  8)

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