Unregistered vehicles/abandoned

Started by David, August 13, 2010, 07:37:38 PM

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Janet Harrington

Quote from: twirldoggy on August 25, 2010, 07:55:04 PM
Related  subject:  The schools in Chillicothe Missouri have a problem with parents not being paid up with the childrens' food accounts.  So for those children who go through the lunch line and have no money, the school gives them half a peanut butter sandwich and no drink!  They are made to sit at a table together with all those who are eating a half peanut butter sandwich. I don't know how the schools are getting by with this, and shame on the parents. 

I can't believe this is going on.  This is discrimination in my opinion.


I recommended someone call DFS.  DFS will send a special institutional investigator out and then things will change in a hurry.  


Quote from: Varmit on August 26, 2010, 05:06:17 AM
I never understood why parents have to pay forlunches in the first place. 

Who shoud pay for them?  Are you saying you want the government to tax people to pay for school lunches?  SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM, SOCIALIST!!!!!!

Of course, I'm kidding, but anyone who knows your posts on the politics forum has to be laughing at you right now.

"The chief source of problems is solutions"


DFS:  Division of Family Services in Missouri.  Works child abuse and neglect in this state.


Quote from: twirldoggy on August 26, 2010, 10:28:13 PM
I recommended someone call DFS.  DFS will send a special institutional investigator out and then things will change in a hurry.  
well first of all i wouldn't call the SS out on anyone for anything... that department is absolutely useless and dangerous no matter what state it is in. 
Secondly, i remember when i was a kid, i used to take my lunch money when I wasn't sacking my lunch and buy candy with it.   And third, discrimination on what grounds?? Cause they don't have the money for lunch? Thats not discrimination. First of all if they have to pay money, then that means they don't qualify for free, and if they don't bring  lunch, or have the money, that is not discrimination when fed a half a sandwich.  Third, and this is important, i have watched for YEARS local schools where i have lived at, throw away boxes of frozen foods, canned foods, ect that was bought with tax dollars because they ended up with a surplus and if they got audited the auditor would lower the budget for the next year.  Same thing on paper, books, supplies for the school ect.  They toss them out before the budget year ends, so their budget increase comes through.   Been there seen it done far too many times.   
And everyone now wonders why the budgets are getting cut, schools going broke, they threw out too much.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Can't see any way to disagree with what you're saying, Srkruzich.

Discrimination - what a mess that stuff has evolved over the years of liberalism.

Diane Amberg

Ok I'm going to butt in again.In the schools I taught in, there were always a few who took advantage of the system. Some kids got free lunches, a few got reduced lunches. The office carried a tab on these kids for a time but if the parents didn't catch up at the end of the marking period, the report card didn't go home until the parent came in to pay up. I know segregating the kids might seem cruel, but all the kids knew who the freeloaders were anyway. If they didn't have lunch money they would mooch off the other kids. If they weren't watched, they were eating more than a regular lunch would have been. Sometimes there was extortion where kids were threatened. I kept crackers and usually fresh fruit in my room, and sometimes paid for the kids myself. Sometimes I got paid back and sometimes I didn't. After a couple of months each fall ,I'd know who could be trusted and who couldn't. Then I would stop paying if it was a chronic thing. If a really serious situation happened social services was contacted.  I didn't let the kids throw food away either. I made them take it home (usually apples or oranges)so the lunch maker could see what wasn't being eaten. Surplus? What surplus?  The cafeteria managers knew exactly how much they needed down to the bean. We never threw away paper etc. Why would I if I paid for it?  By the end of the year the construction paper colors in the storage rooms were pretty much down to black, brown, purple and dark blue.


Quote from: Anmar on August 26, 2010, 11:55:33 PM
Who shoud pay for them?  Are you saying you want the government to tax people to pay for school lunches?  SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM, SOCIALIST!!!!!!

Of course, I'm kidding, but anyone who knows your posts on the politics forum has to be laughing at you right now.

If you would have quoted my full post you'd have seen that parents that parents are getting ripped off, was the general point I was making.  Schools recieve not only from the state, fed. etc, but also from parents (a second time) in the form of fees, school supplies etc.  Seems to me that the schools get enough money to budget in a lunch program...if said money was handled correctly.  Now, if the schools were to give up federal funding, then I could see having the parents pay for lunches. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Here is a suggestion for you, Varmit.  Visit your school, talk to the people who know, visit the lunchroom and the cooks, dig through the garbage if you have to, but find out for yourself just how much is being wasted.  It isn't the cooks that are throwing stuff out, but the kids who are supposed to be eating the lunches.  The cooks have to follow guidelines to get the assistance, but the kids don't want the nutritious stuff.  They want the junk food like maybe they get at home.  If you haven't been there, don't criticize the people that try to run the program.


Wilma, I wasn't critizing the cooks, I was talking about the school adminstrators that mishandle the funds they recieve.  As for the kids throwing out food they don't want...well...DUH!  I remember being in school and eating that "food" (if it can be called that) that pretty much sucked.  Of course they want junk food...they're children.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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