What Handouts To Cut

Started by redcliffsw, August 11, 2010, 09:16:13 AM

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So you think social security is being financed by the government stealing from you.  Never mind that you will be living off what someone else is paying in when your turn comes.

How about this?  Where else can you get a retirement plan that includes free health insurance?  Part A of Medicare doesn't cost anything.  Part B is only a fraction of what private health insurance costs and between the two of them almost all of my medical expenses are being paid.  My supplemental insurance picks up whatever Medicare doesn't cover.  So far I am into Medicare for a five by-pass surgery, another week's stay in the hospital while they cleared up the staph infection, two months of Home Health Care to care for what was left of the infected wounds and to be sure that the staph didn't come back, a broken wrist, cataract surgery on both eyes, removal of a squamous skin cancer, surgery to remove the wire from my ankle, carotid artery scans for the past two years and none of this has cost me a penny other than the policy premiums.  Not to mention the numerous visits to doctors offices and the tests that go along with all of it.  And all of this since I went on Medicare in 1995.  Actually all of this since 2002.  Where would I be if I had to pay all these medical expenses.  The private health insurance that I had before I was eligible for Medicare cost me 4 times as much as Part B does and didn't cover everything.  What you are being robbed of to insure you an income when you are unable to work will still be cheap when you get into your old age medical problems.


I don't THINK its stealing...it IS stealing.  They are taking my money and giving it to you without my consent, how is that NOT stealing?  Proven fact that Social Security is NOT sustainable.  Back in the day when it was first started folks were having kids, quite a few of them ensuring that the program would work.  That ain't the case anymore.  When the ratio of retirees to workers remains where it is at then maybe the program might work.  But what happens when that ratio dips against the workers and there is more retirees than money to go around?  Heres an idea, and i know its radical and that quite a few folks of your generation won't understand it...it called Personal Responsibility. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Heres the million dollar question really, why is social security given to someone else.  Why can't we own it directly in our accounts and when we die pass it along to our heirs.  It is our money we pay.  My dad paid 40 years into it and never collected 1 dime. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

I assume your father died young? Then your mom should be getting around half of what he would have gotten, that at least gives her back what he put in.  Unless her own earnings record was greater, then she would get the greater of the two. Many people can't save enough to make it on their own when they are truly old. Seasonal workers or people who chose to work in unskilled or low paying jobs will someday be paid for somewhat by the rest of us no matter how much we grip about it. Self employed people have to go it on their own anyway. They will never get a pension and must plan for it and put into SS just like everyone else who has pay coming in. Disabled people who may never be able to work get SS. It has to come from somewhere, especially after the parents die. I just wish the Gov't wouldn't raid it. I did hear recently that it will be solvent some 30 years longer than they thought. I really didn't expect SS to be here even for me, but here I am and it's still going strong, or at least limping along.


Quote from: greatguns on August 14, 2010, 07:17:07 AM
Excuse me, I guess it has changed.  Use to be you got an anuity after retireing from the postal department.  No need to get your blood pressure up.

Nope, my blood pressure isn't up...Just wanted to make sure you have your facts straight!!




This stupied dumbass damn sure does now.  I surely would never have got it without the swearing.  Thank you so much for your kindness in looking out for me.


Quote from: greatguns on August 14, 2010, 04:25:45 PM
This stupied dumbass damn sure does now.  I surely would never have got it without the swearing.  Thank you so much for your kindness in looking out for me.

Just what in the hell are you talking about? The only swear word I used was DAMN. I did NOT call you a stupid dumbass. LOL...good grief!




Ponzi Scheme

"A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to separate investors from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors, rather than from any actual profit earned. The Ponzi scheme usually entices new investors by offering returns other investments cannot guarantee, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent. The perpetuation of the returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises and pays requires an ever-increasing flow of money from investors to keep the scheme going.  The system is destined to collapse because the earnings, if any, are less than the payments to investors."

Let's see... money from investor (read: taxpayer) A is paid to investor (read: taxpayer) B.  Just like Social Security!  But, all done under the threat of force (read: Tax Code/Federal Law/IRS Enforcement).  Hmmmm.  Investment not voluntary but forced!  That would be theft!  Sounds like Social Security to me!
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 14, 2010, 01:42:09 PM
I assume your father died young? Then your mom should be getting around half of what he would have gotten, that at least gives her back what he put in.  Unless her own earnings record was greater, then she would get the greater of the two.

No mom claims on her own social security.  She went back to work after us kids were in school. 

QuoteMany people can't save enough to make it on their own when they are truly old. Seasonal workers or people who chose to work in unskilled or low paying jobs will someday be paid for somewhat by the rest of us no matter how much we grip about it.
Ok, look is it our responsibility?  why???  IF someone will not advance themselves to get a better job, it ain't my problem.  They can get a free education in this country and they don't utilize it.  Thats their fault. SO if they wont improve themselves, then let them starve.  Starvation is a great motivator!  If they get hungry enough they will work, if they work and don't make enough money then they will work harder or they will get educated.

QuoteSelf employed people have to go it on their own anyway. They will never get a pension and must plan for it and put into SS just like everyone else who has pay coming in
These are the real producers in this country and they get screwed all the way around.  Their the one who pay the ones who are too lazy to improve themselves taxes.

QuoteDisabled people who may never be able to work get SS.

QuoteIt has to come from somewhere, especially after the parents die. I just wish the Gov't wouldn't raid it. I did hear recently that it will be solvent some 30 years longer than they thought. I really didn't expect SS to be here even for me, but here I am and it's still going strong, or at least limping along.
Well don't count on it, they are already jacking SS reicpients.
its sad really, all these years every election you hear from the dems, "if you elect a republican they'll cut out your social security"  Never happened. Yet they elect the dem congress and president the first thing they do is cut social security.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

People have been complaining about SS since the day it was born. It's amazing how they change their minds when it's their turn to dip into the pot.
 Patriot, why do you and several others on here assume that we ordinary forum members don't know that SS is a Ponzi? It has been a kind of Ponzi since the beginning, but not quite that simple. (FDR.) It was assumed that families would keep having lots of kids who would grow up to pay in so the pot would grow ever bigger than would ever be paid out month to month. (Yes, families should take care of each other but most don't.) That would have worked, but families stopped having as many kids, and then congress decided to raid the trust fund (surplus) with the promise to pay it back. As far as I know SS still has all those IOUs. Now that the boomers  are retiring the income and out go is catching up.  SS is NOT a Ponzi in the sense that SS funds are invested.  In true Ponzis there is no money ever invested at all. What comes in is paid right out to the next person in line, less the hefty "management fee" collected by the owner. SS money can be and is invested in Gov't backed instruments, not that that means much right now. It does make interest, so there is more than any individual puts in. Could I make more by investing the money myself? Sure, I could and did and then some, but what about the many people who don't ever invest in anything more than a bank savings account? They could easily out live their money or fall prey to a swindler. What about people who are simply not bright enough to do it? (I know, they aren't your problem.) But then who cares for the adult retarded? Don't they have the same right to live and be happy as anyone else? In our country they are supposed to have a better chance. Several Presidents have now looked at private investment of SS and none have been willing to risk it. Heck ,if yard workers don't even have time to take care of their own yards, when are they going to find time to work on investing their SS money?
Now, if the Gov't wants to do something for me, don't tax my SS and don't limit how much more money I can make even when I'm on SS, starting in the first year. Why should I have to give up my benefits? As far as personal responsibility, I'm all for it but not everyone is. (To me speeding and running lights and stop signs is irresponsible too.) Shall we reestablish the "poor houses?" Maybe throw indigents in jail? Make them cut your weeds? Even that comes with a cost. Can I send you a huge bill if you aren't responsible enough to keep your house from catching on fire and we have to risk ourselves and try to put it out? Some countries do fine people for having fires, no excuses. As much as some of you hate the idea, we are all linked together more than you might think. Now rage on, I can't wait to see what I get back.

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